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"Give them more time..."


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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?

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Because this game has been out for less then a month, and multiple people are demanding conflicting things be added to the game, right now!


Because some of us are perfectly content with what the game has to offer right now, and are perfectly happy to wait for them to provide better/more content as we go.


Also, because some of us are mature adults and arn't part of the 'everything must be given too me immediately or else!!!' generation. Yup, I like that one best.

Edited by BladedEdge
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because this game has been out for less then a month, and multiple people are demanding conflicting things be added to the game, right now!


Because some of us are perfectly content with what the game has to offer right now, and are perfectly happy to wait for them to provide better/more content as we go.


Also, because some of us are mature adults and arn't part of the 'everything must be given too me immediately or else!!!' generation. Yup, i like that one best.


^ this

Edited by Chrisbox
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Also, because some of us are mature adults and arn't part of the 'everything must be given too me immediately or else!!!' generation. Yup, I like that one best.



I don't get it. Mature adults would pay a sub for a bap game in hopes that time & patches would cure said game bap-ness?

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Yeah, I don't see what being mature has to do with paying money to play a game that's riddled through with bugs. Seems more like immaturity to continuously defend a broken game because it's dressed up Star Wars clothes. WoW seems to be the whipping boy for all the Star Wars fanboys, but it's a much more solid game, and trash talk WoW while lauding SWTOR is ridiculous.
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Yeah, I don't see what being mature has to do with paying money to play a game that's riddled through with bugs. Seems more like immaturity to continuously defend a broken game because it's dressed up Star Wars clothes. WoW seems to be the whipping boy for all the Star Wars fanboys, but it's a much more solid game, and trash talk WoW while lauding SWTOR is ridiculous.


Well if WoW wasn't more polished after 6+ years of the game being out compared to this game which has been out for 2 weeks something would be wrong.


Give it some time... See what i did thur?!

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I have a feeling it will take them ages to fix things and add new stuff. I pay to play this game, I want it to succeed, but I'm a bit worried atm.


I'm in the same boat as you. I really want this game to succeed but I don't even recommend it to my friends because it's kinda meh. It feels like Mass Effect with some online capabilities. NPC companions remove the need to group and the need to even leave town to gather mats.


I'm typing this as I spend forever in a queue and I know once I log in I will hardly see anyone online because everything is instanced and because I play Republic where fun is discouraged.

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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?


So go already, one less whiner cluttering the forums

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I love people who demand on others what they themselves could never deliver.


Are you serious?

I can not make a good car, that is a fact. But are you really trying to tell me that I have no right to expect a modern, operational car from the manufacturers because I can't make one myself?


I am speechless...

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I love people who demand on others what they themselves could never deliver.


You can't drill for oil in the gulf of mexico... so don't complain when someone else messes it up.



You can't be an effective leader of a country... so don't complain about any leaders of our country.



You can't cut your own hair... so don't complain if your barber accidentally shaves half your head.


You can't make an effective, cogent argument... so don't complain to those of us who can.

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Well if WoW wasn't more polished after 6+ years of the game being out compared to this game which has been out for 2 weeks something would be wrong.


Give it some time... See what i did thur?!


Yeah, I saw what you did there. You rehashed an already tired "rebuttal" when one points out all the problems with SWTOR. It's true, WOW had time to fix bugs over the years. But where was BW/EA during this time? In a vaccuum? As human beings we take what those who came before us made and we make it better. I mean, really, if you can't do something better than the person next to you, why do it all? And why charge someone else to watch you do it? 6 months, maybe a years down the road, SWTOR might be an awesome game to play. In the meantime, however, I'm getting real tired of dealing with all the bugs and stuff... They may not render the game technically unplayable, but they are making it unenjoyable, for me at least, and that's essentially the same thing.

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Yeah, I saw what you did there. You rehashed an already tired "rebuttal" when one points out all the problems with SWTOR. It's true, WOW had time to fix bugs over the years. But where was BW/EA during this time? In a vaccuum? As human beings we take what those who came before us made and we make it better. I mean, really, if you can't do something better than the person next to you, why do it all? And why charge someone else to watch you do it? 6 months, maybe a years down the road, SWTOR might be an awesome game to play. In the meantime, however, I'm getting real tired of dealing with all the bugs and stuff... They may not render the game technically unplayable, but they are making it unenjoyable, for me at least, and that's essentially the same thing.


QFT, nothing left to say.

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WoW seems to be the whipping boy for all the Star Wars fanboys, but it's a much more solid game


WoW was hardly solid when it launched. The server I was on was down for days straight, I think I got credited at least full week for server downtime and this happened two months after launch. It took at least a month or two before they decided to replace the hardware. SWTOR for all it's minor annoyances had a much more solid launch than WoW did, and I would hope 7 years into development it would be a WoW would be a solid game.

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Why are people saying "blah blah blah.... give them more time..."


In X amount of time if they still haven't gotten it right, not only did they get your time but also more of your money. Its all good if your having fun, more power to you, but come on, to those trying to counter the wild fire of criticism on these forums, please.... don't say, "just give them time". If your going to say that, don't forget to include money.


And if your going to say "blah blah blah... go back to wow..." Ok... /shrug. Who would have a problem going back to a better game ;p?


Another person who is wither unaware or has conveniently forgotten how poor WoW was when launched and how little it offered in terms of gameplay.

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