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Champion Pieces should cost 1000/1000 Comms OR 1 RNG Bag Token


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Consider this. It has been assumed that the probability of getting a usable Champion piece from a Champion bag is 25% (mostly taken from anecdotal evidence; it'd be nice if an actual percentage value was given!). This means that for every 800WZ/800Merc comms spent, the player *should* get one piece of armor, a relic or a weapon.


Currently, it is possible to get duplicates of the same item, lowering the actual percentage chance to get something useful. For the sake of argument, let's assume the affected percentage is closer to 20%.


In which case, it would take roughly 1000/1000 WZ/Merc comms to obtain one piece of useful gear. So, why not just make each piece cost 1000/1000?



But here's the kicker: Leave in the RNG Champion Bag system. That way people can choose whether they want to play the lottery or work harder. Satisfy both crowds at once.


Who agrees?

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Get rid of Merc comms. 3:1 is ********


No. They're needed for when they fix Ilum and it gives Merc Commendations.


Anyway, I'm fine with the current system and its RNG. It's fun. I just think a Battlemaster Bag should be added to the vendor and cost 500/500 to 1000/1000 so people have something to aim for outside of dailies after getting full Champion gear.

Edited by GeLopez
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No. They're needed for when they fix Ilum and it gives Merc Commendations.


Anyway, I'm fine with the current system and its RNG. It's fun. I just think a Battlemaster Bag should be added to the vendor and cost 500/500 to 1000/1000 so people have something to aim for outside of dailies after getting full Champion gear.


Pretty sure the game will be empty by then.

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How about they actually implement a gear progression system.

if you mean like leveling up your gear, that would be interesting. I'd like to see visual upgrades as well as stats. Not sure how stats would work. it would have to be either leveling up the armors base stats or leveling up the mods that are in them atm.

Edited by ninjazobie
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