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Expansion(s) In the future


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Are there any plans for future expansions? With the influx of new members from steam and people returning now more than ever should be a big expansion to not only keep the game alive but keep people playing and new people interested. There is a lot of content for new people and we as vets welcome the newcomers to the game which will add to our experience but more content is needed not just because of steam but because of The Mandalorian season 2 and the other movies and TV shows announced. Edited by Kioth
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Depends on your definition of an expansion.


A real expansion like ROTHC or SOR? No.


An "expansion" like Onslaught? Maybe.


I know this keeps getting said, but how exactly is RotHC considered a "real" expansion and Onslaught not? Both have story archs that are different for republic and imperial characters but have no new class stories. Both offer some new flashpoints and operations. Both have an increased level cap with a new ability and a new endgame gear progression. In contrast to RotHC, Onslaught actually brought two new planets to the game except of just one.


I could understand claiming that SoR is larger than Onslaught, especially because of the introduction of Strongholds to the game, which is basically the biggest mechanical update the game has ever seen, but not RotHC.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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People who played back then will understand.

Onslaught has nowhere near the total amount of content those expansions did.


I played back then and don't understand. RotHC certainly did not have way more content than Onslaught. I remember exactly the same disappointment when it came out and people finished the story in one day.

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People who played back then will understand.

Onslaught has nowhere near the total amount of content those expansions did.


I think you're confusing reality for rose-tinted glasses.


Anyway, to OP:


They've said they have future plans for quite a few years ahead (I think it was 3? Maybe 5. Something like that; it was from their February livestream I think.)

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I'd love something chapter based and longer story like Kotfe with the chapters being replayable. Only with added endgame group content and more non-force user friendly story. But as jedi that is my favorite expansion. Rothc was very meh SoR had fun flashpoints and I just played onslaught a month ago and already forgot what was it about. I think mandalorian wars v2 will be next .
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I'd love something chapter based and longer story like Kotfe with the chapters being replayable. Only with added endgame group content and more non-force user friendly story. But as jedi that is my favorite expansion. Rothc was very meh SoR had fun flashpoints and I just played onslaught a month ago and already forgot what was it about. I think mandalorian wars v2 will be next .


RotHC brought us the Dread Wars arc, legacy updates, DF/DP/S&V and some flashpoints besides Makeb. When talking expansions, I like to include everything from that era and without a doubt 2.x beats down 3.x in terms of content and story (though SoR respecting classes was one of the real pluses here). I really think people forget how ridiculous the SoR arc was and how it really dragged us into this narrative hole we're coming out of now. I think they learned their lesson from episodic chapter release schedules and the strengths and weaknesses of such a model, so I'm hoping we won't see what they did the 4.x-5.x again.


It would be a blessing if we got a second Mando crusade with believable characters, a good premise and using build up from vanilla up till now but I wouldn't blame them for playing it safe with Pub vs Imps for a little while longer. The game saw massive losses in population after a few years of buddy buddy with the opposite side after all.

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I think you're confusing reality for rose-tinted glasses.


Anyway, to OP:


They've said they have future plans for quite a few years ahead (I think it was 3? Maybe 5. Something like that; it was from their February livestream I think.)


Kinda like the old Soviet Union 5 year plans. Never met the objectives just made new 5 year plans at the end.

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Expect more of the same honestly.


People who played back then will understand.

Onslaught has nowhere near the total amount of content those expansions did.


I played back then and ROTHC was very much not an expansion. It was DLC and its why it was only $20 and its pretty much why all the "expansions" are basically given away for free now with a sub. They are content updates, but I wouldn't call them expansions ever.

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Expect more of the same honestly.




I played back then and ROTHC was very much not an expansion. It was DLC and its why it was only $20 and its pretty much why all the "expansions" are basically given away for free now with a sub. They are content updates, but I wouldn't call them expansions ever.

I'm convinced it was rushed out the door just to create some hype after the restart of the game with F2P. I've always believed that class stories were intended for Makeb but that they cut those out and just stuck us with the planetary story arc. If you see how big Makeb is and how much XP those quests gave initially just to be able to cover that level cap raise, there's really no other conclusion I can think of than that they cut out the class stories.


Expansions here have never been anywhere near as big as other MMOs I've played. It's just what it is. But in light of that, there will probably be an expansion end of next year just cause of the 10-year anniversary. I'm a bit (not much) more hopeful for that since they did indicate in the latest livestream that they were hiring more staff for the SWTOR team.

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Are there any plans for future expansions? With the influx of new members from steam and people returning now more than ever should be a big expansion to not only keep the game alive but keep people playing and new people interested. There is a lot of content for new people and we as vets welcome the newcomers to the game which will add to our experience but more content is needed not just because of steam but because of The Mandalorian season 2 and the other movies and TV shows announced.


ignoring the people who have gone slightly off topic and are arguing about what was an expansion, or not.

The answer to your question is yes, there will be an expansion. As to the size of it, well, no ones knows that. They have something big planned for next year, with the little extras at the end of this year, to finish certain stories, and hopefully a prelude to what's coming up. Depending on what it is, it might even be enough to make me re sub :)

Edited by DarkAnnmarie
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I'm convinced it was rushed out the door just to create some hype after the restart of the game with F2P. I've always believed that class stories were intended for Makeb but that they cut those out and just stuck us with the planetary story arc. If you see how big Makeb is and how much XP those quests gave initially just to be able to cover that level cap raise, there's really no other conclusion I can think of than that they cut out the class stories.


Expansions here have never been anywhere near as big as other MMOs I've played. It's just what it is. But in light of that, there will probably be an expansion end of next year just cause of the 10-year anniversary. I'm a bit (not much) more hopeful for that since they did indicate in the latest livestream that they were hiring more staff for the SWTOR team.


You can actually see what was originally intended thanks to a dataminer. What we got of Dantooine is actually Bothawui, repurposed; if you noclip out, and head into the city in the distance, there are phases for A Trooper class story.

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OP, I wouldn't get your hopes up with a future expansion anytime soon, sorry to say. It was a 2 year or so gap the last time we got an expansion, and with the current state of the states under lockdown from Corvid-19 and that it's going to be years until a reliable vaccine and return to normalcy in business, I'd expect even longer than the ~2 year time gap before. Edited by BlackSilverFire
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OP, I wouldn't get your hopes up with a future expansion anytime soon, sorry to say. It was a 2 year or so gap the last time we got an expansion, and with the current state of the states under lockdown from Corvid-19 and that it's going to be years until a reliable vaccine and return to normalcy in business, I'd expect even longer than the ~2 year time gap before.


They have stuff planned for next year, and the new stuff this year, as was said already. The actors are back in studio recording, and if these places are like most buisness, they are probably Covid compliant, so hopefully, if we do have a surge, it's not bad enough to completely shut down everything again. There's been too much negativity on the forums lately, so I've recharged my batteries, and pushing out a positive charge ;)

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Are there any plans for future expansions? With the influx of new members from steam and people returning now more than ever should be a big expansion to not only keep the game alive but keep people playing and new people interested. There is a lot of content for new people and we as vets welcome the newcomers to the game which will add to our experience but more content is needed not just because of steam but because of The Mandalorian season 2 and the other movies and TV shows announced.


Nah they too busy recycling resources into the lost cause I mean their side project, AKA Anthem.

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Are there any plans for future expansions? With the influx of new members from steam and people returning now more than ever should be a big expansion to not only keep the game alive but keep people playing and new people interested. There is a lot of content for new people and we as vets welcome the newcomers to the game which will add to our experience but more content is needed not just because of steam but because of The Mandalorian season 2 and the other movies and TV shows announced.

You can quibble about what is an actual 'expansion', but it's reasonably certain that there will continue to be added content as long as the game is viable.

One 'expansion' though, could be an 'engine' update, which could even result in there being a bit less content, but prettier, smoother playing content. (For example, after an 'engine' update, we might lose junk like Swoop racing for a while.)

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There's a person on Reddit /snip


It'd be safe not to, you could always send it in a pm them. I'd be curious too, did they download, and were able to move around? like go beyond the 'exhustion zones' ? Would be cool to see that. Has anyone ever done it with the vanilla gaame? And did it turn up aanything interesting


BTW, if talking about this is against the TOS, please remove this post :)

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There's a person on Reddit who datamined the stuff. I would link it, but I'm a bit worried that may violate TOS.


Yeah talking about datamined material in the forums is definitely no bueno, you can probably private message people though but I'm not sure, I never tried.

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It would be a blessing if we got a second Mando crusade with believable characters, a good premise and using build up from vanilla up till now but I wouldn't blame them for playing it safe with Pub vs Imps for a little while longer. The game saw massive losses in population after a few years of buddy buddy with the opposite side after all.


I would also love it with mandalorians uniting under a powerful mandalore and starting a campaign against the weakened republic / sith. I assume they still hold a grudge against jedi, because they defeated them in the mandalorian wars, and the sith manipulated them into a war they could not win, so they would have motivation to go against both factions.

This would end in the ultimate defeat of the mandalorians which they will never be able to recover from (in the tor universe at least, in disney canon as far as I know they are still kicking in the clone wars) , like in Kreia's prophecy:


"They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and in the end, the shell of their armor upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi."

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I hope they don't make Shae turn and want to fight us. I think they might have some other clan want to try to take the title of Mandalore. Dunno how we would play into it though that's as far as I've got. Cause she said the old guard want the old ways back in FE.
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You can actually see what was originally intended thanks to a dataminer. What we got of Dantooine is actually Bothawui, repurposed; if you noclip out, and head into the city in the distance, there are phases for A Trooper class story.

Interesting and that pretty much confirms my conclusion.

Nah they too busy recycling resources into the lost cause I mean their side project, AKA Anthem.

They have a small team working on that and in the meantime they're hiring new people they said for the SWTOR team. I do share your view that Anthem is a lost cause however.

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There's a person on Reddit who /snip


Thank you, the video was quite interesting, so were the links to redit. There seems to be quite a lot of content that was scrapped or hidden. I wonder why, was it bugged, not finished, or did they just decide to go a different way?



I hope they don't make Shae turn and want to fight us. I think they might have some other clan want to try to take the title of Mandalore. Dunno how we would play into it though that's as far as I've got. Cause she said the old guard want the old ways back in FE.



As she's a companion, I doubt she'd turn on us, it'll more likely be what you said, a mandalorian civil war, with us helping her out. Or maybe, in the background, she gets deposed, and the story might then be the new mandalore causing issues, or maybe even both...lol

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