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Leveling is painful - as in I nearly die when leveling up

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So I have this issue when I level, my health bar suddenly drops to about 40%. Not really fun when this happens in the middle of a battle and you go up 2 full levels at once. Yes, it happens just standing in the sith academy. I mean I know sith are brutal and all that but really :p


Seriously - I have scanned the forums and haven't seen any mention of this. It's now happening to both my IA and my SI. Anyone else experience this?

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You need to level up your search-fu, I think. It has been mentioned on a number of occasions at least as far back as mid-February, including this thread https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=976193 where it was acknowledged as a bug, and a fix is in the works (originally intended, they said, for 6.1.1 but clearly it didn't make it in time).
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