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Walker missions need to be fixed.


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The player walker in the first walker mission on Voss is very clunky and does not respond to the player's commands fast enough. I have tried every possible combination of moves, but it always results in the same thing.


My walker gets destroyed when I reach the enemy walker beside the healer's temple. It's overpowered, and the aggressive mobs it summons overwhelm and destroy the walker I'm controlling in a matter of seconds. There is no way to heal yourself in combat. The controls do not respond fast enough to the player's commands. Shields and weapons are too slow to be effective -- not to mention the fact that the shield itself is gone after a few seconds and doesn't do NEARLY enough to protect you from being damaged by overwhelming, unfair numbers of enemies.


My suggestion for that mission, as it seems to be an introductory mission for the walkers, is to make it easier or make the player's attacks faster and more powerful. You could also nerf the enemies' health, reduce the number of enemies to get past, or make some safe areas with healing stations. I'd also suggest that you Nerf the enemy walker at the end so it's not so strong or make it so there are no further mobs to fight once you reach the walker, because really.... avoiding its high powered laser beam is enough of a challenge without having the additional threat of skytroopers and droids to worry about.


I understand where you are going with the walker missions because walkers are a part of Star Wars' lore. but when the walkers are as slow and clunky and unresponsive and the enemies are unfairly difficult to defeat -- it turns playing SWTOR from a fun player experience into a torture session.


I couldn't advance beyond that mission after twenty tries, and as a result I am discouraged from continuing the story!

Edited by Stratosara
I wanted to elaborate and add to this post.
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I passed that mission from second try.I admit I hated that part but that mission is playable.

All you need to do is use walker's abilites for fit situations.

For example there is an ability that puuls enemies together.U use that and afterwards you use mortar ability.

Also different enemies.First ones need to be taken out is an rpg enemies because thet are mosr dangerous.

But I admit i hate that part and wish it can be skipped.

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I passed that mission from second try.I admit I hated that part but that mission is playable.

All you need to do is use walker's abilites for fit situations.

For example there is an ability that puuls enemies together.U use that and afterwards you use mortar ability.

Also different enemies.First ones need to be taken out is an rpg enemies because thet are mosr dangerous.

But I admit i hate that part and wish it can be skipped.


I was trying to do exactly that, but the controls for the walker were not nearly responsive enough.

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I've played the Voss walker mission about a dozen times on different characters.


When the internet is running smooth and there's no lag on Voss, it's quite doable.

Suck all the mobs into one spot, nuke 'em, then give special attention to the elites.

If you have any latency, though... forget it.

You'll be dead before the targeting circle appears on the ground.


So yeah, it could probably use a little tuning.

IMHO it just needs the mobs to be a bit more spaced out, so you have time to react before getting over-run.

Edited by Xina_LA
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