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Favorite Music- VIP CD tracks


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For those that bought the VIP edition of the game, you got a CD of a lot of the game music. Having been totally engrossed in the story of the game, I finally got around to popping it into my Icloud and listening to it.


Startlingly good, I must say.


I've enjoyed a lot of the tracks in the game of course, but since I'm focused on my main I've not had the opportunity to listen to them all yet.


As a dark side Sith you would think I would have fallen in love with the 'dark' tunes (the Agent's is particularly good), but you know what one I found the best?


"Peace" the Jedi theme.


It brings up connotations of the original theme song from the first movie Star Wars, and reminds me of that young kid overlooking mournfully at the dual Tattooine Suns setting on the horizon.


Could not be better dear designers, excellent work.


Anyway-- for those that have it, what is your favorite track? and is the "Peace" theme in any of the imperial cantinas by any chance? Probably not but I thought I'd ask...

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I just want to chime in and say... I used to play in the same county orchestra as the guy that wrote the SWTOR music (back when we were in highschool). My good friend who still plays with him from time to time got an advance version of the music CD about a year ago. We were both impressed!
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