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Which planets or locations would you like to see next in SWTOR?


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Oh wow, an Alderaan SH. Everything you see and everything you do there is a waste of time.

That's a bit silly. In a few million years the Sun will expand and swallow up the Earth and everything you've built and done will be gone. So, no sense in building a house or anything, since it's all going to be destroyed. :o

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Possibly Naboo, but personally, I think there's enough planets already. I'd rather they did more with the ones we already have.

What I might find even more interesting would be have more varied locations on the already established planets. Earth has deserts, glaciers, jungles, plains, etc, so why can't Tatooine for example.

How about some missions where you go to a jungle area of Tatooine, or a farming area of Coruscant, or winter on the southern hemisphere of Corelia, etc.


I doubt they'd ever dare tinker with the Star Wars fixation on monobiome planets, but seasons (where relevant) and day/night cycles would be nice.

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New planets would not mind Mustafar. Maybe something there that would tie into being UNDER the spot where Vader buids his castle ala sith temple under the jedi temple type thing. Lothal could be fun given there was a temple made there after all and well... Lothcats and LothWolves!!!!! Agree with Chewie's home planet... always said a good Imp/Pub storyline between wookies and trandoshans would be awesome. Trandoshans invade hunt and enslave wookies. Wookies revolt and escape captivity and being sold as slaves type of thing between the two worlds.


Eadu, Skariff, Wobani could all be fun.Mygeeto maybe as an ice planet.Cato Neimoidia would make for some interesting play in cityscapes strung between rock formations there too! Jedha or Crait even might be fun.


Lots of places out there to expand on and add in and have as part of all this.

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