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{New Weekly}: as Ilum old dailies return w updated rewards, and put a GTN on Ilum

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{New Weekly}: as Ilum old dailies return w updated rewards, and put a GTN on Ilum.


(old dailies---->return w/ a new weekly)


A lot of us are Nighttime and Late-Night players, and are tired of doing weeklies on always daytime planets (not to mention, Ilum's dailies were the best and most enjoyable dailies).

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{New Weekly}: as Ilum old dailies return w updated rewards, and put a GTN on Ilum.


(old dailies---->return w/ a new weekly)


A lot of us are Nighttime and Late-Night players, and are tired of doing weeklies on always daytime planets (not to mention, Ilum's dailies were the best and most enjoyable dailies).


I don't understand, do you want the old Ilum dailies with updated rewards? Aren't they already there or did they got removed? GTN on Ilum would be nice (personally I would like if every planet's hub had a GTN)

Edited by FlameYOL
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I'll clarify:


a) create a {New Weekly} on Ilum for completing the old Ilum dailies that have been removed from this game(<---bring this <removed content> back and update the rewards on said dailies to be relevant, to the reward scale of this expansion). Let's not forget, many players spent years doing these dailies, before they were removed from this game. Now is the time when this game needs all the content it can get: just return the removed content that had been in this game for years and stop taking out dailies, BioWare.


b) put a GTN (kiosk) on Ilum (as it says, pretty straightforward. Ideally put the GTN kiosk around the 1st floor vendors area; namely, in the middle of the big room of vendors on Imp side on the 1st floor (between the elevator and the instance. Go to Makeb and there's a GTN kiosk on the orbital station; Dromund Kaas has 2 GTN kiosks; CZ has 1 GTN kiosk; it's not just for a SH ;) Having a GTN kiosk on Ilum would add convenience, when questing there (like during the Gree event, for ex.)



(anything else that is fuzzy to you, let me know)

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Um, whuh? Are you suggesting "as Ilum old dailies return w updated rewards" as the name for a new weekly? 🤔


If there is no GTN terminal on Ilum, just go to your Stronghold and use one there.

Or is "and put a GTN on Ilum" also the name of a new weekly? 🤔


Or, is English not you primary language? 🤔


Look at the comma "... [,] and put a GTN on Ilum" that separates the 2 points ;)

Apparently, common sense has been eluded, if you think a weekly would ever consist of placing a GTN on Ilum.


Read the above post, if you need more clarity.

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Of course they should bring back the old Ilum dailies (and any other dailies or repeatable content which has been removed), and to be consistent with the other daily areas, they should add a weekly mission for Ilum (complete a full round of dailies).


While they are at it, they should set the Ilum heroic to daily instead of weekly.


As for a GTN in the base areas - why not, though I don't see that as a big issue.

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I'll clarify:


a) create a {New Weekly} on Ilum for completing the old Ilum dailies that have been removed from this game(<---bring this <removed content> back and update the rewards on said dailies to be relevant, to the reward scale of this expansion). Let's not forget, many players spent years doing these dailies, before they were removed from this game. Now is the time when this game needs all the content it can get: just return the removed content that had been in this game for years and stop taking out dailies, BioWare.


b) put a GTN (kiosk) on Ilum (as it says, pretty straightforward. Ideally put the GTN kiosk around the 1st floor vendors area; namely, in the middle of the big room of vendors on Imp side on the 1st floor (between the elevator and the instance. Go to Makeb and there's a GTN kiosk on the orbital station; Dromund Kaas has 2 GTN kiosks; CZ has 1 GTN kiosk; it's not just for a SH ;) Having a GTN kiosk on Ilum would add convenience, when questing there (like during the Gree event, for ex.)



(anything else that is fuzzy to you, let me know)


Oh, I see. Well a weekly for the dailies would be welcome, and like I said I would also appreciate a GTN kiosk on it... and every other hub in the planets for better convenience, if they can add legacy banks too it would be great.

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And thank me very much for pointing out the lack of clarity in the original post. 😂


This entire thread would be much shorter if the OP had just taken the time to be 'clear' in the first place instead of banging out a bunch of random words.


My question about the OP's native language was a reasonable one. If English is not the OP's native language, he would have an excuse. 🙄


Chill out. 😍


What's clear is you're just trolling and lack common sense, which you don't have an excuse for. You not being able to figure out that putting a GTN on Ilum is not a weekly isn't an excuse for your lame, immature straw man antics. So, go project somewhere else with your tantrums - Bye~. [ignored].

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Of course they should bring back the old Ilum dailies (and any other dailies or repeatable content which has been removed), and to be consistent with the other daily areas, they should add a weekly mission for Ilum (complete a full round of dailies).


While they are at it, they should set the Ilum heroic to daily instead of weekly.


As for a GTN in the base areas - why not, though I don't see that as a big issue.


I totally agree with you. Many of us could make a lot use use of the content. The heroic used to be repeatable daily, if I remember right; but you're right, it'd better serve as a repeatable daily while matching the quality of the other dailies:) (GTN just adds convenience, yes.)

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Oh, I see. Well a weekly for the dailies would be welcome, and like I said I would also appreciate a GTN kiosk on it... and every other hub in the planets for better convenience, if they can add legacy banks too it would be great.


I really like your idea of adding Legacy banks. I use mine all the time. It definitely saves time, using it on the go:)

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Lol. The forum Care Bears deleted my posts, but not the quotes in other's responses.


Apparently it's a no-no to point out poor grammar. 🤔


(And yes, I know, the CBs don't like being called CBs, and I'll probably get another wrist slap. Oh well. 😍 )

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