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Naming policy and the global virus alert.


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In the last 24 hrs i've already seen a good bunch of ppl with plenty of variations of Covid, Coronavirus and similars as names, i mean seriously, some people are miserable but we all know that's a fact.


I'm just asking if all these types of names could be added to the name censor, just like other swear words or illness names are already in the name censor. It would be nice they are added just so that we can, at the very least, forget about the pandemia for a while, and simply play the game.


In some countries like mine (Spain) all shops and activities have been shut down, there is the state of emergency, in tv we only have ppl talking about this, and population has been told to stay at their homes and not go out. If i play swtor i'd like, at least, to forget about all that for a while and enjoy the Star Wars universe for a while. I'm just asking that you do what you can regarding this issue.


Thanks in advance, stay safe.

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People are trolls and douche bags, if they aren't naming toons after cov 19, they'll just name it after something else, or get around the censors. Same as all the trolls, unless BW get active chat monitors, the only thing you can do is put them on ignore. Maybe they'll grow up on their own, or maybe karma will bite them in the ***. Either way just ignore them, keep yourself safe, and hopelly, it'll get better soon.
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In the last 24 hrs i've already seen a good bunch of ppl with plenty of variations of Covid, Coronavirus and similars as names, i mean seriously, some people are miserable but we all know that's a fact.


I'm just asking if all these types of names could be added to the name censor, just like other swear words or illness names are already in the name censor. It would be nice they are added just so that we can, at the very least, forget about the pandemia for a while, and simply play the game.


In some countries like mine (Spain) all shops and activities have been shut down, there is the state of emergency, in tv we only have ppl talking about this, and population has been told to stay at their homes and not go out. If i play swtor i'd like, at least, to forget about all that for a while and enjoy the Star Wars universe for a while. I'm just asking that you do what you can regarding this issue.


Thanks in advance, stay safe.


You can’t help stupid people. They have something fundamentally wrong up stairs.

Sadly, I doubt Bioware will do much because they are probably putting in place their own plans to personally deal with the virus in RL as well as trying to get the content patches done. I think enforcing this will be at the bottom of their list for a while.


I’m not a “structured” religious person myself, but our thoughts are with all of you currently sick or who have loved ones who are sick.

My worry is this will touch everyone around the world in one way or another. Even here in Australia we have escalating cases and new restrictions to public gathering. My sister is a front line medical worker and they are ramping up for 70% of the country to get it over the next 3-6 months (publicly they say 20%, but they are planing for the worst)


Luckily gamers are used to social distancing ;)

Just play games, get as much non perishable junk food and caffeinated drinks and water delivered now and we can ride it out.... and don’t forget the toilet paper :cool:


For everyone out there, stay healthy and safe and take precautions.

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People are trolls and douche bags, if they aren't naming toons after cov 19, they'll just name it after something else, or get around the censors. Same as all the trolls, unless BW get active chat monitors, the only thing you can do is put them on ignore. Maybe they'll grow up on their own, or maybe karma will bite them in the ***. Either way just ignore them, keep yourself safe, and hopelly, it'll get better soon.


You can report the names and sometimes they are made to rename. But it totally depends on the CS person who reads the complaint. If they don’t find it offensive, they won’t do anything.

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I think I am numb to these kind of things now. :(


I remember the first name that irritated me, it was "Irish Carbomb" on EQ2 iirc. Anyway, I found the name very distasteful.


Now though? I don't even care anymore. I have seen far worse and now that I recognize the game of a troll-name I have made them mean nothing to me in my mind.


Really we the person reading/hearing a word give it's meaning power by letting it affect us. I'd rather recognize it as bad, but not get emotional over it.


Some random 13 year old is probably behind the creation of most of the distasteful names, so there's that too.


Report them, but don't let them get to you, guys. Just got to learn Jedi mind tricks to not get emotional over troll-names. :)

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Honestly, if the name someone chooses in an online game upsets you or triggers you then the internet is probably not the place for you.


All The Best


with all the other crap people name their toons and THIS is the hill you chose to die on?


:: SMH ::


I suppose they should petition Disney to remove Darth Plagueis from cannon too....


I can bet you both are triggered by things which i would consider to be bs, but we are different ppl and that's okay.


I think my petition is legit, specially in the current situation, hence why i made it.


Spuds, there are different ways of saying things, no need to try and sound offensive, i just made a request is all. It's not about thin skins, you educate people by actually, educating them.


Voidsinger yes, this is something i consider to be currently a delicate issue, you may or may not agree, fine, but i specifically referred to the virus, not any other item or thing or character in the SW universe, so dont manipulate my argument, if possible.

Edited by DeVanagloris
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with all the other crap people name their toons and THIS is the hill you chose to die on?


:: SMH ::



^^This. Usually at any given time of the day you can run around Fleet and see people named after political figures, religious figures and deities, or using thinly-disguised foul language and any and all manner of graphically sexual terms, often with the sole purpose of name-trolling. I've seen names about all kinds of heinous activities including dog-fighting, baby-killing, names that made fun of 9/11--the list goes on and on. But THIS is what sends you over the edge?


While it IS an issue, it's just a symptom of a much larger issue across most games with a social portion--the game studios make ridiculous amounts of money but somehow mystically can't afford a small 24/7 staff to police them. For example, Blizzard made $7B in 2018, but can't afford staff to watch its chats. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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While it IS an issue, it's just a symptom of a much larger issue across most games with a social portion--the game studios make ridiculous amounts of money but somehow mystically can't afford a small 24/7 staff to police them. For example, Blizzard made $7B in 2018, but can't afford staff to watch its chats. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

One continuing issue is that people can't tell the difference between "total business" and "profit". Blizzard did not make $7B in 2018, that's the total amount of business. Their profit was closer to $1.5B, which, while still a good chunk of change, is, all the same, a lot less than $7B.

It's the same when people suggest that SWTOR has "made" a billion.


It's basic math and economics. Say you buy 100 items at $1 each, wholesale. Then you sell them at $2 each. You've done $200 total business and made $100.

But say they don't sell and you end up getting only $.75 each. You've then done $75 total business, at a loss of $25.


So, when BW says that SWTOR has done nearly $1billion in business, that doesn't tell you how much, if anything, they've actually "made" on that business. Hopefully they make enough to keep going for a while longer. 🙂

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I can bet you both are triggered by things which i would consider to be bs,


You'd lose that bet.

I don't get triggered, because "getting triggered" is a weakness in me, not in the people who engage in the triggering behavior.

You have to choose to be triggered, and choosing to be triggered lets them win; that's stupid IMO.

Better to beat them by choosing not to be triggered.


All The Best

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Censor this, censor that. Why don't we censor your petition as it "triggers my feelings" for all the censoring.

This whining of "hurt feelings" and continuous increasing restrictions, especially in the past decade, ruins every form entertainment.

There will always be people who will be affected, but if you think it's every time to be meant hateful or intentionally harmful, you've developed quite a paranoia. It's often enough a joke or satire, and even if it's not meant by the creator to be a joke, you can take it as a joke, instead of panicking as if someone was after you.


Especially considering this is one of the few games covering the grey or dark sides, instead of always the fairy-tale "good side".

Edited by Xerkrosis
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One continuing issue is that people can't tell the difference between "total business" and "profit". Blizzard did not make $7B in 2018, that's the total amount of business. Their profit was closer to $1.5B, which, while still a good chunk of change, is, all the same, a lot less than $7B.

It's the same when people suggest that SWTOR has "made" a billion.


It's basic math and economics. Say you buy 100 items at $1 each, wholesale. Then you sell them at $2 each. You've done $200 total business and made $100.

But say they don't sell and you end up getting only $.75 each. You've then done $75 total business, at a loss of $25.


So, when BW says that SWTOR has done nearly $1billion in business, that doesn't tell you how much, if anything, they've actually "made" on that business. Hopefully they make enough to keep going for a while longer. 🙂


As a business owner, I understand every bit of this. But--thanks, I guess?

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I can bet you both are triggered by things which i would consider to be bs, but we are different ppl and that's okay.


I think my petition is legit, specially in the current situation, hence why i made it.


1) Don't pretend to guess my limits... I've seen names referencing genocides, human traafficking, child porm, etc. you want to know my limits, just ask, they're simple: Names idolizing conscious actors brutalizing and demeaning other people. full stop.


2) there is a long history in SW of names referencing scary things or concepts, especially on the sith side, in the mode of "I'm named after scary thing, so you should be afraid of me". that is neither going to change, nor should it.


3) Darth Covid is no worth than Lord Hurricane, or Colonel Spider, or Admiral Boogeyman.... they are names meant to inspire fear, but they are not advocating a choice to harm others.... they are no more inappropriate than Darth Plagueis (particularly relevant) which is why I referenced it.

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1) Don't pretend to guess my limits... I've seen names referencing genocides, human traafficking, child porm, etc. you want to know my limits, just ask, they're simple: Names idolizing conscious actors brutalizing and demeaning other people. full stop.


I wasnt specifically talking about names, but things in life that maybe are trivial for me but serious for you. Still, rules exist, and they can be changed and /or improved. I dont think my suggestion deserves such flaming as i'm seeing in some answers, it truly shows who actually gets triggered easily and has a thin skin. But my point still stands, because you ("you" as in people) cant judge if you havent lived it, i'm seeing a situation no one alive nowadays has ever seen in my country, so it's fair to simply, ask. No offense meant to anyone, as far as i know.


Spain has been hit harder than most other places at present time, but this really does need to be put into perceptive. More actually die with seasonal flu than have died with this virus on a global scale. Spain is unusual has Spain has had a higher death rate than other countries. So far 5000+ (as in almost 5100 globally) has died, It is true that many more will unfortunately die with this so not trying to trivialize it at all, but if you look back at the H1N1 virus of 1918 that killed of 35-50 million people Some even claim it was 100 million so it really does need to be put in some sort of context & perspective.


Now I am very much in the at risk group with my health issues and yes some local people (some I know) do have it. So do understand your concern OP. As for the naming policy....well that's BW's call and not mine or any other players for that matter. You have posted your thoughts and concerns about it and you are probably in the long run be better off leaving it there, as reading other players replies is unlikely to help with any concerns you have and may make you feel worse on an emotional level.


I do wish anyone affected by this C-19 all the best and a speedy recovery.

Totally agree, didnt expect that this suggestion would raise such a backlash and even less so in the current situation. You would expect solidarity or understanding, i did it thinking it would be a good move if BW at least acknowledged it, but oh well...


I'm done with this then, but thanks to the positive answers. Good luck and stay safe.

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[...]But my point still stands, because you ("you" as in people) cant judge if you havent lived it, [...]

I'm going to explain something to you that maybe no one bothered to before now...


The only person responsible for your emotional reaction to a thing, is you. No one is obligated to warn you, or cater to your desire not to be exposed whatever concepts "trigger" you. while in small social settings amongst peers of your own social group there may be an expectation of catering to individual whims, this is both impractical and unworkable in larger and more public settings.


in short, the price of participating in public spaces, is dealing with public behavior. you dont have to like it, you don't have to condone it, but you don't get to insist it be removed to suit your own sensibilities.

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I'm going to explain something to you that maybe no one bothered to before now...

No need for the condescending tone. Save it for someone who cares.


The only person responsible for your emotional reaction to a thing, is you. No one is obligated to warn you, or cater to your desire not to be exposed whatever concepts "trigger" you.



while in small social settings amongst peers of your own social group there may be an expectation of catering to individual whims, this is both impractical and unworkable in larger and more public settings.

This is flat out wrong. Existence of laws outright proves you wrong. Changes cannot be made unless someone asks for them, or suggests them.


in short, the price of participating in public spaces, is dealing with public behavior. you dont have to like it, you don't have to condone it,

Agreed again.


but you don't get to insist it be removed to suit your own sensibilities.

What?? Are you implying that i am somehow not allowed to express a complaint of any type and suggest it to be corrected, changed etc? Sorry but no, i get to do as i please, just like you. Neither you nor anyone will shut me up if i consider i must voice something.


Also, if you are gonna answer my post, do it properly. Taking a single sentence and decontextualizing it is not answering, it just shows poor reasoning and weak arguments. And you are doing so because you came in this thread just to flame and display a somewhat hostile attitude trying to show your moral high ground, while i was being respectful towards you, and the others.


Get off your high horse. Condescension and arrogance are only detrimental for whatever points you are trying to make. This is actually something probably no one bothered to tell you, so there you go.

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This is flat out wrong. Existence of laws outright proves you wrong. [...]

Laws do not cater to individual whins, they serve the pubic good as a whole (excepting religious laws, which are meant to serve the religion, which is why those are idiotic in a secular, or even multi religious population)


What?? Are you implying that i am somehow not allowed to express a complaint of any type and suggest it to be corrected, changed etc? Sorry but no, i get to do as i please, just like you. Neither you nor anyone will shut me up if i consider i must voice something.

I'm not impying, I'm stating... you are wrong to do so in this context..... to demonstrate exactly how wrong you are, the last half of your statement here is perfectly valid for the people that argue should be censored.


[...]Taking a single sentence and decontextualizing it is not answering, [...]

I don't need to bother with every long winded and overblown statement, when a single sentence perfectly encapsulates what is wrong.... it's called being concise*.


Get off your high horse. Condescension and arrogance are only detrimental for whatever points you are trying to make. This is actually something probably no one bothered to tell you, so there you go.

nothing is detrimental to correct information. That you choose to read in a particular tone, and take offense to it is both your own problem, and evidence that you could find no actual fault in the information itself.



THAT was intended to be condescending. Never let it be said I don't give people what they ask for.

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When people are literally fired from their job because they used the wrong pronoun you can understand why someone gets reactive when a person proposes particular names be banned. The original intent may very well be benign and courteous, but it so easily goes down the slippery slope of controlling how people must talk. 1984 "double plus good" was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual.


Where is the line drawn? Today it's Covid. Tomorrow it's John. Everyone has their own taste of what is offensive. I already admitted I have mine. If we accept a line must be drawn, the line must be defined clearly and never, ever moved. Once the line is moved, the line has become a noose.

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When people are literally fired from their job because they used the wrong pronoun you can understand why someone gets reactive when a person proposes particular names be banned. The original intent may very well be benign and courteous, but it so easily goes down the slippery slope of controlling how people must talk. 1984 "double plus good" was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual.


Where is the line drawn? Today it's Covid. Tomorrow it's John. Everyone has their own taste of what is offensive. I already admitted I have mine. If we accept a line must be drawn, the line must be defined clearly and never, ever moved. Once the line is moved, the line has become a noose.


Not that I disagree with your analysis, I just need to point out the name “John” is actually a banned name.

I hear you saying “what the....”, but it’s true and extremely laughable.


The amount of names that can’t be used and the silly naming conventions in this game are so ridiculous, that pretty much every other name is open to interpretation even if the system lets you use it.

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Really? After this silly thread complaining about the Rakghoul event, we get this thread? Lighten up! With a mentality like this we might as well cancel Halloween!


Now, I am logging on my Virulence sniper...

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