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Spaceship shields\health regeneation?


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It might just be because I just received my ship, but I swear I read on one of the tutorials that you could regenerate the shield of your ship by not firing. However if I don't fire I don't gain any health for my ship back. I'm not sure if you only start out with a health bar and then later, via mods, get a shield gauge. I'm not sure if there even is no way to regain health and\or shield. I was just wondering. Like I said, I was pretty sure I read something about regenerating your shield by not firing. I'm sure someone who is much further in the game can answer my question. So is there a way to regenerate shield and\or health?
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I believe you need to buy a shield upgrade, its fairly cheap and i got my first one on Taris (republic side).


When you equip it then mouseover your healthbar during space combat it will say "Shield: 150 HP: xxxx" or something to that effect. I think how it works is it blocks however much damage (in this case 150) before it starts taking away from your ships 'HP'.


Honestly i have only done like 3 space missions, so my knowledge really ends there haha

Edited by MiraBindo
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Yes you need both a shield and a shield (re)generator upgrade (lvl 1's are pretty cheap so no reason not to get it. But more importantly get the rocket upgrade, so you now have 40 rockets!)


you can buy them at the space station, or any other space ship upgrades vendor. Makes doing daily space quests (hey wait, isnt that a game from Sierra.. :p ) alot easier.

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When you first get your ship it doesn't have any upgrades installed.


The Class 1 upgrades can be purchased from the Starship Vendor on the the Fleet. He's located in the same area as the Speeder vendor.


Once you have everything purchased and equipped during a Space mission you will see a blue circle in the bottom left, those are your shields. As you take damage you will see them reduce. At zero your hull will then start taking damage.


The obvious strategy is to only fire your weapons when you're aiming at something to give your shields the best chance of recovering.


Also, making good use of W,A,S,D and Spacebar to move around the screen will help avoid damage in the first place.

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