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Question about a quest


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I'm on the quest on Ord Mantell when you need to down a 16 elite. I'm having a heck of a time getting him to die, and I've died several times. He rips through me and my companion (tried both T7 and Kira). Even with a medpack he's barely pushing 1/3 health when I die.


Help please. :(


Are you serious? You had to come onto the forums for this? Why don't you just ask someone for help...

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I'm on the quest on Ord Mantell when you need to down a 16 elite. I'm having a heck of a time getting him to die, and I've died several times. He rips through me and my companion (tried both T7 and Kira). Even with a medpack he's barely pushing 1/3 health when I die.


Help please. :(


my only advice is come back at a later level if no one in the zone/a friend cant help you. unless you are on the infinite empire server in which case i can come help you myself.

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