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How do you open in PVP?


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Whats your opener in pvp as lethality/ruffian? I find a hard time finding how to use steath to my advantage playing this spec. If an enemy is in combat, you cant sap them and cant use point blank shot from stealth (as you have to postpone it till your dots are on).


What are other options apart from dots?

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Whats your opener in pvp as lethality/ruffian? I find a hard time finding how to use steath to my advantage playing this spec. If an enemy is in combat, you cant sap them and cant use point blank shot from stealth (as you have to postpone it till your dots are on).


What are other options apart from dots?


Assuming warzones...


If you're not using the Viral Elements tactical, then you should open with PBS, then apply dots.


AoE / Group fights:

Use Viral Elements tactical. Ignore your stealth, apply dots, toxic blast, bushwack, Point Blank Shot. Toxic Blast, Frag Grenade etc rinse repeat (basic). The main idea is use bushwack to spread Vital Shot and Toxic Blast, then use PBS cuz it hits everyone inside your bushwack.



If they aren't in combat:

After you sap them, un-stealth and apply both dots to your opponent (won't break mezz), then put probes on yourself. Then open with Point Blank Shot and and all of your usual abilities. Be sure to keep your probes up during the fight, and to use shield screen often (it grants 15% DR when it collapses). Roll heal, kite, LOS, and be a nuisance. Once you've run your opponent out of DCD's, you should be able to mop him up. Remember, you are a skirmisher... don't facetank your opponent. Dodge reflect utility is highly effective when going in for the kill, assuming you have more health than your opponent (4s of white dmg immunity and 150% reflect vs yellow dmg).


If capturing a node:

Sap them, pop out of stealth and apply both dots to your opponent, then put probes on yourself. If they break the mezz, flashbang them and cap the node (be quick). If they don't break your mezz, see previous paragraph.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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  • 4 weeks later...

Do NOT use PBS from stealth. If you have the option you want to sap then apply your dots and hots on yourself then open with nut kick. After that you can unload your damage while they are stunned. Biggest problem with ruffian is the ramp up time and setting that up before you break cc is huge.


You want pbs to be lined up right after your dots and sanguinary shot are up. You want to maximize your brutal shots window for best damage. You wreck that window if you open with pbs from stealth.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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