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Return Veteran's Edge stacks to NIM Raids


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What ever ill write, will be written in the past of this theme i guess.




I really dont understand, why you would remove the stacks at all.

The reasons for it are clearly understandable to return them as long as some things in the current content are not updated.

Reason A: When i just run through the HC content and the NIM content is too hard for me, what else can i progress in the game?

Reason B: There is no way, that a casual player would be able to do NIM ops without spendig his whole life time into this game. There is also no reason to progress a lower difficulty, there are no "cool" drops to get in.

Reason C: I dont know if the player base will shrink hard but there is at least a reason that it will because the game is all about the operations- at least for a high amount of player from the player base that the game has.

Reason D: At the moment, you can only use a few, not all classes to down hard NIM bosses. There is no balance between the classes at all and most of them will be too weak to take part on the NIM content.


There will also be no chance to balance the classes just because there is PVP and PVE. At example a jugg DD is maybe not that strong in PVE but hes still very viable in PVP.


I really liked the very old content. Where Brontes droppes a 186 main hand and stuff like this. The game overall was "balanced" and everyone had fun to play the game. The HC content was not that easy, that it is at the moment and the NIM ops needed skill and communication.


I really wont like to have a Content, that was such as easy that it was with the stacks but neither i want a content, thats just "impossible" to play with classes, that are not the "top tier" classes at the moment.

Also i want to play the game longer that i already did - think i played it about 6-8 years now, not sure.

And at the moment, i dont see the point to play it. My NIM raid-group turned into a HC-group. We just finished master&blaster - coratanni&perle ... now were on Revan and this wont take much time aswell. After that, there is the NIM .... and most of our group dont want to try NIM anymore, because they are playing classes, that are not the best classes to do for.


Overall iam really, really not a hater to make content harder but iam also not a hater to make all classes viable for the content, i really would like to see that.


Also i really would like to be a continuing part of the game and not a leaving part.


Best Regards. :) Can just pray to devs!

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What ever ill write, will be written in the past of this theme i guess.


After that, there is the NIM .... and most of our group dont want to try NIM anymore, because they are playing classes, that are not the best classes to do for.




Ppl complained PT IS NOT A TANK, lots of timed runs done by pt tanks pre 5.10 prove ppl were wrong.

Ppl complained SORC IS NOT A DPS, lots of timed runs done by sorc dps pre 5.10 prove ppl were wrong.

Sorc dps even cleared every fight in Gods.


Just stop complaining about ur classes, rly...

Edited by Flame_Ya_One
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Ppl complained PT IS NOT A TANK, lots of timed runs done by pt tanks pre 5.10 prove ppl were wrong.

Ppl complained SORC IS NOT A DPS, lots of timed runs done by sorc dps pre 5.10 prove ppl were wrong.

Sorc dps even cleared every fight in Gods.


Just stop complaining about ur classes, rly...


That's really good advice, I give it often in the form of "Play what you enjoy". The issue is, reading through this thread, we can see that people are stating "you need x, y and z to run NiM". This means that, while it's great advice, it's worthless in this context. If you want to play b, but y is the required class for that role, good luck, eh?

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So I feel like it’s safe to say now that pug raiding is completely dead. Almost no one is doing NiM raiding anymore. Great job BioWare.


Raid groups folding right and left. Those that aren’t are simply doing Rav/Tos/HM gods, but that’ll only last them a month or so. Then what? Mass exodus?


I think I, and MANY others, are sticking around in hopes that you will fix this cluster****. Is that naive? Should we just leave now?

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Take what he says with a grain of salt. Being in 258 gear with 240 augs in 5.10 made every class/spec viable. Additionally, it depends on the boss, team comp, player experience, player skill, dedication, and time/patience.


If u re-read - I am talking about PRE 5.10, which means 248+236. When Nims were still a thing, u actually needed to do decent dps and execute mechnics. That was a nice balance in difficutly and gear.

Edited by Flame_Ya_One
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