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If you could do ANYTHING. Spoilers allowed


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The game offers a great deal of choices, but i'm sure everyone wished, if (s)he could do something else. Something, that the game not allows. Either, because mechanism, or story restriction.


If there were no such restrictions, then what would you do differently, than what is allowed by the game? For example you could have Xalek executed during his recruitement mission.

Another question: If you could create new classes to the game, then what class would you make?

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For story i would join the SIS at the end of act2 as Imperial agent. Explain the jedi my mission, and tell him, that by failing to stop him securing the Shadow Arsenal i would lose my cover. This might not change the storyline, because Hunter would betray the cause, and blow the whole stuff up, but it would keep my cover, and might get a friendlier relation with the SIS. Not to mention, that they would learn Hunter's betrayal as well.


Force for all character during, and after KoTFE. It would make the stroy more reasonable, and the fact, that you can beat truly strong force users. And the reason behind such act would be Valkorion's "help". He would make you a force user regardless of what class you were before.


Another part would be doing a neutral route on Iokath. Tell both side to start packing, and leave. I go there, and destroy the weapon, and if either side tries to stop me, then i officially declare war on that side, and destroy it with my Eternal fleet. The game could be written, that it fails, or that one of them attacks me regardless, or try to claim the weapon, but at least it would justified to turn against either side in all cases.


True faction change before Ossus. I wouldn't mind changing side with certain characters. But i seriously hate to play the saboteur. Betraying from behind. Also it would quite interesting to help the jedi openly as a Sith. Might even take a new path trying to create a compromise solution. On Ossus. Not in Onslaught though. In there the choice would be final still.


For classes i would prefer to have SiS agent, and Imperial Trooper.

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Restore all the mechanics to SM that were there before and watch the forum and twitter burn.


On a more serious note, I would like to be able to complete Ashara's training to full dark side adept. I like the concept of having a choice between a LS and DS direction though that one's a bit extreme. So a less extreme version of that for Ashara I would welcome very much.

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Hm among the things i'd have done differently if allowed to :

- Leave Ashara on Taris and never deal with her again, or have an option to kill her, either on Taris or during her AA after KOTET. I hate this one and she's been completely useless after Taris anyways.

- Not taking Rusk with my JK, not that i dislike the guy but i never trully understood what he was doing there, and he's pretty useless storywise after Hoth.

- Leave Skadge on Belsavis. Well at the very least giving him the rude answers is pretty funny and he approves of them, but he's still a companion i don't like.

- Take Vanto Bazren back in Havoc Squad instead of Tanno Vik.


- I'd have loved having a chapter with Vector rather than a chapter with Kaliyo during KOTFE, he'd fit with most of my characters far better than her and a Kilik army would've been very useful.


- Get the option to say both the Empire and the Republic that Iokath is Alliance territory and they're not welcome there and that the Alliance is neutral.

- Being able to openly fight for my chosen faction and play the storyline of my chosen faction. Playing saboteur can work for a few of my characters, but not for all of them. And i end up with characters who started sharing the same universe but now they have completely different stories depending on if they were originally imp or pubs, and that's a bit annoying.



As for classes, yeah a SIS class and an imp Trooper one could've been nice.

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Things i'd like the most is a new class and a tiny race like Yoda Species and Jawa.


But since small races would require redoing many animations, i don't see it every happening, even if i think it would be popular.


For a new class, it seems teras kasi is gaining traction. As long as it isn't a pet class i'm ok with it. With that said, i think a class with a ranged caster spec might be what is under represented in the game atm.

I would like a spec with the lightsaber stance from starkiller, wich is not represented in game.

Edited by Nemmar
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If you could do ANYTHING. Spoilers allowed


Fly, like you can in Everquest II

Switch factions completely, like you can in Everquest II

Position, orient, and resize decos in strongholds anywhere and any way you want, like you can in Everquest II



Push a button/consume a CM token and whatever NPC I'm talking to in any story or open area instantly becomes a permanent comp. I'd start with Private Farn on Ord Mantell, then maybe grab Kai Zyken off fleet, maybe Cytharat...

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I'd tell Mako to stop being a baby. I'm all for getting mad about killing people randomly - but if the CONTRACT WE WERE HIRED TO CARRY OUT calls for the death of someone, I should not hear a single complaint when I honor it.


Mako complaining just means she isn't quite as much of a sociopath as the story potentially makes your character out to be.

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Oh, how could i forgot the recruit Cytharat and continue the romance one ? :eek:


Another one would be to be able to romance Scourge on my Nox (hope it'll come at some point though)


And as Damask_Rose pointed out being able to recruit whathever companion i want no matter the class i'm playing.

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If there were no such restrictions, then what would you do differently, than what is allowed by the game?

Another question: If you could create new classes to the game, then what class would you make?

If there were no restrictions, parts of the game would be less "family friendly" 😉


For new classes, only a few come to mind as fitting into SWTOR and they're not really that new:

- Imperial stormtrooper, Republic agent, Republic Bounty Hunter, Imperial Smuggler.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Mako complaining just means she isn't quite as much of a sociopath as the story potentially makes your character out to be.


She wants to be a bounty hunter, she should start acting like it. Our client wanted a slicer dead, so I made the slicer dead. Boo-hoo.

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She wants to be a bounty hunter, she should start acting like it. Our client wanted a slicer dead, so I made the slicer dead. Boo-hoo.

That's why i swith to Gault as soon as i get him as a companion. I like Mako, but she disaprove of pretty much everything that is part of a BH job, and Gauld has much funnier comments on everything anyways.

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She wants to be a bounty hunter, she should start acting like it. Our client wanted a slicer dead, so I made the slicer dead. Boo-hoo.

To be fair, in this (Milky Way) galaxy, a Bounty Hunter is just someone who finds and returns criminals who have a bounty on them. Very seldom is this bounty for "dead or alive" - it's usually alive, and it's usually an official legal bounty, not a "contract".

They are not "hitmen", like some seem to suggest. If your BH wants to be nasty and act more like a hitman, it's okay for Maco to suggest you stick to being just a Bounty Hunter. :)

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Make Thanna Vesh available as a companion. Especially for my DS Inquisitor.


Kill or leave Ashara


Kill Quinn immediately after his betrayal


Redeem Vaylin instead of her brother.


Actually take the throne rule the Eternal Empire from Zakuul.


Make my character the Sith Emperor/Jedi Grand master of their respective orders.


Have my mando actually lead the Mandolorians


Have my smuggler actually run a criminal empire from port nowhere.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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Vanilla story wise what I do on some of my characters if given the opportunity,

- Option to leave Doc on Balmorra and either have a Scourge or another new romance option for the female JK.

- On my IA have the undercover agent Sanju on Balmorra come with us.

- On Alderaan on my Smuggler have one of the Teraan siblings come us.

- Leave Corso on Port Nowhere on my female Smuggler.

- On my Trooper recruit (romance) Jonas.

- Romance Talos on my SI, they're a perfect archaeology loving match!

- As someone else mentioned have the IA actually change sides after Chapter 2.

- Have my DS Agents investigate trying to find Jadus during chapter 3.

- Have my DS JC swap sides at the end if Chapter 3 he was so done with the pub side, same with my DS JK joining the Imp's at the end of Chapter 3.

- As someone else mentioned either not recruit Skadge or throw him out the airlock.

- Tell Nadia thanks but no thanks in training her and send her back to Tython for training.


There's probably more but it's all I can think of at the moment.

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To be fair, in this (Milky Way) galaxy, a Bounty Hunter is just someone who finds and returns criminals who have a bounty on them. Very seldom is this bounty for "dead or alive" - it's usually alive, and it's usually an official legal bounty, not a "contract".

They are not "hitmen", like some seem to suggest. If your BH wants to be nasty and act more like a hitman, it's okay for Maco to suggest you stick to being just a Bounty Hunter. :)


Would be interesting for a "Republic Bounty Hunter" storyline. You aren't actually a criminal. You just work to bring in criminals, that are too good for official authorities. Maybe even include a large corruption in the official authorities.

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I'd remove the traitor part out of the Quinn story. It doesn't belong there, especially not after they altered it.

I'd probably also leave Vaylin to be redeemed. ;v


Many asked for Vaylin redemption in the past, and i had 2 detailed idea back then.


Option 1: Vaylin redemption becomes only possible, if you KILL Arcann, and Senya. Vaylin hates Senya a LOT, and hates Arcann for protecting her. During the final confrontation on Odesen you would have the option to explain your past with the Emperor. At that spoint she would realize, that killing you would not help her cause at all. When she agrees to help you Valkorion strikes on you immidetaly. Vaylin would use the artifact to enter your mind as well to destroy Valkorion once and for all.


After that there would be a nice showdown to get the Throne back from the raging Eternal Fleet. In the end the choices could lead the following:


Romance, if you flirt with her at the throne. Joins immidiately.

Forcing a battle to the death.

Let her do as she please. Later you get an alert, that she wants to join, because you seems to go interesting places.


Option 2 (still possible to done by devs.): Vaylin appears in your mind. Similar to Valkorion. She explains, that she was always part of you after Valkorion's death, but she didn't really knew how to do anything. Now she is curious about the options, and you as character as well. During the chapters you would learn about cloning experiments made by the SIS. The goal was to create perfect agents. The original named Coral gone rouge after she figured out, and sabotaged the project. Still one of the clones Mako survived the project, and proven to be a great success. Now the details are in bad hands, and the new bad guy threatens the galaxy by building an army of perfect clone soldiers.


This gives Vaylin an idea. Create a clone of her, that then she can kill, and take her body. Practically coming back to life. Depending on how you treated her during the questline she might be redeemed, become your dark side companion, get romanced, or even turn on you right away.


Refusal would lead her trying to take over your body. Forcing a battle in your mind where you destroy her once and for all.


Vanilla story wise what I do on some of my characters if given the opportunity,

- Romance Talos on my SI, they're a perfect archaeology loving match!

- Tell Nadia thanks but no thanks in training her and send her back to Tython for training.


But Nadia is so damn cute. I only play male characters, and when i spoke with Talos, then i tought. Man this guy almost flirts my male main character. I like the guy, but no gay for me. Still it made me though, that he is a romance option for female Sith Inquisitor. And as you wrote. They should be.

Edited by irrevelant
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Add more factions, Chiss Ascendancy, Mandalorians are two that spring to mind. All with their own classes and class stories separate from just the Bounty Hunter class story, as well as different starter planets etc.


Flying, not just on planets, but also in-between worlds using class ships and guild ships with a whole subset of different systems like gathering materials, controlling areas of space as factions, blockades etc, proper space combat... etc.

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I'd balance the classes for PVE and PVP, completely overhaul the class abilities, add pet classes, make FPs really fun with lots of rare loot drops, and I'd add more subplots adding new companions on every old planet for the character to find and recruit or become enemies with. For good measure I'd update the graphics engine, and then update the graphics adding Wookiee, Trandoshan, and many of the other unplayable races, including droids, too. Edited by Lhancelot
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Isn't this thread about story choices?



I'd love to be able to kill Quinn during his betrayal, but I guess since he shows up on Iokath, that's out.


I'd like some way to save Vette and Torian, by choosing any of my huge number of troops or heroic companions to save one while I save the other.


We should be able to Light-side sit on the Throne of Zakuul without it being a bad or dark choice, because the citizens of Zakuul are pampered, clueless, and not ready (yet) to run a democracy.


I want ways to double-cross Kaliyo when she thinks she's playing my Agent.


The Trooper needs a lot more options, in general. For me, that story was a bit flat.


I'd love some way to return to Port Nowhere.


An option to switch factions as part of the double-agent and spy plots would be the best of all.

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If I had absolute control of this game one of the first things I would have done is split the game into three factions instead of two, and no, I don't mean that messy Alliance stuff. In my mind Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should have never belonged to either Faction, because both toe the line of "whoever has the most money is whose side I'm on". The game should have been more along the lines of:


Empire-- Warrior, Inquisitor, Imp Agent, Imperial Trooper


Republic--Knight, Consular, SIS Agent, Trooper


Freelancer--Force-wielder (non-religious, aka NOT a Jedi or Sith), Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary


In my mind a Merc is separate from a BH in that their job is not about "the one mark". Their job might be more akin to destroying a settlement or breaching a fortress, working with a military group, bringing in intel for an employer etc. So I'd have a separate set of jobs and stories for them over the BH and their targets, but again they may work for either the Empire OR the Republic depending on who pays the biggest creds.

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Allow same sex romance in the main story, and allow for defection to also occur in the main story. Restore the old channeled moves like flamethrower, firestorm, ravage, and blade dance. Make PVP rewards available to those who don't play it in an alternate fashion. Remove the ugly backpack animation from the Powertech and restore Death from Above. Give Powertechs the option to use a blaster rifle and Operatives the option to use a blaster pistol. Restore the old planetary vendors who sold unique gear. Give classes the old skill tree to allow people to play as they want. Raise the level cap to 100. Give the Bounty Hunters and Smugglers a neutral faction. Add an SIS class and Imperial Trooper class. Make Vaylin the redeemable one or make it to wear you break her to where she'll work for you and keep her evilness. Make Ashara become a full Dark Side apprentice. Edited by IramUnleashed
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