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Skins top tier PVP Gear. LETS SAY THE TRUTH


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I'm a Trooper, so at least my final armor looks totally boss: aggressive as hell, for Vanguards has sweet orange-slate-blackisk coloration. Just could lose the ginormous ridiculous heatsink.


[this next part not very cultured, but some of the art in SWTOR is just sooooooo far below any acceptable par that strong words are required!]


The Sentinel monstrosity is simply insane. An I mean it literally. The person who designed it and the person who supervised the design is suffering from an actual condition. If it has not been recognized by the medical community yet, them docs should get on that pronto!

Some of the others are almost as hilarious, though: you have the Magical Snail Stalk Lazer Eyeballs bounty hunter helmets, then you have the Giant Electro Bird sorcerer... the latter is so horrible I just plonk off my chair right on the floor every time I see one. And there's about a million of them in PvP at the moment :).


Oh, and have any of you seen the Ninja Ninja raid set for, I think, Agents? Ahahahaha.


Don't forget the homeless WoW mage Occupy Wall St protester JC.

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I've got to echo the sentiments of many previous posters. Let us extract everything from the pvp gear. I'm sorry if I offend your art department, but I don't want to look like a giant crow carcass found on a freeway. They've put a lot of sets into this game that I really like. The level 50 pvp blue set was one of my favorites. Why I can't I use that instead? Certain games resisted this request for years. But the vast majority have moved past it. I know your system supports the option. Please stop using the antiquated design where you sacrifice stats for appearance. There are players who dislike these sets. It would be so easy to appease them. Please do.
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I don't have many complaints at all about the game. The one I have is regarding the level 50 gear. It's hideous. This is like a joke set of gear accidentally got placed into the final product. The assassin gear does not speak to me at all when I consider the feel of the AC. I don't know how I could assassinate anything in a crazy clown robe with spikes everywhere.
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why they didnt utilize this cool and partially innovative mod and crafting system more..


no lets just use the ****** set peice bonus and resilience mechanic hard coded to items like that other MMO uses.


the pvp vendors should be selling:


set piece bonus augments

armor plates with expertise on


so then we can use orange items, use items made by crafting, get the game ecomony moving a bit more, involving people that maybe arent doing pvp.


Not forcing us to use the worst designed, modeled and textured armour pieces in the history of MMO's :D


Making us all look the same.

Edited by Sandzibar
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Whoever did the endgame gear design did a good job of making the crappiest looking gear ever.




I thought some of the WoW gear looks really bad but this guy that designed these end game armors definetly takes it to another level.


Let this guy create some low lvl armors but keep him away from End game gear!

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They should have put the gear in the progression trailer. ATLEAST ATLEAST we would have been repared. They could have even warmed us up to it. The little headbands wear cool. I was able to deal but now we have to wear that dumb helmet thing. for stats. If its not changed soon. I will start going into war zones clothless
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Please bioware , take our opinion seriusly , keep your customers happy and you wil get more money , year 2012 CUSTOMIZATION IS A MUST! moreover WHEN YOU MADE SOME ARMOR PROGRESION VIDEOS ... TO FINALLY WEAR THE END GEAR lvl 50 pve/pvp.


If i were you , the designers of this crapiest gear ...rigth now they would be looking for a job in MCdonals..


is up to you , CUSTOMIZATION IS A MUST , vibroblades are a joke i will never wear one F2P asian vibroblade , IS ThAT SILKROAD OR SWTOR?... amazing

Edited by Paralassa
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The worst part is that they in fact paid someone to create those awful models.


Hands off for the Jedi Knight one.


Worst skin ever in all MMO's.



Seriously, how could :


- a lead designer

- 3d designer

- a graphic designer


and all their boss/lead team LET A SO AWFUL SET GO IN THE LIVE GAME ?


Seriously ? I'm still amazed at that.


Imagine everyone of them sit around a table during a meeting, talking about PvP graphic sets and really and seriously validating that those armors are SOOOOOO NICE AND SOOO IN LINE WITH JEDI ART.


How could they ? I still don't get it.


How could they ?





In my company, I would INSTANTLY FIRE any graphic designer that would try to argue about the Jedi Knight PvP Armor.


Really. I would fire him/her and laugh/mock of him/her till I couldn't hold breath anymore.



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The reason stated by bioware as to why you can't just rip the enhancement slot out of pvp/pve endgame gear is so that you can't simply just buy the cheapest item6 or 7 times and take the expertise mod out of it.


Of course the obvious fix for that is just to normalise the cost of the gear.


Well for the PvP gear they can add the armor mods to the bags like anything else. You have a small chance at getting any item they can certainly add mods with PvP stats on them. This would take longer to get your full set(and cost a lot more) for people who care about the way they look, but I am fine with that.


For PvE they can have the end boss's in every hard mode flashpoint, and raid drop the mods so people don't farm the first boss.

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In the movies. they dont see the jedis using armor at all, and that was pretty much what i was expecting.

A robe and a lightsaber.


I understand it is war, but i dont see the point of the armor at all, even less with an ugly helmet.

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Republic armor is rubbish sith armor is good it looks the star wars part but the republic armor my god what the hell were they thinking. Not once in my whole life have i seen a Jedi look like this. Poor bloody troopers have to run round like an opal fruit JK have to wear a half baked tin can outfit and a helm that looks like a cooking wok.


Pull your fingers out and start making us look the part and start levelling this professions out, which means get he JK Tank like a tank and not like a flimsy fragile weak character that they are now. I want to at least stand on the front line of battle and take agro and dmg for more than 8 secs before pegging it.


Worst Heavy armor looks and tank system ive played over my 22 years of gaming. Shame on you Bioware

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The worst part is that they in fact paid someone to create those awful models.


Hands off for the Jedi Knight one.


Worst skin ever in all MMO's.



Seriously, how could :


- a lead designer

- 3d designer

- a graphic designer


and all their boss/lead team LET A SO AWFUL SET GO IN THE LIVE GAME ?


Seriously ? I'm still amazed at that.


Imagine everyone of them sit around a table during a meeting, talking about PvP graphic sets and really and seriously validating that those armors are SOOOOOO NICE AND SOOO IN LINE WITH JEDI ART.


How could they ? I still don't get it.


How could they ?





In my company, I would INSTANTLY FIRE any graphic designer that would try to argue about the Jedi Knight PvP Armor.


Really. I would fire him/her and laugh/mock of him/her till I couldn't hold breath anymore.




LOL. Agreed. Who designed this and thought it was cool enough to share amongst his/her colleagues? Which one of those colleagues also thought it looked cool? Who is in charge of the design department that also thought this was cool enough to get into the game? Who, not only approved of it getting in the game, but allowed it to be made the top tier PvP gear? You see where I am going with this.


The gear looks terrible, as opined by over 90% of the players in this thread -- it is no secret. Some of design decisions in this game really just make me shake my head.

Edited by DocVandar
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I must admit I was angry aswell,even cause the preview window got like super ultra low 640x480 textures, but after awhile that you wear it (besides head slot) you kinda get used and eventually like it.


Still, we need a more Jedi style PVP armour.

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I completely agree. This and the fact we can't pull hoods down seriously jeopardize the look of many classes, especially Jedi Knights.


Bioware better learn soon that MMORPGs are an hedonistic environment, and MMORPG gamers want to look cool. That JK armor set needs to be completely scrapped (honestly, it's good for nothing. No one wants to play a protocol droid) and replaced with one that looks like the one greenish heavy armor with a brown trench cloak (without the green please) shown in the jedi class trainer.


Also, a hood toggle needs to be added. Please don't come tell me it'd be "difficult". Helmets already have a single bit of code that determines if the hood goes down or not when they're worn. It's simply not realistic for the implementation of a toggle of any form to be "difficult".


It's seriously sad. The Jedi Knight trailer (for reference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bcmIlCg2tU ) has an extremely cool armor that we *cannot have*, and *no hood*, while all of our armor has a silly looking hood we can do nothing about.


Sorry. I love the game, but this is seriously bad design. If those horrible design choices are dictated by Lucas (would I be surprised? no), at least let us know. That way we can direcy our dissatisfaction where due.

Edited by Abriael
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I am leveling a sentinal right now and I am totally excited for this armor (excluding the helmet... the helmet is gag) for endgame! I think it is sweet looking! It would be even more awesome if the headgear for females was some sort of tiara. not sure on what would look good for guys, but overall the armor is pimp (without the gawd aweful helmet) .... i could go on for hours about helmets in this game... most are just very unatractive... very!
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