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Why is there no /roll command?


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I just had to hand out world boss loot by having people guess a number between 1 and 10. That is NO WAY to hand out loot... But, since Bioware decided not to add /roll, there was no other option.


What I really want to know is why wasn't it included, and when can we expect it?

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I never did an operations before, so I don't understand what is bad in a standard roll feature.


In a standard scheme where everybody presses "need" the game rolls numbers automatically and lucky ones get it. Why do you need a separate /roll function?

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I never did an operations before, so I don't understand what is bad in a standard roll feature.


In a standard scheme where everybody presses "need" the game rolls numbers automatically and lucky ones get it. Why do you need a separate /roll function?


Because in a situation where everyone rolls "Need", you have ninjas getting gear they shouldn't. e.g., sith warriors rolling Need on imperial agent gear, and getting it.


With Master Looter and /roll, the raid leader is able to control who gets what, fairly. So whoever wants it types /roll, and it works just like a Need roll. Only now, the raid leader can see if the winner is actually able to use the item.

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I never did an operations before, so I don't understand what is bad in a standard roll feature.


In a standard scheme where everybody presses "need" the game rolls numbers automatically and lucky ones get it. Why do you need a separate /roll function?


It pretty much comes down to the usual method of handing out loot in MMO's these days.


Instead of using the already in-game feature of the Need/Greed which everyone can use (even to roll inappropriately) - there's usually someone assigned to be the "Master looter" to hand the loot out - cuz it's srs bizns!


All that aside - nothing against /roll at all, I can understand why people want it - but I'd prefer if they didn't add it - You can always use the ingame roll system, and then name/shame ninja looters (if any) for the whole server community to see and know about.


I much prefer to give people the freedom to be ******es, and then have to face the consequences for it, rather than have rigid game gimmicks to prevent it.


This is purely personal opinion mind you - once it does get added, and we all know it will - it will become the standard, as it has in other MMO's.

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My friend was the loot master for a 24 man group for a world boss. He had to roll dice to see who gets the highest number to win the loot....



the only way to hand out loot farely is to use a broken system. not good

Edited by D-bombz
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I never did an operations before, so I don't understand what is bad in a standard roll feature.


In a standard scheme where everybody presses "need" the game rolls numbers automatically and lucky ones get it. Why do you need a separate /roll function?


If the group sets a rule that the loot is fair game for anyone, it's fine. If the loot can be sold on the market, that might be the best way to go, honestly, if you are grouping with strangers.


Often what you will see, however, is that many people tend to prefer to see the loot go to someone who will actually equip it. In this case, everyone is on the honor system, and it only takes one Bounty Hunter rolling on a lightsaber to cause drama. Playing devil's advocate, I would say that there is nothing stopping a Jedi/Sith who wins a lightsaber from selling it on the market, and that only allowing people who can equip it to roll on it gives them an unfair advantage.


For that reason, I prefer to see everyone roll NEED (or pass) on world boss loot (assuming the group is a PuG). It makes the most sense. If someone wants to sell it or give it away to someone else in the group, that's their business.


Guild groups are the ones who really need the /roll function. It's the easiest way to distribute loot with a master looter. It's not really worth messing with a DKP system for a single world boss kill.

Edited by belialle
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I much prefer to give people the freedom to be ******es, and then have to face the consequences for it, rather than have rigid game gimmicks to prevent it.


This is purely personal opinion mind you - once it does get added, and we all know it will - it will become the standard, as it has in other MMO's.


It's not exactly rigid if it's a purely optional system. Adding /roll for those of us who want it doesn't prevent those who don't want it from using Group Loot or other methods provided.

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