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It would be kinda nice to see an animations and graphics update


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So, I am lucky enough to have the money to spend quite a bit on the systems I play on. And this game has always had a special place in my heart. Even though it honestly has some off the most basic graphics, it fits for what it is... but the animations and graphics are very clearly dated, and it shows painfully so on the newer hardware I am running. I am getting a brand new laptop system, best I could get on short notice, and I already know it will have me wishing I was pushing such high frames and noticing the artistic flaws.


In your upcoming patches, or expansions, I think it may be time to rework and touch up the graphics and physics within the game. Maybe add in some armor physics, some solid looking particle effects, narrow down some of the blaster bullet effects, and step up animations for everything. But mostly the basic ones...

For instance, when I turn my hero, to the left or right, he looks like a penguin.... sometimes there is NO animation at all, he is just facing that way all of a sudden.


Various abilities could DEFINITELY use touchups in graphics, sounds, and particles. Along with how casting looks, or how strikes look when carried out.


I think if you wouldn't have to release very much in the way of content honestly... a shorter Segway type story, maybe a class or two, and redone graphics, animation, and some sounds... and boom. Expansion.


Then we wait for that Segway mission ending to lead us into the next expansion....


In short, the game needs a breath of fresh air brought to it, because I CONSTANTLY see my friends still on it from time to time... and I know that everyone checks up on this game... I think that if there was significant love put into this product still, it could come back up out of nowhere and have a larger resurgence.

Either way, graphics and animations need an update. So they don't look so painfully dated.

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Mostly it's the dated and somewhat limited 3D "engine" that determines SWTOR's performance and somewhat limits what can be done with the graphics.

The only way to get a significant increase in graphics and/or FPS performance would be to replace the basic 3D engine. Due to licensing and developing cost, that would be prohibitably expensive and would only happen if SWTOR suddenly became much more popular and made a lot more money, and/or they basically did an SWTOR2.


Pedantic Police Bulletin:

"Segway" is the brand name of a type of motorized vehicle. "Segue" (from Italian, pronounced the same as Segway) is the "transition".

Edited by JediQuaker
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Regarding animations, these forums would burn. No two people would agree on what constitutes "good" animation changes.


People loving animations they have now would scream bloody murder that EA ruined them, and the people demanding new animations wouldn't like the new ones and keep demanding to change them yet again.


If you don't believe me, ask anyone on these forums about changes to character eyes, which happened unbidden.


You want change, you might get it.

But I doubt you'll be happy with it.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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People loving animations they have now would scream bloody murder that EA ruined them, and the people demanding new animations wouldn't like the new ones and keep demanding to change them yet again.

Or ask the folks who've been here a while about Tracer Missile Guy.


Leave. The. Animations. Alone.

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