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Please give us back View Distance.


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Please add the view distance silder back in the game so I can be up to 50 FPS like I was in Beta. I used to have all my settings on medium and the view distance halved and I was running around 50 FPS. Now without View Distance slider I am running 20 FPS max and 5-15 in crowded (and pvp enabled) areas. This is very saddening to me because the PVP is soo fun but I cannot enjoy it without spending another 1200$ on a new computer. Please install this new feature or tell us a line to put in the .ini file.


Thank you.

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I'll agree with this one. I cannot understand why it was taken out, and why an MMO would even think about launching without draw distance slider as an option.

Also I would like to add to this list. How about an option to change up the particle effects too.

Yes, we get it. They look cool as can be, but not everyone wants colors and smoke and BOOM flying all over the place all of the time when fighting. I would so love to see settings for this as well, that we can turn down, or even off. Or like Warhammer had. Set particle effects from all players on screen, party only, or self only.

MMO's should always have options for these things.



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Guarantee you if they don't but at least Draw Distance in they will lose a lot of subs. I am a very avid World Of Warcraft PvP'er and play with some of the best people in the world. But I cannot do anything in this game because hey.... I can't play it because a key graphics option is not there.
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if your playing with the best in the world lol... then maybe you should upgrade your PC? I do however agree with you on the view distance option. It doesnt effect me but I am surprised they took that out. Must have been some tech reason for it.
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And I just play with the best on the server Tichondrius... But I don't get paid to play. And my PC runs fine with WoW. BUT the big thing thats troubling is that my gfx card is amazing in my laptop but the ram is killing me. I cannot add ram to my laptop but if i could reduce view distance it would be very playable. Possibly even triple my preformance
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i agree, during BETA i could run the game fine, but now :(


i have to over clock my graphics card max, and its still not good enough

i know that the only thing holding me down is the draw distance, running the game on my laptop at 10-15FPS would be deemed unplayable but im still playing because i hope that the devs read the forums and understand our need. The option was in the beta, there was no need to take it out, how hard could it be to put back in?


i just wish they would reply on a forum or twitter or something so that we at least have something to look forward to?

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I agree, add all the graphics options back, it annoys me that because people are too inept to lower settings on there own that I need to have grass pop in and force aa through my control panel. In beta I could see clear across massive plains, now everything insists on popping in as I come withing 150 meters or so >_<
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