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Cartel companions :/


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Ok, so what is up with these companions? They never make any noise or comments and most of them are really bad healers and /or DPS. Can anyone maybe suggest which ones are considered good? i am finding out that NONE of the animals are haha. Maybe the droids are a bit better? Just seems odd to me that they would not at least do the same as your most decent companion that u get through the story but i dunno.

halp :D


EDIT: I am talking about the companions u buy in the store, not the story ones u get xD

It cut out the first part of this post i made and stupid me did not proof read it :/

Edited by GaBacon
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The cartel companions can't be used for crafting.


Some people, such as the OP, suggest they don't perform very well. I have 5 or 6 of them but I don't actually use them, however I did use one of them briefly and didn't notice any lack of healing.


But overall, given the above, I'd say the Cartel Market companions would mostly be of interest to collectors and RP'ers.

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Yes, CM comps are basically useless now since Onslaught dropped, as I and others have pointed out numerous times. You can thank Bioware's sweeping one-size-fits-all approach for that. Most of them are absolute trash now and I've personally seen Influence 1-10 original class companions heal/dps/tank better than level 40 beast ones. Yeah, that wampa might look great, but that's ALL it's got going for it. If you want speed and efficiency, look elsewhere and save your CC/credits.
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Yes, CM comps are basically useless now since Onslaught dropped, as I and others have pointed out numerous times. You can thank Bioware's sweeping one-size-fits-all approach for that. Most of them are absolute trash now and I've personally seen Influence 1-10 original class companions heal/dps/tank better than level 40 beast ones. Yeah, that wampa might look great, but that's ALL it's got going for it. If you want speed and efficiency, look elsewhere and save your CC/credits.

Oh ok, so once upon a time they were pretty good eh. Well damn.

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[...]Can anyone maybe suggest which ones are considered good?[...]/

NONE of the cartel market exclusive companions* are as good as a story comp... they are all significantly worse in every role.


*(ie all those that cannot be used to craft, so NOT including Treek, HK-55, or Z0-0M)

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Oh ok, so once upon a time they were pretty good eh. Well damn.


Yes and no. Pre-6.0 they could get the job done. There were still better options, but you would never die as all companions were so OP it was ridiculous really. This is why I have a couple chars who HAD high level beast comps (they have now been changed to Shae). I had one with a level 40 ginx, one with a 40 nexu and one with a 50 akk dog. These were quite capable of doing all content easily. With 6.0 Bioware nerfed companions into the ground with some broad sweeping changes that made the Cartel ones just completely obsolete.


Shae was and still is far superior to any others as DPS, can heal fairly decently and can tank decently. Doc (I think it's Doc, can't remem) is an excellent tank. Z0-0M (not sure of spelling) is reportedly one of the best healers. Treek is once again a great healer and DPS. Tank, not so much, at least not for me. Note that she is the ONLY Cartel comp that seems to have escaped the fate of the others, which makes sense since she was the first and had/has her own unique skills rather than the copy/paste mess they did for every later Cartel droid and beast comp.

Edited by Sinhammer
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Droids seem ok.. I don't have any issue with influence 50 droids. I've read enough posts complaining about the creature companions that I've never even tried one nor will I.


As far as requisitions go, I've only used the T4 Annihilator and K1-Z3N so can only speak to those two.

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CM companions (droid / beast) are inferior to base companions with respect to output (HPS / DPS).


Can you run most solo / story content and get by with one? Sure.


Can you rank one up to 50 and have them perform better than at rank 1? Sure.


But at similar influence ranks, a CM comp will be outperformed by base / humanoid companions - heck even lower rank non-CM comps can outperform higher rank CM comps.


If Bioware made a balance pass for companion as stated, they failed - but more than likely, they just failed to make a balance pass.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Droids seem ok.. I don't have any issue with influence 50 droids. I've read enough posts complaining about the creature companions that I've never even tried one nor will I.


As far as requisitions go, I've only used the T4 Annihilator and K1-Z3N so can only speak to those two.


Yeah I will say I have an I-08 droid at level 50 on two characters and it still does okay. It actually does its assigned roles, unlike the creature comps. I can't speak for other droids, however, as I've never bothered buying any. They're all just kinda meh to me tbh. Only reason I have the I-08 was someone offered it to me for 1m credits.

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Btw, a lot of the "CM companions don't perform well" stuff is mostly a matter of opinion. If there really is a CM companion you'd like to use, try it!

And, if it doesn't seem to perform well, switch to a "story" companion, repeat the same content, and compare results, before coming to a conclusion. 🙂

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When I (and others) tell you that CM (non-crafting) companions are crappier in every role, it is not an 'opinion', it is tested fact.

Well, until I test something myself, or see it's been tested in a reasonably well constructed test, I'm not going to take the opinion of some random forum poster. Especially when the under-lined text is not even a link to any actual test data.

Too many times in the past, these memes arise only to be shown to be exaggerated or just plain wrong. For example:


- before companions were changed, Treek was said to be the "best" healing companion. In my own tests I found that, overall, Treek was no better than most other healing companions. (now it's Z0-0M)


- people used to go on, and on about HK-55's (or was it HK-51's) famous one-shot ability. But, as it turned out, the "one-shot" happened only so often and overall, HK-55 didn't to any more total damage than most.


- treasure chests should only be opened on Tuesdays because that's when they get refilled with new stuff. (Just kidding. Although I did hear this from a couple of people, I wouldn't say it was a common meme. 🙂 )

Edited by JediQuaker
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Btw, a lot of the "CM companions don't perform well" stuff is mostly a matter of opinion. If there really is a CM companion you'd like to use, try it!

And, if it doesn't seem to perform well, switch to a "story" companion, repeat the same content, and compare results, before coming to a conclusion. 🙂


At the same influence rank, a CM comp will perform worse relative to a normal companion with respect to measurable output such as damage per second or healing per second.


The above is not opinion - it is fact (testable if you don't trust 'random form posters').


That they may do enough healing or damage to allow a player to successfully complete specific content is irrelevant and will not change the fact that CM comps are inferior to normal companions with regards to output (DPS / HPS).

Edited by DawnAskham
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I got the Swtor keyboard that has a little screen on it with an app that tells me all the numbers for dps and heals and threat and I can confirm that the (non-crafting) CM companions produce significantly less. Edited by Monumenta
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- before companions were changed, Treek was said to be the "best" healing companion. In my own tests I found that, overall, Treek was no better than most other healing companions. (now it's Z0-0M)


- people used to go on, and on about HK-55's (or was it HK-51's) famous one-shot ability. But, as it turned out, the "one-shot" happened only so often and overall, HK-55 didn't to any more total damage than most.



Your "counterargument" here was no counterargument at all. Treek's healing abilities were indeed better than any other comp, and she could DPS and tank better as well. She was, unfortunately, nerfed into the ground YEARS ago because of crybabies crying on the forums that a Cartel item was better than the story comps. That was even before 4.0 rolled along and other "bonus" companions even existed. HK's snipe ability has been nerfed for as long as I can remember. It isn't a matter of "oh it turns out it only happens every so often blah blah', it's that it was nerfed at some point. He DID have better DPS at one point. Your entire argument is moot. Maybe you're just a newer player so you never used those comps when they WERE better, but that doesn't mean the history of them is fake just because YOU didn't experience it.

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Long time ago i bought the Exoboar, and also a droid which looks like a Bounty Hunter droid.


Then i noticed they dont make any noises or comments whatsoever. Others may like them this way, but i dont. My companions keep me company, and i enjoy hearing their comments and even more if they intervene in cutscenes and say a line or two, or talk special comments when in certain places.


Never again i bought a cartel companion again, and never i will.

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What is surprising to me is that Bioware has a strong financial interest in correcting this situation. I doubt I'm the only one who has limited their purchase of Cartel Market companions because of their well-known and documented limitations.


I'd go further too. I get the idea that the creature companions can't do crafting missions, but certainly the droid ones should be able to conduct them.



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I'd go further too. I get the idea that the creature companions can't do crafting missions, but certainly the droid ones should be able to conduct them.




I honestly have never understood why this was left out, considering the first CM comp (Treek) is able to, other than sheer laziness with the coding. The argument could be made that they didn't want to give them voice lines, since crew missions have success/failure (and start?) voice lines, but these could just as easily have been left out for text lines.

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Btw, a lot of the "CM companions don't perform well" stuff is mostly a matter of opinion. If there really is a CM companion you'd like to use, try it!

And, if it doesn't seem to perform well, switch to a "story" companion, repeat the same content, and compare results, before coming to a conclusion. 🙂

Um yeah. I did that and that is why i am asking about these particular companions.

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