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"Give them more time..."


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The game has only been officially out for 12 days. 19 if you are stupid and want to add early access in as well. 12 days. You expect them to have fixed a lot of bugs and have added more content and all that in just 12 days? Do you even know how long it takes to fix a bug? How many lines of code they have to shift through, how long it takes to find the right fix, and how long it takes to then test that fix before they can release it even to the public test server?


No, I expect them to wait until it's ready to release - meaning it's gone through a lot more Beta time so game-stopping bugs can be dealt with before people are paying to play the game.


I expect that the years of development and constant delays in release that SWTOR went through would have meant they took their time to ensure that this kind of thing wouldn't happen (especially after they could have watched (and laughed at) Cryptic Studios' disastrous launch and two-year performance of "Star Trek Online").


I expect that people would stand up and say, "No, it's NOT good enough that this game is still in a Beta state and you want me to pay a monthly fee to beta test it for you."


I expect when I order a burger that it'll all be there, and I won't get the bun first, then have to pay more money to get the pickles, then more money to get the mustard, then more money to get the meat, then... I think you get the idea.


SWTOR is so riddled with bugs that it is obvious that it was rushed to release (JUST like "Star Trek Online") and the paying customers are suffering for it.

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honestly - I blame every whiner in the history of the MMO universe that has cried "It takes too long to level, waaaahhh".


Anyone that has ever said that has ruined MMO gaming.


Back in the day, when you hit max level it was a fkn ACHIEVEMENT of biblical proportions and you felt good about it.


Now a days, I can bang out a 50 in a few days, on the outside a week of if I'm feeling a little lazy.


Games are way way too easy, the level caps are too low, and people in turn, run out of content too quickly and then come to the forums crying that this or that needs to be changed / fixed / nerfed / altered in some way or form and new content needs to be NAO! because they are bored out of their tree.


Well cupcakes, guess what - you got no one to blame but yourselves.


To everyone that skips the heroics

To everyone that skips the flashpoints

To everyone that skips bonus quests

To everyone that fails to explore the map

To everyone that runs pvp all day to powerlevel





To put this into perspective - I asked someone just yesterday -



"Why are you rushing to 50?"


Their reply:


"To do stuff"


my reply:


"Yes, but WHAT stuff?"


Their reply:


"PvP, level an alt, that kinda stuff"


my reply:


"So let me get this straight, your rushing through one character, to rush through yet another character?. That doesn't make any sense at all. Nor does rushing to 50 to PvP, since with this PvP system you can PvP at any level and be rewarded for it."


their reply:


"Ya well, ya know I can go back and do stuff too"


my reply:


"Ok, so your going to rush to 50 and then go back and do grey quests that your rushed past in the first place on your way to 50? - that doesn't make any sense either!"





I am sure you see where this is going...


In any case - there is ZERO reason to rush to 50, other than to wave your e-peen around the interwebs going "Yay look at me I am level 50" and when you get done doing that you can take a look around and see that there is no one beside you to hear your boasting, because they are 20 levels behind enjoying the content.



//end rant




Now, after all that is said and done, is there broken stuff in the game? sure - no game launches without **** being broken. It just doesn't happen. Are they having ridiculously long maintenance times, returning rather poor results in terms of actual fixes? damn right they are.


There are plethora of issues that if not handled swiftly could easily tank this game, which would be a shame - it's rather enjoyable.


Some of them are more important like server population caps - for example, even when my server is "full" it still feels dead, this could be due to the above rant ^^ - or it could be due to low server population caps - I am still examining this in depth, but it most definitely FEELS like low population caps currently.


Then there are mission bugs, class bugs, flashpoint issues, UI concerns, global market problems, and the list goes on...



Time is the enemy of every MMO - while your sitting there waiting and stating "give them more time" someone is out there doing it better and if your not on the ball, all your customers will leave and go else where.


It's the nature of the gaming industry.



This is getting rather long and I know most people don't like reading walls of text so I'll end this here.





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every group of gamers have games they move to and move on from


its just if this game is released when ur ready to leave ur previous game and have enough time and effort to grind in a new mmo


i played hardcore 2 years ago and quit


every game i tried since i was like this is trash aka rift


cuz i was so bored with grinding and doing dailys


but now my freinds and i have ad long enough a break to put some quality time into a great game


its bioware they gonna want to keep people in a game they spend tons on so ur content is coming cuz they want u to keep subscribing


good things comes to those who wait

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Dude, you are WAY overthinking this.


If you like the game, play it.

If you don't like it, don't play it.


It's really very simple.




they cant just do that.


they need to come into forums and incessantly blabber about how this is broken and that is broken, and demand that game should be made exactly as THEY want it.


the fact that millions are playing it happily is not a factor - if, they dont like something it is broken !!!!

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Also, because some of us are mature adults and arn't part of the 'everything must be given too me immediately or else!!!' generation. Yup, I like that one best.


No, it's because some of us wish that the new product is a progression from the old product and the failings and successes it have had troughout it's lifetime.

Instead what we got, was a product that has started at the same point as the old product did, appearently without doing the ressearch well enough.


How would you feel if someone came up to you in the year 2011 and offered you this amazing new handheld device they have made that's capable of replaying music from optical discs?


Wouldn't you feel a bit pity over this person who has appearently been locked away, not noticing the technological progress of the world as he was working on this amazing invention, as you shut off the MP3 player in your mobile phone?

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they cant just do that.


they need to come into forums and incessantly blabber about how this is broken and that is broken, and demand that game should be made exactly as THEY want it.


the fact that millions are playing it happily is not a factor - if, they dont like something it is broken !!!!




It's not like that at all.


See, it's really more like this:


If I get my character up to level 11, then go to Coruscant, board a taxi, and it drops me the second it leaves the pad, allowing me to either fall to the surface of the planet and killing me from the fall or, more often, leaving me standing in mid-air and unable to move, that? That's what we call "broken."


When it further turns out that in order to get back to the taxi pad of origin, I have to use the /stuck command - which causes death penalties and therefore costs me credits to fix my armor and/or equipment - in order to get back to the pad, where I then cannot move anywhere but simply run on the spot, that? That's what we call "broken."


When it happens on every single toon I have, meaning that it's useless and pointless to play the game at all because I'm stuck due to a bug that will not let me proceed with the missions and/or stories, that? That's what we call "broken."


When it's something I bug reported in beta, and it made it through to release, that? That's what we call "broken."


But if you're a fanboi apologist who may in fact be blind to the reality that there are a ton of problems in this game, and that it just wasn't ready, you don't see it that way. You just wind up thinking people are here to "incessantly blabber" over something they've already shelled out at least 60 bucks for, on the expectation that the game would work properly.

Edited by Stelakh
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If I get my character up to level 11, then go to Coruscant, board a taxi, and it drops me the second it leaves the pad, allowing me to either fall to the surface of the planet and killing me from the fall or, more often, leaving me standing in mid-air and unable to move, that? That's what we call "broken."


When it further turns out that in order to get back to the taxi pad of origin, I have to use the /stuck command - which causes death penalties and therefore costs me credits to fix my armor and/or equipment - in order to get back to the pad, where I then cannot move anywhere but simply run on the spot, that? That's what we call "broken."


When it happens on every single toon I have, meaning that it's useless and pointless to play the game at all because I'm stuck due to a bug that will not let me proceed with the missions and/or stories, that? That's what we call "broken."


When it's something I bug reported in beta, and it made it through to release, that? That's what we call "broken."


NEVER happened to me. And that is scarcely a game breaking bug let's face it. I could think of worse and have experienced worse. Repairs in this game are so pathetically little I want to ask them to increase it. Right now, when all is 100% broken, it doesn't even touch my none-slicing-funded credits.


This game isn't broken. You just do not like it. If such is the sad case then one should muse on another game and leaving with grace, not a little half-read rant in an abyss spammed by hundreds... if not thousands of others.

Edited by Triss
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NEVER happened to me. And that is scarcely a game breaking bug let's face it. I could think of worse and have experienced worse. Repairs in this game are so pathetically little I want to ask them to increase it. Right now, when all is 100% broken, it doesn't even touch my none-slicing-funded credits.


This game isn't broken. You just do not like it. If such is the sad case then one should muse on another game and leaving with grace, not a little half-read rant in an abyss spammed by hundreds... if not thousands of others.


You really, truly and honestly think that not being able to proceed with any character on your account because a bug will not let you get to a destination that holds a mission required to further your character's advancement in the story is not a game-breaking bug? Seriously? You believe that all is right with the world, knowing that?


Who in the name of Me are you to tell me whether or not I like or dislike this game?


And, funnily enough, while it may not have happened to you, as I stood in mid-air over the streets of Coruscant last night, I watched three people fall past me. Oh, and it's also been mentioned by a Dev post in patch notes for the test server.


So go ahead and be happy if all is well with you - but how dare you even think to be so presumptuous as to attempt to tell me how I feel about this game?


And, because without a screenshot it didn't happen, here you go: Proof

Edited by Stelakh
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