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Guild stolen (Eternity Legion)


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:mad: the guild was build by members and the temp GM stole it after a while.

Seems he did this before in other guilds also.

I can not place names here but just wanna warn people that things like this happen.

People will steal for a handfull and dont think of all the friendship and all the other friendships that was made in the guild.

I hope for people like this that karmna is a a ***** and comes their way.

Rename a guild and a flagship is easy when you have stolen a guild with a nicely filled guildbank.

So thank you low life for stealing a guild that not even was yours and for all the drama you made time after time.

If you read this i hope you understand what you have done and what kind of person you are.

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Because of real-life situations, twice I've handed over my guild, a substantially well-developed guild that has been around since 2014, to my second-in-command, who has been with me in the guild for years.


Both times he returned the guild without fanfare when it was time. The practice of establishing a temporary GM is not necessarily bad. You just have to have right person to do it.

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Because of real-life situations, twice I've handed over my guild, a substantially well-developed guild that has been around since 2014, to my second-in-command, who has been with me in the guild for years.


Both times he returned the guild without fanfare when it was time. The practice of establishing a temporary GM is not necessarily bad. You just have to have right person to do it.


Yeah, I get that; I'm just saying that, if you get burned by a temporary GM, it's on you. You should never hand ownership to someone you can't rely upon to give the guild back.

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This isn't necessarily a fact about this game in particular but about mankind in general. People can be extremely greedy and power tripping even if they appeared to you like they are the nicest and most wholesome personalities you've ever met. You can never be 100% sure.


It gets even worse (and probably provides even a greater rush for the scammers) when it happens in games like EVE Online with real money in the tens of thousands on the line. I've played this game for a few hours just to check it out and the whole spreadsheet gameplay was not for me, but I totally get why people are fascinated by it:



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The guild was there for many years and had several GMs, never had problems. The last GM who stole the guild was also member and later GM for a long period.

Turns out he is just an ordinairy thief.

And all this for a fully unlocked flagship and some credits, sad sad sad...

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The guild was there for many years and had several GMs, never had problems. The last GM who stole the guild was also member and later GM for a long period.

Turns out he is just an ordinairy thief.

And all this for a fully unlocked flagship and some credits, sad sad sad...


How can something be stolen when it was freely given to this person? Whoever made that player the temporary GM is the one to blame here, that person should have had a better judge of character. The player who was made the temporary GM simply was a ruthless opportunist and took advantage of the situation. But the core of the matter remains that the guild was freely given to him, so there is no theft here, just vile opportunism.

Edited by Ylliarus
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The guild was there for many years and had several GMs, never had problems. The last GM who stole the guild was also member and later GM for a long period.

Turns out he is just an ordinairy thief.

And all this for a fully unlocked flagship and some credits, sad sad sad...


Doesn't sound like an opportunist, especial if he was later GM for a long period.. Sounds more like there were guild issues. Chances are we aren't hearing the full story.

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:mad: the guild was build by members and the temp GM stole it after a while.

Seems he did this before in other guilds also.

I can not place names here but just wanna warn people that things like this happen.

People will steal for a handfull and dont think of all the friendship and all the other friendships that was made in the guild.

I hope for people like this that karmna is a a ***** and comes their way.

Rename a guild and a flagship is easy when you have stolen a guild with a nicely filled guildbank.

So thank you low life for stealing a guild that not even was yours and for all the drama you made time after time.

If you read this i hope you understand what you have done and what kind of person you are.

"All the drama you made time after time?"


This sounds like that person was untrustworthy. Were they your second-in-command? Only your most trusted advisor should be in that kind of position. It sucks this happened to you, but it sounds like a bad choice in Assistant GM was made.


This isn't exclusive to gaming. This happens in real life all the time too, although usually, the person is dead and depending on your beliefs, will never know what their successor did with the organization but certainly can't do anything about it.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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Doesn't sound like an opportunist, especial if he was later GM for a long period.. Sounds more like there were guild issues. Chances are we aren't hearing the full story.


That's kind of my take on it too.


I've seen a similar situation happen in a guild that I was a part of ( a long time ago) … and the results were a mess.


In either case: it's still sad to see this sort of thing happen.

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If you are absent for a long time you may log back in to a Ghostbusters RP guild and your officer rank has been lowered to Venkman, you just have to work your way back up to Spengler if you want your voice to be heard again.
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That's kind of my take on it too.


I've seen a similar situation happen in a guild that I was a part of ( a long time ago) … and the results were a mess.


In either case: it's still sad to see this sort of thing happen.


Yup, unfortunately I've seen guilds torn apart due to guild infighting. Ego's get in the way, etc. Even the best of guilds,, or people can be effected by it :/

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OP, karma always deals with bad people, it's not even really "karma" it's just a matter of cause and effect. Eventually scumbags crash and burn, it's just how the cycle works.


If that were true, all the politicians and lawyers would be in flames now ;)

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Well, looks like we agree on something (but I would've used less hyperbole and cynicism).


OP, karma always deals with bad people, it's not even really "karma" it's just a matter of cause and effect. Eventually scumbags crash and burn, it's just how the cycle works.

This is getting off-topic, but karma is just the just world fallacy. Bad things happening to someone doesn't necessarily mean they're bad people, and having faith the "wicked will be punished" is just a method of placating the target and discouraging revenge. I'm not advocating revenge, but I disagree with the idea of karma. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people all the time for no reason whatsoever, it's chaos.

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