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Bring back end-game.


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-reduce effect of open world level sync (instances still fully synced for ops/fp)

-increase difficulty in max level zones (Onderon)

-remove seperate world pve/pvp instances and go back to flagging with only one type of world instance

-bring back PVP expertise gear (weaker in pve but the ONLY viable pvp gear)

-bring back companion gearing (with expertise affecting companion)

-make companion utilities, let us choose 2 out of 12

-NO instanced heroic areas like Mek-sha, we want open world heroic areas like Oricon

-lock pve BiS item rating behind veteran ops, no lock for pvp expertise gear

-lock unique set bonus behind master ops, ranked pvp, kay zyken

-force group trinity in veteran flashpoints, reduce overall damage in veteran flashpoints, reduce kolto station healing to almost nothing once balanced

-add GRANDMASTER flashpoint/uprising mode (+50% increase from master) with Grandmaster title rewards and operations level loot drops

-don't make anymore singleplayer events "swoop rally" this is an MMO

- NOW WE KNOW WE CAN BOOST ON SPEEDERS....just let us do that all the time, maybe a small jump also for parkour, lock them behind EXPENSIVE legacy character perks

-make next in-game event "gree 2.0" (craft custom weapon using parts as event rewards, small unique permanent stat boost to unique bound weapon)

-add more achievements to existing content ie. 1 million player kills

-FIX the spoils of war achievements to activate on gear purchases and not just boss drops

-add large-scale world boss on Onderon

-make some more expensive platinum toys (HK vendor statue, drop a vendor statue of YOUR current character??)

-rework revan statue loot table (we paid alot for it to do nothing)

-add ultra rare 0.01% world drops see: "Czerka Crate-o-Matic"

- 0.01% world drop "bound on craft" crystal schematics (build rare personal crystals that can't be re-sold and are VERY randomly generated)

- make bounty contracts trade-able again (legacy bound is not a good fix, there was a good economy for these among legit players)

- 1v1 unranked DPS pvp que?

-fix operations groupfinder there only needs to be 1 daily op

- bring back DvL with new rewards

-more interesting tactical items (in BETA datamine there was tactical/setbonus that spawned Rakghouls to fight for you!)

-instant summon mail/cargo legacy perks

-fix whatever is happening with jawa scrap

- force RANDOM space combat interceptions when traveling with your personal starship

-expensive orbital flagship strikes with no target required (usable on world bosses, large player groups)

-disable right+left mouse = run forward

-throw craftable grenades further

-single handed pole-saber

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Hard pass:


-remove seperate world pve/pvp instances and go back to flagging with only one type of world instance

-bring back companion gearing (with expertise affecting companion)

-force group trinity in veteran flashpoints, reduce overall damage in veteran flashpoints, reduce kolto station healing to almost nothing once balanced

-don't make anymore singleplayer events "swoop rally" this is an MMO


-PvP flagging in shared instances was (unfortunately) abused by a lot of grievers to gank low level characters that were doing the story and had no PvP in mind. Stealth characters from the other faction intentionally stood inside the AoE attacks that were used on npcs to trigger the PvP flag and kill the player.

-companion gearing was not only completely cumbersome and added nothing in terms of interesting decision making, but also led to a lot of frustrations and toxicity in group play when players decided to need the roll on gear drops for their companions.

-while veteran flashpoints could and should definitely be optimized, since most of them were created with a trinity in mind, going back to enforced trinity will probably increase the queue times significantly. This would be fine if the game was more popular and populous, but alas.

-this might be an MMO, but there is quite a large player base that plays this game like a singleplayer game. Completely excluding the option for a future singeplayer event would be counterproductive.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Certain npc's that were patched as they saw fit. Was not disruptive and adds another element of caution. Currently were playing farmville with conquest. Companion gearing added further depth to the game, you actually needed to gear up your companion to progress faster, again right now we are playing farmville. You don't roll on anything if you are not grouped, plenty of gear from solo trash mobs. Lowering vet fp difficulty, enforcing trinity and providing greater incentives for "role in need" would have a net positive effect. Instead of waiting 30 seconds for a que you would wait 120 seconds but the quality of runs and proper training would build stronger players who would actively seek more difficult content. It wasn't always treated as a singleplayer game by a large portion, it has moved this way with, in my opinion, terrible end-game gearing systems and finally, this solo BiS system. It's quite simple, more people would be doing group content if you couldn't get full BiS 306 never leaving Tython.

Hard Pass:




-PvP flagging in shared instances was (unfortunately) abused by a lot of grievers to gank low level characters that were doing the story and had no PvP in mind. Stealth characters from the other faction intentionally stood inside the AoE attacks that were used on npcs to trigger the PvP flag and kill the player.

-companion gearing was not only completely cumbersome and added nothing in terms of interesting decision making, but also led to a lot of frustrations and toxicity in group play when players decided to need the roll on gear drops for their companions.

-while veteran flashpoints could and should definitely be optimized, since most of them were created with a trinity in mind, going back to enforced trinity will probably increase the queue times significantly. This would be fine if the game was more popular and populous, but alas.

-this might be an MMO, but there is quite a large player base who plays this game like a singleplayer game. Completely excluding the option for a future singeplayer event would be counterproductive.

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Making the game more grindy would work well for people who don't have a job or make great passive income, I'm sure. But for some of us, after a long day, we don't wanna come home to another grind.


I'm only going to address the companion gearing here. I think the older way of gearing companions should not be reintroduced into the game. We have the taskmaster set and presence amplifiers. All they would need to do is add another bonus to the taskmaster set at 6 pieces and add a tactical that also boosts companions. The only way the older gearing for companions would be good right now is if the companions had unique, "companion only" sets and tacticals. That in my opinion would be much better than just gearing them up with player gear.

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You have some good ideas, some so-so ideas, and some yoda-awful ideas.


I'm not going through the list b/c I have better things to do.






I have to echo this sentiment. Some of the ideas are good, it's just all of this at once is too much. Some of the ideas would probably upset a lot of players. It's also kinda mashed together so it's difficult to read and digest. My two cents, the key to end game is new content aimed at end game players and expanding the replayability of existing content.


The way forward should have been Ossus. That was a great content model that they killed with 6.0. It's hard to see that place as the barren wasteland it has become after experiencing it in its full glory. It was a little grindy but the gearing objectives were clear cut. Not to mention the rep vendors are great, chocked full of decent stuff, albeit mostly decos, the effort was definitely in the right direction

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I enjoyed giving my old armor to companions. It also gave a reason to do side quests, they gave companion armor. Now side quests mostly unnecessary. You;ll level quick enough doing main class story missions.


And it made sense that each was limited in their roles, tank/dps, healer/dps, dps/dps and had different gathering and crafting skil bonuses,. They were actually characters, now just skins.

Edited by RameiArashi
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I am against most of this list, including the spirit of the list. The goal seems to be to make gearing exclusive to only those that run master/nightmare raids. I have neither the interest nor the time to run that level of raids. I enjoy the fact that I can work towards top end gear and set bonuses without being forced to engage with that content. IMO 6.0 gearing was one of the best decisions they have made with the game since pre-Kotfe/kotet. I would not be subbing currently except for the freedom to gear and do content that I enjoy. I like conquest being rewarding for time spent and I enjoy that I can gear up BEFORE going into raids for fun and challenge. So again, IMO the game would be hurt rather than helped by most of these suggestions.
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-reduce effect of open world level sync (instances still fully synced for ops/fp)

No, if anything there is a case to be made for raising to 75 ops and fps, and scaling personal phases to player level.

-increase difficulty in max level zones (Onderon)

-add large-scale world boss on Onderon

No, that's what Mek-Sha is supposed to be, just like Yavin 4 is to Rishi in the Shadow of Revan expansion.

-remove seperate world pve/pvp instances and go back to flagging with only one type of world instance

-bring back PVP expertise gear (weaker in pve but the ONLY viable pvp gear)

-bring back companion gearing (with expertise affecting companion)

-make companion utilities, let us choose 2 out of 12

-NO instanced heroic areas like Mek-sha, we want open world heroic areas like Oricon

-lock pve BiS item rating behind veteran ops, no lock for pvp expertise gear

-lock unique set bonus behind master ops, ranked pvp, kay zyken

-force group trinity in veteran flashpoints, reduce overall damage in veteran flashpoints, reduce kolto station healing to almost nothing once balanced

-add GRANDMASTER flashpoint/uprising mode (+50% increase from master) with Grandmaster title rewards and operations level loot drops

-don't make anymore singleplayer events "swoop rally" this is an MMO

-make next in-game event "gree 2.0" (craft custom weapon using parts as event rewards, small unique permanent stat boost to unique bound weapon)

- 0.01% world drop "bound on craft" crystal schematics (build rare personal crystals that can't be re-sold and are VERY randomly generated)

- 1v1 unranked DPS pvp que?

-fix operations groupfinder there only needs to be 1 daily op

- force RANDOM space combat interceptions when traveling with your personal starship

-throw craftable grenades further

-single handed pole-saber

I don't think any of this junk is necessary, especially since there were six new sets locked behind Master Mode Dxun, intended to help with its mechanics rather than being a new tier of gear, so as to continue the theme of horizontal progression. Furthermore, I'd prefer they fix the crystal schematics from 1.x that are broken.


Snave runs 1v1 dueling tournaments periodically. We don't need an obviously exploitable queue for that. How could you not see that? Win-trading is bad enough in 4v4.


It's a terrible idea to add permastats to weapon shells, without the developers adding a type of outfit designer for weapons first. That's why there are no amplifiers on them, if you hadn't noticed. Choice of weapons is a very personal and often thematic choice, and when you do stuff like add permastats it "forces" people to use that one thing if they want to compete at the highest levels of content.


I don't like the idea of forced anything, especially for new players traveling between early planets, but if on-rails space mission-like encounters were randomly inserted into inter-planetary travel, it should absolutely be opt-in. The KOTOR-I thing was nice, but it didn't depend on gear and it was just a turret, without a maneuvering aspect. That's not the way the on-rail space mission system is set up here, so it can become a significant block for new players.


Companions don't need utilities, they are already very powerful.


There is ZERO problem having a more solo-oriented event like Swoop especially one with a story arc and some new achievements and decos. The new fall event will have a group component to it in the form of world boss loot drops. I'm glad there is a mix.


We don't need a fourth tier of flashpoints per se ... how are you doing on your 25 - MM Umbara achievement? I would support scaling rewards for the more difficult existing flashpoints though ... I see no reason why Hammer Station has to have the same rewards as Traitor Among the Chiss.

- NOW WE KNOW WE CAN BOOST ON SPEEDERS....just let us do that all the time, maybe a small jump also for parkour, lock them behind EXPENSIVE legacy character perks

I wouldn't mind a speed boost, I don't understand the need for expensive legacy character perks or why that even constitutes "end-game" being brought back.

-add more achievements to existing content ie. 1 million player kills

-FIX the spoils of war achievements to activate on gear purchases and not just boss drops

-make some more expensive platinum toys (HK vendor statue, drop a vendor statue of YOUR current character??)

- bring back DvL with new rewards

-expensive orbital flagship strikes with no target required (usable on world bosses, large player groups)

-more interesting tactical items (in BETA datamine there was tactical/setbonus that spawned Rakghouls to fight for you!)

-instant summon mail/cargo legacy perks

-add ultra rare 0.01% world drops see: "Czerka Crate-o-Matic"

Fine, although I'm not sure that more platinum rarity Cartel Market items constitutes "end game" being brought back.

-rework revan statue loot table (we paid alot for it to do nothing)

-fix whatever is happening with jawa scrap

-disable right+left mouse = run forward

What on earth are you talking about with these three here?

- make bounty contracts trade-able again (legacy bound is not a good fix, there was a good economy for these among legit players)

It was nice that they could be sold/traded, but the change was the consequence of the far more desirable effect of having the Dantooine and Swoop currency legacy bound and freeing up inventory space for all of the event currencies. I hope it extends to Snow Covered Parcels, Iokath Power Shards, ranked tokens, and Nightlife chips in the future.



Edited by phalczen
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