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Skins top tier PVP Gear. LETS SAY THE TRUTH


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So , Dear bioware , there is a big problem here , you let us customize our character from lvl 1 to 49 , but at 50 you force us to use the PVP gear wich is the SAME fo all clases avoiding the adv spec.


Whats the point of orange items if you force us to wear THE MOST UGLY SKIN IN THE HOLE GAME at lvl 50? when you are suposed to enjoy your gear and your character but... NO!! the PVP top GEAR IS UGLY , very ungly , look at this , i have a sentinel lvl 40 and are you telling me that i have to wear this FOREVER?












WHERE? WHERE? .... i just want to help you , cos if you dont see it , you need someone to tell you that YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THOSE ARMORS or your GAME WILL FAIL.

IF in 30 Days you dont change or add a new way to customize TOP TIER PVP ARMORS me and alot of people more will be canceling our subscription , thats all.

PD:reader , if you feel like me , just bump this threat and say your opinion , they need to hear us , they need to add some way of customization at top tier PVP armors.


EDIT: CHECK THIS OUT:http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=928365#post928365



Sorry for my english , is not my native language.


id rather fight you butt naked and slap people with a fish than wear that outfit x)


lol some of the gear does like realy good and then there is armor like that looks realy bad lol

Edited by Paralassa
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I guess it's a matter of opinion... but the Force user PvP sets at level 50 on the Republic side are absolutely terrible. Consular armor is just about the worst in the game at all levels. Jedi Knight armor is cool... up until their 50 PvP set. Troopers actually have decent looking armor, and Smugglers look like they are trying to be super hero cowboys or something.


Some people say the level 50 Sith Inquisitor PvP armor looks stupid because it makes you look like big bird, but at least it's not plain and generic. It's got flair and it looks unique. I like it. All the level 50 PvP gear on the Empire side looks pretty good with the exception of the BH helmet....


I get that Jedi are supposed to look more plain. It's part of their philosophy. But the level 50 JK armor looks like you're trying to be a space samurai or something. And not in a good way. But in time they will add more sets that hopefully don't look so terrible.

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PvP and raid quality mods, please.


Thank you :)





When i see PvP Jedi Guardian Outfit I'm thinking - nice for trooper, with this back pack... oh wait, it ISN'T a trooper, its... am Jedi? Jedi? nope, definitely NOT a Jedi style of wearing. Good for a trooper, bad for a Jedi.

And what about "you want see a clone army at end game, you will have options to look like you want. It will be clone army on PvP zones.

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Bioware, this will make or break your game. You can count on it.


Can't believe your art team even considered this, like seriously..you guys put this in the game...you guys at Bioware CAN NOT really think it looks good.


I'm going to let you in on a little secret Bioware. When people play a MMO, they want to work towards something that makes their toon stand out or look cool. When we log in we want to see our fcking bad ***** toon there waiting for us to login and go kick some face in.


No idea what your game plan or thought was behind this DISGUSTING armor but its a fail..a significant fail.



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thats why!!! i never played WOW cos i dint like the COLOURS EVERYWHERE and awfull armors , now i play swtor looking for this :




and i get this:




***?!!! I WANNA CRY.


They aren't all gems. WOW had some terrible gear. Now the GM gear was cool, but damn go look at some of the PvP sets from arena. PvP looks like garbage usually because it isn't meant to be as good as PvE gear.


My guess is it looks terrible because it requires no skill to achieve and was the first in the game. Go look at rouge and Druid GM gear from wow and talk about your problems.

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They aren't all gems. WOW had some terrible gear. Now the GM gear was cool, but damn go look at some of the PvP sets from arena. PvP looks like garbage usually because it isn't meant to be as good as PvE gear.


My guess is it looks terrible because it requires no skill to achieve and was the first in the game. Go look at rouge and Druid GM gear from wow and talk about your problems.


"WoW armor looks like **** so don't complain that the game you're playing makes you look like ****."

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So, instead of letting that happen, we prevented the Armoring, Hilt and Barrel from being extracted, but we also made sure of dropping purple Armoring mods of equivalent power as Operation loot. This means that players going the mod route can still take their favorite orange armor and make it as good as a operation purple armor (with some temporary caveats).




Yea...not possible with PvP gear. At least understand the subject being discussed before attempting to /thread something....

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I logged on to post about this. My female Jedi Sentinel looks completely retarded with her newly acquired Champion breastplate. I strongly considered extracting the mods and placing them in my Battlefury Vest.



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can be overcome by crafted oranges that crit, providing you with augment slots.


It's debatable whether or not some extra stats are more beneficial than the set bonuses. However, what's not debatable is the fact that there's no way to get expertise outside of the already ingame PvP gear.

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I'm a Trooper, so at least my final armor looks totally boss: aggressive as hell, for Vanguards has sweet orange-slate-blackish coloration. Just could lose the ginormous ridiculous heatsink.


[This next part not very cultured, but some of the art in SWTOR is just... shockingly bad, and I must vent! And I don't mean it with malice, some of the designs are just indefensible. I don't understand how they got through even basic quality approval.]


The Sentinel monstrosity is simply insane. The person who designed it and the person who supervised the design must be so detached from reality that their condition probably qualifies for medical care. If it has not been recognized by the medical community yet, it should. It's like Bioware hired the graphical design equivalent of Uwe Boll and feed him/her nothing but Cool-aid for two years straight, then gave that person a pencil and a piece of paper and said "Sketch, now".

Some of the others are almost as hilarious, though: you have the Magical Snail Stalk Lazer Eyeballs bounty hunter helmets, then you have the Giant Electro Bird sorcerer... the latter is so horrible I just plonk off my chair right on the floor every time I see one. And there's about a million of them in PvP at the moment :).


Oh, and have any of you seen the Ninja Ninja raid set for, I think, Agents? Ahahahaha.


[but this is all very surprising...]

Because the same team apparently also produced hundreds of fantastic looking pieces. So what gives? And who greenlighted the idea to put iconic looks in lower tiers while consigning level 50's to these various largely unsuccessful experiments? Argh!



Failed experiments: they are good. Build character, give learning opportunities, all that jazz. You also generally don't show them to anybody besides the person who encouraged you to undertake them. And maybe some friends, while inebriated. You most certainly don't sell them to people.

Edited by canobeansPL
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I agree, OP. I about died when I saw the Jedi gear. It looks like one of the Samurai: Total War art team members got lost during a Bioware-Austin tour and this was what we got. Whoever designed that set should hang their head in shame. This is Star Wars, brah... not feudal Japan.


Quoting the truth.

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