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Why create new companions instead of bringing back old one's in meaningful roles


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Tau Idair could have easily been replaced by Nadia or even Ashara. Someone we already care about and who has existed in this world for as long as our player character. Why create a new character when you could easily bring back a companion character in a more meaningful way?


We have so many companions in our companion log but most of them do nothing. I miss companion conversations and our companions having meaningful character arcs of their own.

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Tau Idair could have easily been replaced by Nadia or even Ashara. Someone we already care about and who has existed in this world for as long as our player character. Why create a new character when you could easily bring back a companion character in a more meaningful way?


We have so many companions in our companion log but most of them do nothing. I miss companion conversations and our companions having meaningful character arcs of their own.


thank you so much

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Tau Idair could have easily been replaced by Nadia or even Ashara. Someone we already care about and who has existed in this world for as long as our player character. Why create a new character when you could easily bring back a companion character in a more meaningful way?


We have so many companions in our companion log but most of them do nothing. I miss companion conversations and our companions having meaningful character arcs of their own.


Cost. Each class has 5 companions. By channeling us through Theron / Lana, now Tau and Major Anri they save a ton of money.


Of course, we could play the "but what about the most favored companions?" game. And here is where it gets tricky.


As it turns out, you chose (no lie) the two companions, Nadia and Ashara, I like the least. I find them whiny and annoying. Also have never considered a romance with either because I view them as too young. I can only head canon RP so much. I find romancing them just eww...(not judging those who do). But, yeah, I would sooner romance Skadge. In fact, one of my characters is even in a gay romance with Khem Val! Whoda thunk? :rak_02:



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There's excitement in variety. I could just imagine if the original poster's thought process had dominated while EA crafted the storylines for KOTFE and KOTET. I never would have gotten hold of hottie Theron. Not like my male toons can date Corso or Iresso, despite wanting to. Theron's playersexuality and excellent geometry for the win.


So... variety, please.

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Cost. Each class has 5 companions. By channeling us through Theron / Lana, now Tau and Major Anri they save a ton of money.


Of course, we could play the "but what about the most favored companions?" game. And here is where it gets tricky.


As it turns out, you chose (no lie) the two companions, Nadia and Ashara, I like the least. I find them whiny and annoying. Also have never considered a romance with either because I view them as too young. I can only head canon RP so much. I find romancing them just eww...(not judging those who do). But, yeah, I would sooner romance Skadge. In fact, one of my characters is even in a gay romance with Khem Val! Whoda thunk? :rak_02:




Ahsoka was annoying in the first 2 seasons of CW but then some character growth happened and now she's a fan favorite. Same could happen with Ashara or Nadia.

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I love the new companions. Great design, amazing voice acting.


That being said, I wish our old class companions played a much more active role in the plot.

Especially ones we maintained a romance with.


That would be the perfect way to add a little light-hearted comedy into the story. Star Wars always had fun moments, humor and witty banter. SWTOR lately has been very heavy by comparison. Thank goodness Lana makes a few jokes, here and there.


Some party and celebration scenes would be nice. Celebrating victories is an important contrast to all the hardship and fear in the story. I really loved those scenes in the Odessen cantina. That would be another place our old companions could show up, even without voice dialog. Just have them chatting and drinking in the background, not heard over the music and general conversation background noise.

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Cost. Each class has 5 companions. By channeling us through Theron / Lana, now Tau and Major Anri they save a ton of money.


Of course, we could play the "but what about the most favored companions?" game. And here is where it gets tricky.


As it turns out, you chose (no lie) the two companions, Nadia and Ashara, I like the least. I find them whiny and annoying. Also have never considered a romance with either because I view them as too young. I can only head canon RP so much. I find romancing them just eww...(not judging those who do). But, yeah, I would sooner romance Skadge. In fact, one of my characters is even in a gay romance with Khem Val! Whoda thunk? :rak_02:





Agreed. Dasty is right about the companions. Each of us has companions we like or don't like. I really don't care that much about the two you have chosen. Ashara as a matter of fact was told to leave by my sorceress, if she could have she would have killed her. I would have prefer Arn than either of the two you mention. I would have never had a romance with either of them due to the fact, well I like men, (a fact my boyfriend can attest to lol) so there is a difference of opinions on what companions people like and don't like.

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Diversity and credit sinks.

Sounds about right. I'd like to add writer boners to this.


I think BW writers rather quickly get bored with the existing characters and just want to do something new constantly rather than fleshing out and progressing existing characters. Maybe that's too hard for them, I dunno. It's more like fan fiction than professional writing though.


The more I think about it, the more I start wondering if BW has creative brainstorm sessions where they use way too many drugs or something. Cause if that were the case it would explain a few things.

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Agreed. Dasty is right about the companions. Each of us has companions we like or don't like. I really don't care that much about the two you have chosen. Ashara as a matter of fact was told to leave by my sorceress, if she could have she would have killed her. I would have prefer Arn than either of the two you mention. I would have never had a romance with either of them due to the fact, well I like men, (a fact my boyfriend can attest to lol) so there is a difference of opinions on what companions people like and don't like.



Yes the varied differences in personalities gives a proper response to the "why so many " question.


The fact that so many players have killed off most (if not all) major companions sooner or later … that makes it difficult to fine a common story to return most of the companions to begin with.


If either Lana or Kira had black hair they would remind me of my wife ( in different ways … from time to time). But .. neither do.. and there is no customization available for either to that end...


Most importantly, however, is the simple fact that most (if not all … including Lana and Theron) … have been "bricked" … that is to say they are now behind the wall or simply no longer made available for just about any real form of interaction. I'm almost certain that most of this is done primarily as cost savings idea.


But there is one thing that I now see... companions from the CM … most of the "playing field" at one point were narrowed to Lana and Theron (regardless of whether Republic or Sith Empire … or even back when it was more light side or dark side during KotFE / ET ). This kind of makes me wonder if it were possible to narrow the field down to a handful of new companions or a select few old ones … and maybe a couple of new ones. These would be fully customizable.


I said all of this to ask simply: Could it be possible for a player to select / customize a companion for the remainder of the series.

1. Select: Male / Female / Droid / Wookie (These are just suggestions). The fully customize that character. … face body .. hair … etc ..etc.

2. Select: Role as we do now ! Healer / Tank / DPS

3. Add to that: Ranged weapon (several weapons to choose from) / Melee .. etc


I'm certain that there would be more to this process... Just offering a suggestion.


Oh … as for what happened to our old ones. I'd dare say that those days are pretty much gone for good. We might see Kira and Scourge return for one more encore .. But I wouldn't hold my breath for too much more than that.


Finding a means of having companions with more universal applications / roles (to keep cost down to a minimum).... might be all that's left.


In any case I know … I think that most would prefer to keep companions like Vette / HK-55 / Theron / Kira / Lana (and a few others). All for different reasons.


I personally would prefer to see a lot more interactions with those companions as well. Some of those could and should be repeatable... Like a weekend retreat or something.


At any rate. … Just a few thoughts on this. I know that companions have been a big part of the game since the beginning. And IMO... it's kind of sad to see that part of the game get the "scraps" of what's left in the development stage of the game.

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This kind of makes me wonder if it were possible to narrow the field down to a handful of new companions or a select few old ones … and maybe a couple of new ones. These would be fully customizable.


I said all of this to ask simply: Could it be possible for a player to select / customize a companion for the remainder of the series.

1. Select: Male / Female / Droid / Wookie (These are just suggestions). The fully customize that character. … face body .. hair … etc ..etc.

2. Select: Role as we do now ! Healer / Tank / DPS

3. Add to that: Ranged weapon (several weapons to choose from) / Melee .. etc


It's called build-a-bear, and it would be nice if we could build-a-comp from scratch - species, race, gender, voice, appearance, gear, alignment, fighting style, etc.

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I personally would prefer to see a lot more interactions with those companions as well. Some of those could and should be repeatable... Like a weekend retreat or something.


At any rate. … Just a few thoughts on this. I know that companions have been a big part of the game since the beginning. And IMO... it's kind of sad to see that part of the game get the "scraps" of what's left in the development stage of the game.


This has been requested/suggested in the past. The reason you don't see it (and likely why new companions are introduced) has to do with the costs and contracts for the voice actors. To keep having interactions with say Vette, Bioware has to come to a mutual agreement on terms (i.e., pay and/or royalties) with that particular voice actress (I don't know who it actually is) AND they have to have a schedule opening in the same time that Bioware is doing the development. I understand that this was an issue in the past with the voice actress who did Jaesa. If they introduce a new companion like Major Anri - no such limitations (and no prior contract terms to deal with).


Doesn't make it any better as I too would have preferred to have existing companions used than to introduce even more new characters to the already bloated companion pool.

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If that were the case, our companions would constantly be killed off.


Many companions got story integration already. Nothing wrong with creating new characters here and there.


With that said, devs said to be working on adding more companion interactions. So, that is coming.

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