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Game Update 6.1 Known Issues


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Hey folks,



Does the issue affect the actual Scourge romance cut scenes in 6.0 and/or potential romance stuff that happens with Scourge in 6.1? This isn't clear from Charles' post.

Edit: - seems not :)

Edited by Sarova
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In case you missed it:


I am looking into what is up with the MM stacks. I know that it is a change we were experimenting with on PTS, but I am still confirming whether this was a planned change or an unintended holdover from PTS. I will let you know once I have more info.



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WIth a new set bonus added into the game, you've also added charges on guardian/juggernaut AOE taunt Challenging Call. We can no longer see the cooldown text on it. We already have a broken Force Leap, we don't need more quessing to the rest of the abilities.


Both of these abilities cooldown texts need to be fixed ASAP, because tanks can't guess when their abilities are on and off. We need to be able to communicate with clear numbers, not % of charges.


Better yet, stop adding charges to the game, until you have fixed the cooldown text. Other classes have the same issue with everything that have charges on it.

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The Alderaan floor medallion decoration is broken since update 6.1.


If you place it on the ground it's just the metal frame, all of the inlays (house Organa insignia) are missing.


Finally figured out that the medallion is working in some areas.


Medallion working:


Alderaan Stronghold: in some areas of the mountain retreat

Manaan Stronghold: in some areas

Rishi Stronghold: in some areas


Medallion not working:


Tatooine Stronghold

Nar Shaddaa Stronghold

Coruscant Stronghold

Dromund Kaas Stronghold

Umbaran Train Stronghold

Yavin Stronghold

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Hey folks,


Please update this list with the dozen or so reported Alderaan stronghold bugs, so we can feel confident that you know about them? It's especially worrisome that some of these bugs were reported in PTS threads. Perhaps also the glitches and problems with the new Tatooine Arena Decoration Bundle items.



Edited by Xina_LA
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Instead of worrying about some romance bug how about fixing the other dam game glitches that instantly kills you that's been going on for month now,


and fix the warzones matches where you can be stunned but the other team can not even be slowed down by your stuns, and twirls where it does appear there is a lot of cheating going on your do we need to start cancelling our subscriptions.


While I am at it fix the dam force barrier on sith sorcerer where it disappears after one shot in some flashpoints and warzones.



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