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It seems some of the world of warcraft people coming here


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I see lots of wow words being used in imperial fleet gen chat recently, such as AH and so on, lots of "cheaper than ah" "buy on ah" etc, if you don't know what ah means it is "auction house" from world of warcraft stormwind city like gtn here we have. I can only assume they coming from wow or played wow recently and left it due to activision destroying blizzard stuff and their business decisions lately like pulling out all their games from geforce now platform and so on, and this may made anger some players there and coming to swtor here as a result. I may be wrong of course, but its good to see swtor have somewhat boost in population. Blizzard have made alot of crappy stuff recently in wow and in game store, selling reskinned vehicles for a 6 months of sub promise which is real shady and disgusting in my opinion.



We accept all the wow refugees here, feel free to play around and ask questions in general chat or here, just a warning though, you serve the Empire now, its queen Darth Acina and thus every citizen of her great empire, not jaina poundmoore nor anything called alliance or horde. By accepting above you also accepting all the citizenship rights provided to you by The Reformed Sith Empire, any violations made by you will be punished in highest in law in the US (United States of America and State of California) (californian users, your privacy rights is changed again click here) and EU Economic Area. Darth Acina welcomes you to the The Reformed Sith Empire on Imperial Fleet, go and meet with some little skinny chiss agents or angry ranked sith players. The Reformed Sith Empire, United and Ready.

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Hello, former World of Warcraft roleplayers! I hope you'll join us on the Satele Shan server.


If you form a guild and enjoy decorating strongholds, contact Savaja (Empire) or Kiralyn (Republic).

I'm sure you can find other volunteers as well, if you ask around.

We can help get you started with lots of decorations!


Also check out this ultimate Guide of Guides for all your info needs:


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Yes, WoW got stupidly boring, so i'm not surprised. Classes are dumb basic and it's an RNG and grind fest of rental powers.


I did notice it too, and i am an Ex-WoW player myself, so i use some wow terms like item level instead of gear level or whatever it is called in swtor. But i was around since the start. Though i did take long breaks at times. But since Ossus and with the decline of WoW quality, i have come back pretty seriously. I dropped WoW about then as well and tried FFXIV, wich is alright but very slow paced. SWTOR is the most fun MMO for me. Just wish EA would invest on it more so we'd get more content.


Unless of course, you're not evil, in which case you now serve the Republic. 😍


Or you know... you like to enjoy everything the game has to offer and play both! Cause it's very easy with the new gearing system and how all gear is legacy wide. :)

Edited by Nemmar
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Or, you know, they played any other number of MMOs where it was referred to as an "Auction House". I've played this game for 8 years and I still occasionally refer to it as such because I also played RIFT for years, and it was called an Auction House or Auctioneers in that game. I played WoW during 2012 and I didn't even remember it being called that. I remember using the term years ago when I played Aion because I saw other players use it (think the official term was "Broker" in Aion).


I remember someone commenting on characters being called "toons" that "Oh must be WoW players." I've heard the term "toon" across multiple games for going on a few decades now, no matter where it orginated, and I picked up the term. That too doesn't mean I'm a "WoW refugee".


TLDR: If you wanted to make a post bashing Blizzard, should have just titled it "Blizzard Sucks Now" and made that your theme without the shoehorned premise that "common MMO terms = WoW players".

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TLDR: If you wanted to make a post bashing Blizzard, should have just titled it "Blizzard Sucks Now" and made that your theme without the shoehorned premise that "common MMO terms = WoW players".


Don't worry, it won't be long before they are all on the EA/BW sucks wagon ;)

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I have noticed several conversations from WoW players .. Some state it out right … and other from certain terms and phrases that are obviously unique from that particular game.


Yes.. welcome to SWTOR corner of the galaxy.


I have played both and prefer the atmosphere in this game. (WoW for several years) …


BTW... a tip of the hat to players like stevethecynic (and several others) who are constantly providing reliable answers to questions for so many that visit the forums (some of which are very technical) ….

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Or, you know, they played any other number of MMOs where it was referred to as an "Auction House". I've played this game for 8 years and I still occasionally refer to it as such because I also played RIFT for years, and it was called an Auction House or Auctioneers in that game. I played WoW during 2012 and I didn't even remember it being called that. I remember using the term years ago when I played Aion because I saw other players use it (think the official term was "Broker" in Aion).


I remember someone commenting on characters being called "toons" that "Oh must be WoW players." I've heard the term "toon" across multiple games for going on a few decades now, no matter where it orginated, and I picked up the term. That too doesn't mean I'm a "WoW refugee".


TLDR: If you wanted to make a post bashing Blizzard, should have just titled it "Blizzard Sucks Now" and made that your theme without the shoehorned premise that "common MMO terms = WoW players".


I'm so sorry to disappoint you, I don't remember myself doing forum posts with a title "xxxx sucks now" its just does not fit my style. Plus there is already crapton people here doing that crap weekly, gear sucks crafting sucks story sucks and so on


We accept all wow refugees

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While we are on MMO terms, mob is a term in all games to reference a single mobile creature, right? I’m trying to convince someone it isn’t the English word for a group of people. Lol

I've never seen nor heard "mob" as term for a "single mobile creature" - either here or in WoW.

In SWTOR it generally refers to a group of enemies.


Check the dictionary - a "mob" is a group of (unruly) people.

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I've never seen nor heard "mob" as term for a "single mobile creature" - either here or in WoW.

In SWTOR it generally refers to a group of enemies.


Check the dictionary - a "mob" is a group of (unruly) people.


Thanks, no, I don’t need a dictionary. I already acknowledged the actual meaning in my post. Lol.


I’ve played mmos since Everquest. That’s where I learned that term.



Edited by Shinian
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I'm one of those players that started playing SWTOR from the beginning, but after a year or so, I switched to WOW. After experiencing the RNG and gear grind, I've come back for Onslaught. The gearing system is excellent ND the community is far more friendly....so far. On top of that, it's Star Wars!! So I'm not surprised to see a lot of people from WOW playing, it's a refreshing change for sure.
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I've never seen nor heard "mob" as term for a "single mobile creature" - either here or in WoW.

In SWTOR it generally refers to a group of enemies.


Check the dictionary - a "mob" is a group of (unruly) people.


I've played SWTOR since launch and WoW since Wrath and I have 100% seen "mob" used to identify individual enemies, hence why most people say "mobs" when talking about group pulls.


Anyway, to not derail:


I've seen tons of new players not just from WoW but from all sorts of games! For whatever reason there seems to be a pretty decent influx of newbies, which is really sweet to see. It makes me happy as a vet player to have a lot of new life breathed into the game.

Edited by jedimasterjac
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"Pat" is a term that seems to confuse a lot of people in SWTOR. A "pat" is a pather, or patrolling mob. I've heard that term for years in playing MMOs, and I think it was playing Aion way way back where I picked it up. But any time I say "Watch the pat!" in SWTOR people act like I'm speaking Greek. You can even Google "MMO terms pat" and it comes up as part of MMO-speak, so why people act like it's such a foreign term in this game is beyond me.
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I've seen tons of new players not just from WoW but from all sorts of games! For whatever reason there seems to be a pretty decent influx of newbies, which is really sweet to see. It makes me happy as a vet player to have a lot of new life breathed into the game.


There you go !! IMO this is what we need to focus on and not lose sight of !

Edited by OlBuzzard
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Regarding the various references in which lingo is used throughout other games, it doesn't really matter as long as the message comes across. It's no different than someone posting on the forums who may not have perfect grammar, most of us understand the message.


Mob would of course be plural, but it's not hard to understand what is meant. I don't recall when I first read the word 'pat', it was either here or in another mmo, but I immediately saw an npc coming our way and assumed it was meant patrol. People putting an 'x' in front of their role/class, as redundant as it is, it's also understood what is meant.


On topic: The more, the merrier. I played WoW for roughly six months and decided it wasn't for me. If players are coming here to check out SWTOR, do check out all of the class story lines, most if not all are really good.

Edited by Pirana
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I have played both and prefer the atmosphere in this game. (WoW for several years) …

This is so true. I played WoW for 10 years and went back recently for Classic with high hopes. Unfortunately the WoW Classic atmosphere was awful and the game was altered beyond anything original classic offered. I returned to SWTOR because even after rage-quits, the dreaded bugs, the occasional lowbrow general chat and patch related shenanigans this game has a much better atmosphere than WoW and is far more enjoyable. An the SWTOR forums can be quite fun (I'm looking forward to the resurrection of some of the old "love threads" after 6.1 :D )


Oh I raise my hand as being guilty of calling the GTN an AH on occasion :o

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While we are going out on limbs here making bold proclamations I'd like to add that it seems many nerds play SWTOR. You guys probably wouldn't notice it takes someone of my supreme observation skills to notice such things. Edited by Lhancelot
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I came to swtor from wow and as amythic raider I am not planning on going back. here are some things that excel in swtor:

1. More serious tone is swtor: they just added foxes as a playable race, pandering to cuteness. One look at Darth Malgus explains what swtor is.


2. Classes and gameplay: Wow has hit an all time low with class and gameplay. Spells have been pruned beyond belief and the combat is slow, clunky and boring. Where in Swtor the abilities compliment the class, combat is fun and hectic and the classes really make you feel like your role playing them (e.g. Bounty Hunter makes you feel like BH).


3. Gearing: Swtor throws gear at you and you can easily get to full 306 in a week or so. In Warcraft I got my max level weapon a week before a major patch. Also they have now around 4 variation of each item so good luck on you guys who like to min-max gear. With max gear in Swtor I can enjoy o every aspect of the game instead of it being a gear-marathon.


4. Raiding/ops: I find Swtor MUCH better than WoW here. WoW content is all about consuming, while you may think that it has a lot of content it doesn’t. As soon as the next major patch , older raids ( even the older ones from the same expansions ) immediately become obsolete. SWTOR’s scaling is awesome and keep every older ops relevant.

Also the daily reset on story mode is fantastic.


5. The Grind: Warcraft always was a second job if you wanted to stay competitive. Grind for materials, gold, gear, herbs.... it never ends. Legion and now BFA have items that have an endless grind so it slowly becomes about who spends more time in game vs skill. SWTOR’s only grind is for credits for high end augments and cosmetic stuff.


6. Cartel market: this one is crazy good, insane awesome cosmetic gear and the game even gives you the currency to buy it. Wow’s " market " is nonexistent comparatively.


7. Solo gameplay: Swtor has a ton of things you can do solo. You can even do older content and get renown/conquest points. Wz’s and ranked matches pop up relatively fast. Traveling to other planets with your own ship is an immersion beyond anything that WoW can offer.


I am extremely happy in Swtor as it’s an MMO that caters to both casual and hardcore players in a near equal way.

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While we are going out on limbs here making bold proclamations I'd like to add that it seems many nerds play SWTOR. You guys probably wouldn't notice it takes someone of my supreme observation skills to notice such things.


what nerds play star wars? XD

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"Pat" is a term that seems to confuse a lot of people in SWTOR. A "pat" is a pather, or patrolling mob. I've heard that term for years in playing MMOs, and I think it was playing Aion way way back where I picked it up. But any time I say "Watch the pat!" in SWTOR people act like I'm speaking Greek. You can even Google "MMO terms pat" and it comes up as part of MMO-speak, so why people act like it's such a foreign term in this game is beyond me.


I expect it all depends on what other games people have played. 21 years of MMOs and pat is a new term to me. I'm used to patrols being called adds. I'm also used to AH being an Auction Hall rather than House. Mob for a single enemy has been around since the old Muds. The one term I most closely associate with WoW players is "transmog", but who knows, maybe it has spread to other games.

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