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Onslaught crafting should be free for subscribers.


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It is free. I never bought the Onslaught upgrades from the crafting/mission/gathering trainers and I've gotten to 700 on all of them across my characters, and have the highest gold schematics unlocked via deconstructions. So there's nothing stopping you, and you don't need to buy the unlock.
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The issue here isn't whether you should pay for it or not. There are arguments for and against. The issue here is that EA/BW made all the craft and gathering skills/missions available to 700 without paying and have now, potentially, chosen to revert this change after 2 months. IF EA/BW realized there was a mistake made by allowing the increased skill level then it should have been resolved at that point and not 2 months later and without any notification or a mention in the patch notes. Edited by Xhelis
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The issue here isn't whether you should pay for it or not. There are arguments for and against. The issue here is that EA/BW made all the craft and gathering skills/missions available to 700 without paying and have now, potentially, chosen to revert this change after 2 months. IF EA/BW realized there was a mistake made by allowing the increased skill level then it should have been resolved at that point and not 2 months later and without any notification or a mention in the patch notes.


Ah I see, looking through the Bug Report forum, I'm seeing this come up from more people. Seems like a ninja patch, since this change, intentional or not, was not in the patch notes. In which case, yea it would be great to get some clarity. Maybe it was a mistake on their part? Hopefully it is, and will be reverted, but as it stands, it seems to currently be in place, and without any notification, that is some bull****.


Unfortunately, I currently cannot even get into the game!!

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i could say i was surprised by this, but i simply can not. I dont even know which one of my toons i paid for a while back; was thrilled to not have to pay half a million credits for others; and now aggravated as i have ground out to 700 on the majority of my toons except two...one of which just got to 650/700. Do i lose all that time i spent? Do i have to redo 600-700 on those toons i didnt get it on?


and not even in the patch notes. This is enough to really get me to NOT renew my sub. very underhanded and crappy, bioware.

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All harvesting crew skills have always been free

It’s up to the player wether they want to have access to the 600-700 items, which as far as I know are mostly cosmetic( unless your selling armoringd and mods, more power to you!)

500k is literally a drop in the bucket compared to the credits some people have

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the dropping down to 600 is a bug. there is a dev post about it in the bug forum.


edit: also, its not so much about the cost of the skills, but that they had granted /700 and folks have leveled it up only to have it drop down to 600 again after the fact. I also remember paying 500k for gathering as well as production skills. at 1.5million a toon it got pricey for me so i was happy to see it changed for the remainder of my other toons (which really were at 2.) i paid for the other 7. the other two were toons that i didnt play often, but found i that i enjoyed them over the last two months.


Hi folks,


Thanks for the different reports.


Crew Skills being at 600 is not intended. Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you when I know more.

Edited by Qouivandes
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