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The purpose of crew missions (and misconceptions like slicing)


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I am pretty new to the game (level 25 only) and i am quite confused about all this missions stuff.


As far as i understand there is 2 tier gathering: Normal (like Archeology) and rare materials (like diplomacy)


As far as i understand sending your crews to missions should only be useful in case of rare items professions (like Underword trading, Treasure Hunting etc)


For gathering (Archeology, Bioanalysis, Slicing !!! ...) sending crews members on missions should be only used for items and leveling up purposes, NOT TO MAKE gold. I doubt there is any normal gathering profession which could in any way get money by sending crew members on missions. Also it is extremely simple to level up your skills simply by getting items on the map.


So why is there so many complaints about slicing missions ??? From the mission design you should not send your crew mates all the time on the missions. It whould go against the build itself of the gathering professions. This is without even mentionning the effort it takes for the returns. I mean it takes literally 10 seconds to send a crewmember on a mission. even if the profit is small (like 100c), it will still be a return of 36000c / human hour which is really not bad.

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You are pretty much correct OP. for the benefit of the doubt, here's the 2 main arguments.


pro-slicing :

our slicing missions now returned a negative result, so it's not worth having as a skill. it was the only way we could pay for all the stuff we need in game, because Bio made everything too expensive.



slicing needed the nerf to bring it in line with the other gathering skills. the issue is not slicing, it's the unbalanced economy that exists that makes people feel like they need the extra credits to survive.


some may argue the finer points, but those really are the summaries of both camps. there is a third camp that people (especially the pro-slicing camp) forget at times.


Bioware camp: slicing was Op and we nerfed it. have a nice day.

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