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How About a Rollback to pre-6.1.2?


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Because seriously, patch 6.1.2 broke more things than it introduced. Not only did the devs need to roll out a fix patch today, just when the servers came online they had to shut everything down again because the game needs yet another emergency patch.


Clearly patch 6.1.2 is a botch and needs more development time and testing before it can be properly integrated into the game. I suggest a rollback to pre-6.1.2 is in order, as what is happening currently as a result of that patch is just ludicrous.


What is happening, Bioware? The game was doing really great over the last couple of months. There had been an influx of new and returning players and things were really looking up for SWTOR. Then you introduced patch 6.1.2 and everything went downhill. Why? What happened?

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Yeah, great idea - move backwards to go forwards again. It's like history - let's be doomed to repeat it.


How about no - move forward and fix the issues instead. That's how things go - by progression, not regression.

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I do have the feeling that the SWTOR BW people are just soaking up paychecks til the end. Things have been sub-par for a while now. Nothing indicates that will improve anytime soon. We all need to face the fact that the game is coming to an end. Short of some monumental event, expectations should be set accordingly. Edited by Xhelis
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Maybe the community are tired of this game as a whole...


The lack of love and care from BW to the game and to us the players...

The indiference and lack of communication... the lack of testing or care...


I for one agree with the OP, and they should just revert to the previous working version...


Best Regards,



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No point saying anything to this community of puppets they are only here to attack anyone who has a complaint this game message board has devolved into whack a mole just show dissent and they come like lemmings


who are you complaining about? the people who are pissed of, because BW have failed to provide a servicce over and over, and have messed it up, and communicte it so badly.

Or the actual company, that have done all the above.....

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who are you complaining about? the people who are pissed of, because BW have failed to provide a servicce over and over, and have messed it up, and communicte it so badly.

Or the actual company, that have done all the above.....


He/she is angry because they claim to not be able to log in and made a ranting thread threatening a "class-action lawsuit" that, appropriately, got laughed at by the community. They then went on to call the community "idiots" etc., thus stoking the fire even more. Best to just smile, nod and move on.

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He/she is angry because they claim to not be able to log in and made a ranting thread threatening a "class-action lawsuit" that, appropriately, got laughed at by the community. They then went on to call the community "idiots" etc., thus stoking the fire even more. Best to just smile, nod and move on.


Lol, is that what it is, I think i remember that, ...lol

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Is it wished by the devs that you cannot define the Swoop-Racebar on your own needs ? I either can't remove the new icons in the "normal" bar 1 ( no, it's not the temporarily bar, it,s YOUR bar 1 (with maybe your keychanges FOR THE GAMING, not for the swoop)), nor can I get the race icons from somewhere new, because if I move them, they disappear. :mad::mad:
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Is it wished by the devs that you cannot define the Swoop-Racebar on your own needs ? I either can't remove the new icons in the "normal" bar 1 ( no, it's not the temporarily bar, it,s YOUR bar 1 (with maybe your keychanges FOR THE GAMING, not for the swoop)), nor can I get the race icons from somewhere new, because if I move them, they disappear. :mad::mad:


W.A.I. (working as intended)

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I can only assume you're new to MMOs if you think this is bad enough to necessitate a rollback.


Nah, I have been here since 2012. It's just that I am thoroughly over encountering bug after bug since 6.1.2 and really miss the state the game was in before that patch.

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Won't change anything. Believe it or not, PTS had fewer bugs on Dxun NiM 3 months ago. Not only they didn't fix the bugs that reported and acknowledged, but they also managed the introduce new ones.


So what was the reason for the delay? We don't know.


But they are gonna spell as CORONA and get it over with.


The engine is so bad atm and got out of the hand atm, they can't just keep it up. Expect more and more patches like this in the future

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Well. lets roll back to Revan Expansion and move forward from it...

The emperor is dead after we have kill it, and we are still on the dead planet...


Give me now a good expansion...


Best Regards,



Works for me.

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I swear most of you people just subscribe to be able to crap on everyone's plate in the forums.


There's some truth to this, too though. I try to not dump on other people's concerns and ideas, only because I'd like to think others come across problems that I do not.


I think we all have different ideas what is a real problem and what is not. Who am I to judge what someone else likes or dislikes? I will leave that up to the community management on the forums.


Ah, but. That's a problem, isn't it. :(


Without active, reasonable community management guiding the direction of the players conversations on the forums, it's hard to expect conversations be respectable imo. When the community manager doesn't even respect the forums, you can't expect the players to.


Anyway, people behave poorly because they emulate those above them, and they also will push the envelope as far as they can so when players are allowed to dogpile on someone, insulting them, etc., and nothing is done about it, that becomes the norm.


BW loves it when we fight each other, btw. Removes all the responsibility from them and misplaces all the blame onto players.

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What is happening, Bioware? The game was doing really great over the last couple of months. There had been an influx of new and returning players and things were really looking up for SWTOR. Then you introduced patch 6.1.2 and everything went downhill. Why? What happened?


What happened is the double XP event ended.

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