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Fraction queues and needed classes


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Server login queues are the same no matter what faction you are. It just depends on how populated the server is. Warzone queues are likely to be shorter on the Republic side due to the generally lower population (afaik its about 2:3 Republic:Empire in most cases except RP servers which tend to be the other way around). Of course, this depends on how interested the general population is in PvP, which varies per server. You might have a high pop, low PvP interest faction against a low pop, high interest PvP faction and their queue times are just fine.


Going by both gut and experience, I fully expect tanks and healers will always be in higher demand than damage dealers. Class is much less important than role at this stage in the game. That'll probably change once the mathcrafters sink their teeth into the game and slight differences in class capabilities get called 'broken mechanics'. But, I digress...

Edited by Bibdy
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