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Major Annoyance - Hidden Binds - Right Click Targetted Enemy = Quickslot 1?


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One thing is coding the game such that when right-clicking a targetted enemy (I only do it by mistake) the game performs the default action, like talking or attacking depending on the reactiontowards the target (hostile, friendly, etc).


Another thing is coding the game to perform the Quickslot 1, I mean what the hell? Can't I undo this hidden "bind"?

Can't I bind whatever I want to Quickslot 1 without fear it will trigger by mistake whenever I happen to double-click for some reason?


Please fix this obvious bug or give us the option to turn off this forsaken "default action on double right-click"...



Another annoying bind is "\" (the key above the TAB) opening the Ticket Creation window, even after I unbound it...


Please make these hidden binds customizable... they're vexing, to say the least...

Edited by Nurvus
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Indeed, rightclicking is like "autoattack" without the auto, however in swtor they have somehow linked it to QS-1. No idea what they have been thinking...


My QS-1 is ctrl-Q and I bound my Shii-Cho Form there. I was wondering why I kept randomly canceling/activating the Form and losing all my Rage...


Similar on my Assassin, since I use similar binds for similar classes/effects, often I found myself trying to use Discharge without an active Charge because I cancelled it...

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Yeah it took me awhile to figure this out too. I couldn't figure out why right clicking an enemy was causing me to lose energy.


I was assuming (shame on me) that right click would fire my "auto (not really auto) attack" rifle shot which costs no energy and appears as default in QS1.


I took rifle shot completely off my tool bar because of my assumption that right clicking would automatically do it. :p Silly me!

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Well in a game with no autoattack there is no reason to have anything but base attack there.


Well in a game with customizable quickslots and keybinds there is no reason to expect a skill in particular to be somewhere in particular.



a) BioWare wants us to be able to use whatever we want upon right-clicking an enemy.

If so, make us able to customize the quickslot used by the "right-click on targetted enemy".


b) BioWare wants "right-click on targetted enemy" to always perform the basic attack.

If so, then link it to the ability itself, not to the quickslot the ability comes in.

Edited by Nurvus
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I've left the basic attack there on most of my characters, but it's still extremely annoying when I go to move the camera and waste a GCD on a basic attack. I think there's something related causing me to randomly loot corpses when I haven't clicked on them.
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Yeah, I never right click to attack, it's not only not convenient but my mouse is way more expensive than my keyboard, I'd rather wear out the keyboard. So it's either use my pinky for basic attack, risk misfiring a more important ability or leave it unbound and waste a hotkey. none are good choices. I think right-click attacking is kinda clever and should be available for those that want to use it, but let us turn it off if we don't. couldn't possibly be a hard option to implement. complained about it every beat I was in as well though.
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Only realised this was what was happening the other day when my Flame Thrower ability was used randomly!

I've had a setup in MMOs for years and decided to keep the same for swtor, the bottom most bar is 1 - =, then above that is alt+1 to alt+ =, works for me and is great. However since the layout is altered when enabling the quickslots this problem of right clicking on an enemy uses alt+1... majorly annoying, let us turn it off BW!

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Here is another "hidden" keybind, but the kicker with this one is you can unbind it in the settings but it does it anyway!


control + page up = chat scrolls up

control + page down = chat scrolls down


There is a specific keybind for both of these in the keybind settings, so if you unbind this it doesn't matter this hidden bind will still scroll the chat. This is especially annoying for anyone who actually wants to bind the above combo since they will just be scrolling their chat even with it being bound to a totally separate ability...

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Another annoying bind is "\" (the key above the TAB) opening the Ticket Creation window, even after I unbound it...


Please make these hidden binds customizable... they're vexing, to say the least...


You can unbind the \ key? I dont even find it in the keybinds menu.


And yes, get rid of this. Its not beta anymore, people can take the long way to create a ticket. At least let us unbind it and use that key for something else like me, a lefty, who uses that for tab targeting!

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My only issue with this is when you have a healing ability on QS1 it doesn't trigger when you right click an ally. I figured i could throw a quick healing ability there and use it on the fly while switching targets. would have been excellent.
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Yeah this is extremely annoying. If you are going to give us the ability to set our binds there shouldn't be any hard coded binds that we can't change. It isn't game breaking by any means but I still think it should be fixed.


brb unlearning 5+ years of muscle memory.

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CTRL+A, CTRL+D and SHIFT+CTRL+F are all also hard-bound


Very annoying.


I bet you this is one of the primary reasons this game feels so stupidly clunky. I bind loads of stuff via the ctrl key, so what are the bets that I am hitting certain buttons in combination with hard binds making everything just messy and confusing the hell out of the game by flooding it with commands?

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