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Modernize Ilum - the original beloved dailies ---> Returned (& updated w housing)

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For a lot of us older players, it's hard to forget about how great Ilum used to be.


[The original dailies]

/ old dailies that were taken away, for some reason, were a long-time fav for many, and the planet used to be a hot spot for a long time. Nowadays, it's almost forgotten w it's faded glory; and worse yet, newer players never will experience the fun of this game's original dailies.


Update this game's original (Ilum) dailies rewards and bring them back, finally, please. Been a major downer since it disappeared a couple expansions back... players were happy there. Add a stronghold on planet, preferably (doesn't have to be the biggest). Been seeing more Ilum posts lately, older players haven't forgotten. At least, give us our old Ilum dailies back.

Edited by Willjb
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You're probably seeing more mention of Ilum because of The Rise of Skywalker. Surrounding film material finally confirmed that Starkiller Base was the planet Ilum. So over the next few millennia from SWTOR Ilum will get hollowed out and forgotten, then rebuilt as a giant Death Star, then blown up. Kinda takes the winds out of the sails for the whole "let's go questing more there and set up base and build a Stronghold" etc.
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As a long time player - Founder- I can't say I ever had any special love for Ilum. I don't even recall any of the dailies on Ilum. I always skip Ilum on new characters. A colder, icier, boring Hoth. 😏 Edited by JediQuaker
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Ilum has one of the best skyboxes, but the dailies were forgettable and nobody ever seems to bring up that the original endgame for Vanilla (which started on Ilum) has one storyline that was the same across both factions and all classes.
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Ilum has one of the best skyboxes, but the dailies were forgettable and nobody ever seems to bring up that the original endgame for Vanilla (which started on Ilum) has one storyline that was the same across both factions and all classes.


I still have that questline starter stuck on so many characters. It's just a slog to do after you've seen it for the 20th time.

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The only hotspot that ever was on Ilum was in front of the respawn medic center at the republic post on the western ice shelf. And that hotspot was so overcrowded that they had to take it out of the game for good. All that is left of it is a memorial and a badge. Never forget!
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You're probably seeing more mention of Ilum because of The Rise of Skywalker. Surrounding film material finally confirmed that Starkiller Base was the planet Ilum. So over the next few millennia from SWTOR Ilum will get hollowed out and forgotten, then rebuilt as a giant Death Star, then blown up. Kinda takes the winds out of the sails for the whole "let's go questing more there and set up base and build a Stronghold" etc.


^As someone who grew up with Lucas' Original Trilogy, I couldn't care less about the "plot" or "cannon" of a handed-down new trilogy that was widely reagrded as cr@p, and Mark and Harrison bash it every chance they get. Alderaan gets destroyed well before the timeline of the new trilogy and early in the very 1ST movie, yet we just~ got a massive Alderaan stronghold...


So, yeah, bring back the Ilum dailies (w/ updated rewards, etc) for those of us who want it, those who don't won't be on the planet anyway, so there's no harm in it.

Edited by Willjb
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Ilum has one of the best skyboxes, but the dailies were forgettable and nobody ever seems to bring up that the original endgame for Vanilla (which started on Ilum) has one storyline that was the same across both factions and all classes.


^I agree that Ilum's skyline is one of the best, if not the best; it's quite unique. Storyline aside, the actually dailies were the first and shouldn't be forgotten, also they were very fun for some of us.

Edited by Willjb
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