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Bioware please do something about 16VM Apex Vanguard

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Apex Vanguard on 16 Veteran is seriously over-tuned. I am the raid leader of a 16-man Ops team and this fight, a Veteran fight, is more challenging than most NiM content in the game.


If the plan was to make Apex a NiM difficulty fight to hold raiders over until actual NiM Dxun that would be one thing, but its not, everyone in the group has multiple 8-man clears under our belts, this is an issue exclusive to the 16 man version.


Please take a look at this fight and bring it more inline with 8-man difficulty.

Edited by Terro_Fett
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thats just shows how much they ****ed up with adding vet's stacks on nims <3

Bioware undertuning old NiM Ops in 6.0 is a whole issue on its own, but it's not just comparing it to old NiMs, but against the 8man version of the same fight where its most noticeable. The difference in difficulty between 8 and 16 has always fluctuated from boss to boss, some bosses are easier or harder on one mode or the other, but they generally all fit within the same difficulty range for their mode.


Having cleared HM Dxun on 8man and now 5/6 on 16man, the difficulty differences fight-to-fight is what you would generally expect... for the first 5 bosses. However 16man Apex is on a completely different level than everything else. He is arguably one of the hardest fights in the entire game, and that's for a Veteran mode fight, not NiM. I would expect this difficulty on NiM, but it almost feels like Bioware entered in some of the numbers wrong when coding this version of the fight.

Edited by Terro_Fett
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Apex Vanguard on 16 Veteran is seriously over-tuned. I am the raid leader of a 16-man Ops team and this fight, a Veteran fight, is more challenging than most NiM content in the game.


If the plan was to make Apex a NiM difficulty fight to hold raiders over until actual NiM Dxun that would be one thing, but its not, everyone in the group has multiple 8-man clears under our belts, this is an issue exclusive to the 16 man version.


Please take a look at this fight and bring it more inline with 8-man difficulty.


16m VM and 8vm is same dificulties just need some adjustment

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Right now, you get a 3 second window of immunity after cleansing contagion. In 16m, I think that window could increase to 4 seconds, and it would make all the difference in the world. It's certainly killable as it is right now, but far exceeds the typical hard mode difficulty; it's hard because of the power each person has to ruin the pull.
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