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[Request] Underworld Black/Underworld Black Dye Module


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Would love to see this in game, even if only on the CM like other dye modules. If anyone has seen the Underworld Boss dye module, you'll know what I'm talking about. The Underworld Black piece of that d.m. is much more black than the current Black and Black dye module, which actually looks like a "black t-shirt after a few washes in hot water" black.


The U/W black would be a hot ticket item I bet.

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There are two forms of black texture in the game now because they couldn’t fix the black hair that turned green.


So you have black dyes and you have older gear that isn’t as black as it could be. Then you have some of the newer blacks on new Armor and the new black hair colour that go properly black.


So I guess you could add another dye as you suggest. But you’ll probably find it wouldn’t work properly on a lot of items.

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There are two forms of black texture in the game now because they couldn’t fix the black hair that turned green.

If memory serves, they said they *wouldn't* change it (in case someone liked it)(1) rather than *couldn't*, but also that they would look at adding additional black colour and/or new styles that look the same *shape* but don't greenify when made black.


Or something like that, anyway.

So you have black dyes and you have older gear that isn’t as black as it could be. Then you have some of the newer blacks on new Armor and the new black hair colour that go properly black.


So I guess you could add another dye as you suggest. But you’ll probably find it wouldn’t work properly on a lot of items.

I think that gear with tertiary channels (which we cannot dye) would look even more noticeable on an Ultrablack/Ultrablack dye than they already do. (Benign example: If you dye Visas Marr's outfit ordinary Black/Black, the edges retain a sort of golden filigree effect. That would become sharply noticeable in Ultrablack/Ultrablack, although the subtle pattern in the middle of the panels would disappear completely.)


Also: a dye available now that has Ultrablack in the primary slot will nevertheless completely blacken certain "primary only" sets, e.g. Revealed Jumpsuit (aka, in Ultrablack, PVC Dominatrix...)


That said, Revealed Jumpsuit misbehaves in Ultrablack anyway, because:

* The boots are noticeably lighter in colour than the leggings.

* The glossy effect dramatically misbehaves in certain lighting conditions, e.g. the open-world part of Manaan, going a sort of silvery medium-grey all over.


(1) I can't imagine anyone *liking* that effect, but ...

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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There are two forms of black texture in the game now because they couldn’t fix the black hair that turned green.


So you have black dyes and you have older gear that isn’t as black as it could be. Then you have some of the newer blacks on new Armor and the new black hair colour that go properly black.


So I guess you could add another dye as you suggest. But you’ll probably find it wouldn’t work properly on a lot of items.


I've often wondered about some of their dyes ...


Overall their art department does such a really good job with the newer textures / lighting / etc ... but for some reason some of the "white" colors appear more gray ... and some of the black dyes well ... just not as clear as they should be.

[/scratches head] ...


I'm not sure what's up with that ... but it's there!


PS: this is not a rant ... just one of those really odd things that I've not quite understood !

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I've often wondered about some of their dyes ...


Overall their art department does such a really good job with the newer textures / lighting / etc ... but for some reason some of the "white" colors appear more gray ... and some of the black dyes well ... just not as clear as they should be.

[/scratches head] ...


I'm not sure what's up with that ... but it's there!


PS: this is not a rant ... just one of those really odd things that I've not quite understood !


Yeah, also dying some gear shows some real inconsistencies in the colours.


This is just an example. I went to use a purple / light purple dye last night and everything but the boots looked fine. But the boots went so dark that they may as well be black.

And for the record, the boots do change colours with other dyes, I can make them white, light blue, pink or orange and they look perfect. But purple makes them nearly black. I tested red on them too and they went extremely dark. You can see they are red, but it’s really dark and obvious that red it the issue with these boots because blue looks fine (ie, for those that don’t know, purple as a colour is made up from red+blue).


That’s just one of many examples. I’ve over 100+ opened outfits now that I mix and match and have 16 barbie slots opened to play dress up, so I get to see a lot of these issues with different colours. It’s not always the whole outfit, sometimes it’s just one offending piece like the boots.

I think a lot of the colour or texture issues are because of older coding trying to work with the newer coding or newer graphics upgrades. Usually when I run into issue it’s between the older gear vs the newer gear.

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Last night I was previewing the Underworld Boss dye on an outfit with the 'Resort Swimwear' shorts. The Black looks very nice on the shorts, but is somewhat ruined by the two stripes down the front.

An ultra back/ultra black dye would be nice for the shorts.

Or better yet, it would be nice if they released a new set with shorts without the stripes.

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Last night I was previewing the Underworld Boss dye on an outfit with the 'Resort Swimwear' shorts. The Black looks very nice on the shorts, but is somewhat ruined by the two stripes down the front.

An ultra back/ultra black dye would be nice for the shorts.

Or better yet, it would be nice if they released a new set with shorts without the stripes.

Do the Darth Andeddu set's shorts do something sensible?


EDIT: No. They don't.


Here they are dyed Black/Deep Red (schematic from the Oricon Rep vendor).

* Front view https://i.imgur.com/7SaKmfW.jpg

* Rear view https://i.imgur.com/nNQFDwV.jpg


With Underworld Boss the sides and upper-front go a bit darker, while the red part down the middle of the behind and up to the lower part in front-centre will go a brown about the same darkness.


Sigh. Ultrablack/Ultrablack it is, then. Please?

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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Last night I was previewing the Underworld Boss dye on an outfit with the 'Resort Swimwear' shorts. The Black looks very nice on the shorts, but is somewhat ruined by the two stripes down the front.

An ultra back/ultra black dye would be nice for the shorts.

Or better yet, it would be nice if they released a new set with shorts without the stripes.


Dancer Sets (tops and bottoms) Magnificent vs Exquisite (tops especially) ...


Magnificent tops utilize VERY LITTLE actual color selection from ANY color used ... Exquisite (on the other hand) will use the primary colors better.


In BOTH cases, however, the application of dyes is almost useless !!

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Do the Darth Andeddu set's shorts do something sensible?


EDIT: No. They don't.


Here they are dyed Black/Deep Red (schematic from the Oricon Rep vendor).

* Front view https://i.imgur.com/7SaKmfW.jpg

* Rear view https://i.imgur.com/nNQFDwV.jpg


With Underworld Boss the sides and upper-front go a bit darker, while the red part down the middle of the behind and up to the lower part in front-centre will go a brown about the same darkness.


Sigh. Ultrablack/Ultrablack it is, then. Please?


I’ve got all the different outfit shorts. I find if you don’t use the right dye on these Darth Andeddu shorts, they always look like youve soiled your pants.

The underwear shorts work better in circumstances you want to use a specific dye like red black or the swimwear shorts.

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Dancer Sets (tops and bottoms) Magnificent vs Exquisite (tops especially) ...


Magnificent tops utilize VERY LITTLE actual color selection from ANY color used ... Exquisite (on the other hand) will use the primary colors better.


In BOTH cases, however, the application of dyes is almost useless !!


The exquisite pants works the best because it’s one colour. The magnificent has a different colour on the front and back,

The exquisite top is also good because everything changes except the gold trim. So as long as you pick a colour for the trim, you’re good.

With the magnificent top, I use the pale green white or white gray or any of the green dyes. All work because green is the colour that doesn’t change on the top

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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