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No rewarss for PVP


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I think all wil lagree that Open world needs give some reasons for player to make him come to open world even after he is alredy 50 lvl ...BUT player wont come to open world it gives him nothing.

Rewards for kill is a BAD REASON or PURPOSE for a player, becuz then there will be no rivalness, no competition , no chalenge for win , becuz if i die i lose nothing i will try to win some other guy, thats all , beside all players will jump on each others without reason, just t oget rewards, like nothing personal just bussiness . It will turn into kill fest...just another Warzone for rewards.


What BW can really do to give us purpose and reason to walk on open world is add some spots with many resources with fast respawn , World Boss with better gear than those from Warzones.


Also welcome Something like Castle in Lineage to make challenge between Guilds.It is appreciated to have more Guild oriented events and not only fraction oriented.


We need something that will keep us to come to open world BUT NOT REWARDS FOR KILLING, i dont want Open World to become another Warzone.

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we need to see professionalism here. game shiped with a great design, with partially functioning world pvp areas. there is a way to make it great as long as actual popular world pvp isn't considered a failure by the designers.


Outlaw's Den




Mid and High level world areas for PvP. This should be a place where player will go to troll for enemies. Why go there? Because that is what it is for, bring it on already and no more ***** ****.

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