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when does bonus xp start?


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Was wondering, because the last time people asked for the xp event to be extended they said it could only be done with a patch.....or did I misread, or did someone else mis quote?


I believe they patched it in last week to go off on the timer, that's when double xp showed up on the launcher.

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Was wondering, because the last time people asked for the xp event to be extended they said it could only be done with a patch.....or did I misread, or did someone else mis quote?

It was probably loaded into the game's scheduler with last week's patch.


EDIT: bah, ninja'ed.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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I believe they patched it in last week to go off on the timer, that's when double xp showed up on the launcher.

It was probably loaded into the game's scheduler with last week's patch.


EDIT: bah, ninja'ed.




That would make sense, i don't think i've seen them do that with the xp before, which was why I was wondering, if we got it wrong, or they changed something :)

Edited by DarkTergon
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It does require a patch to put in a double XP event. Recently'ish (for the past year or so at least) they have been waiting a week after patches to start an XP event after having issues with patches when the XP event started on the day of the patch. So they definitely are able to preload an XP event with a prior patch. If they are going to extent the XP event then they will need to do another patch so they can change the dates because XP events are just like any other event in the game.
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