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Need a new server type - Social


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... because clearly there is a problem when people will intentionally drop group after a flashpoint to avoid getting social points for doing group conversations.


This is the biggest peeve i have with the community right now, is that they are playing SWTOR and avoiding other people like the plague and refuse to group up to do anything. I'd love to play this game with others, its built to. but nobody else does and it sucks.


Give me a server where I can ditch the entire anti-social mob of players and a place where I can expect to be able to group up with others. Grouping up and doing missions is fun as hell, and nobody does it. Give me a server where people like that can go.

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yeah I agree, I've tried like hell to find someone to quest with, if I had someone to quest with from level 10 I'd probably be social 4 or 5. But no, not one single person wants to, it seems everyone is in some kidna rush to 50 skipping all VO and just going to the next plant whenever they can.


Questing together in this game is damn fun but people refuse to play together in an MMO, everyone play it like a singleplayer game (just like every other mmo) which is a shame.


I've done all quests on all the planets leading up to Taris(empire) I've asked in general chat countelss times about questing together but no answers so far. On heroic quests people leave the group the moment the quest is done... Seems like there's alot of anti social peeps in mmo game lol.

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I skip all the dialogue, why bother with others just to wait longer :p


you're missing about ove 50% of the game then, why would you play a game that's heavily focused on Voice acting and just skip it all? You're just like those whining 50s just rushing and not enjoying.

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people will intentionally drop group after a flashpoint to avoid getting social points for doing group conversations.


There are people who intentionally avoid getting social points?




Even if you're not looking to use any of the gear or items, the points don't hurt you. Why would someone actively try to avoid them?


Or did you mean they drop group to prevent others from getting them?

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you're missing about ove 50% of the game then, why would you play a game that's heavily focused on Voice acting and just skip it all? You're just like those whining 50s just rushing and not enjoying.


Maybe 50% of NOW. But that doesn't matter in a year worth of playing many hours a day. What lies beyond the voice acting? Right now, not much.

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There are people who intentionally avoid getting social points?




Even if you're not looking to use any of the gear or items, the points don't hurt you. Why would someone actively try to avoid them?


Or did you mean they drop group to prevent others from getting them?


I don't know why they drop group. I guess everybody is so used to just dropping after a flashpoint is finished they don't care about anything else after? Its happened in literally every flashpoint i've run though. Soon as the last boss dies and the loot is distributed people drop and then I have to either do the conclusion conversation alone or with the 1 other dude who hasn't dropped yet. Its free social points and you're already grouped up; i don't know why they don't just do it.


I would love to do my missions in a group all the time. I wish it was easier to get on the same step as another group member though, or find others who want to play grouped up.


No idea why these people play MMOs if they are anti-social freaks though.

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good thing I have 8 classes to play then with different voiceactors, whenever I make another toon i won't be skipping any dilagoue again because it's a different voiceactor=different experience.


So I got pleeeeeeeeeenty of time before the Voiceacting is "gone" for me :)


just like mass effect, I enjoy a good story so much that I've completed both games over 10 times total while never skipping ANY dialogue. In mass effect 1 doing everything and all takes roughly 50hours, in swtor it's ALOT more. So yeah, if people decide to skip what a game offers I say let them whine and leave. Good Riddance.


I for one will play this game for aloooong time, allready subed for 6months so ;-)

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you're missing about ove 50% of the game then, why would you play a game that's heavily focused on Voice acting and just skip it all? You're just like those whining 50s just rushing and not enjoying.


because hearing a fishman talk to me stoped being funny at level 15, it gets old dont get me wrong it was a unique idea and I have no issues with it being in the game but that doesn't mean I'm going to sit around waiting for someone to watch them.

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This is indeed the most anti-social mmo i've seen. Unfortunately there doesnt seem to be a great deal to encourage group or team play and the storyline aspect seems to be the big cause of solo play. I would have thought the social leveling system would encourage it but it hasnt. A real shame. Could be the failing of the game.
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I drop group as soon as I can after any heroic/flashpoint because I want my character to do the talking.


I'm totally cool with group conversations right in the middle of heroics and flashpoints, but as soon as I can get complete control of conversations back, I'll do so.


I don't want to sit idly by while some Smuggler attempts to extort the quest-giver for extra money.

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because hearing a fishman talk to me stoped being funny at level 15, it gets old dont get me wrong it was a unique idea and I have no issues with it being in the game but that doesn't mean I'm going to sit around waiting for someone to watch them.


well it hasn't gotten old for me and I'm level 41, I'm on taris and I've done all the quests on all the planets leading up to taris(empire). I'm not even 1% tired of it, haven't even thought about it yet.


But yeah my mindset is story and not level, the leveling is just a big bonus to me, several times I have had to check what level I am because I don't care about it, I just play the game for the story and it's 10x more fun when playing with others.


all the quests for me on the planets I've been to have been gray and the mobs have been over 8 levels below me and I didn't even think about it because i had fun. I've had to solo 2/4man heroics because people are so anti social it's sickening and the only time they open their mouths they usually just whine about something. and when people ask for help no one cares to answer when there's like 100people on the planet, I mean really? none out of the 100 knows the answer? I know people can /w but none of em have to don't bother mention it (I've asked if they've been /w)


It's sad really.

Edited by Wa-kin
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