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I Love Corso Riggs


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I've had Corso out since I 'got him'


Yep, me too. :)


But why why WHY did I have to take Armstech??? I know why, just to make Corso happy making awesome weapons. But then I have to wait around for him to make stuff. :(


So now that it takes longer and longer to craft those yummy purple barrels, I must quest with the wookiee. Oh well. At least he's not as *****y as Risha. :p

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Well, when I'm trying to play a Gunslinger who's a right bastard, quite a bit. He never likes a thing I do---he whines when I shoot the unarmed girl, he complains when I hit on women, he moans when I sell out the Republic. Blah blah blah. You can just sit on the ship and make my gun parts, buddy.



Lol, poor Corso have to work for such a mean man. :p

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Yeppers. LOVES weapons, guy can't get enough of them.


I hit 10k affection with Corso finally last night. Whew. I noticed after about 8k that giving him gifts wasn't giving me much affection anymore, even when it was a rank 5 blue quality weapon (I'd have gotten about 160 for that pre-8k affection, suddenly I was getting.. 26?). It ended up not being worth the money shipping out for the gifts anymore - luckily he loves it when I snottily and sarcastically shoot down any other male that tries to sleep with me.


I have a new favorite Corso quote too, thanks to one of my snotty sarcastic shoot downs:



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Oh Corso...

At first I couldn't stand him. He was always in my line of sight, kept getting in the way whenever I tried to click on anything, then I did a mission where a female was being really stupid- and dang it I hate stupid females- and he got all chivalrous on me so I basically told him to butt out and shut up, then there's that dang harpoon gun...

But- I don't know how or when it happened- I guess it was all the time we spent together. He grew on me.

I got used to him. Then he started standing up for my char. Now I miss him when I don't have him out and find myself shunning other guys who hit on her. And I learned to work *with* the harpoon gun...


My husband thinks I'm crazy lol.

Sometimes he can hear what Corso says when we're running along and frequently says "shut it Corso" lol

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Corso is a total bro. Always stickin' up for the little guy, and he makes funny comments, too. At first I thought I would ditch him down the stretch because he seemed pretty ordinary, but now, I don't see how I can pick Bowdaar or Risha or anyone else over him. Edited by GoodEnoughForMe
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My husband thinks I'm crazy lol.

Sometimes he can hear what Corso says when we're running along and frequently says "shut it Corso" lol


LOL Same w/ my boyfriend! He narrows his eyes every time Corso talks. I'm in an all-girls guild on my server, and we were all talking about romancing our companions today...I didn't chime in, and my boyfriend says: "You know you'd be part of that conversation if I wasn't sitting here".


Hehehe of course I would! But what makes our men so jealous of a game character?!?!

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LOL Same w/ my boyfriend! He narrows his eyes every time Corso talks. I'm in an all-girls guild on my server, and we were all talking about romancing our companions today...I didn't chime in, and my boyfriend says: "You know you'd be part of that conversation if I wasn't sitting here".


Hehehe of course I would! But what makes our men so jealous of a game character?!?!


They know they can never be that perfect :p

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Really love this! I think that's what makes this game so special -- the story and the characters just immerse you completely.


Thanks ! :)


I have to say, if there's one gripe I have about the companion system atm, it's that you can't choose to not display their helm. Corso has this trooper helmet, and it's quite good, but I can never see his face during cutscenes/combat. I suppose I could just take it off every time I'm not fighting, but that would be so much trouble :#

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It's actually meant for a jedi guardian, you can buy it for 12 nar shaddaa commendations. Just go run some side quests or kill tons of mobs till you get enough for it, then remove the str/endurance mods and replace with aim/endurance and boom, you got a fully moddable headband for Corso to use forever :D


thank you so much for sharing this! i miss seeing his face. stupid trooper helmet...

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Well, when I'm trying to play a Gunslinger who's a right bastard, quite a bit. He never likes a thing I do---he whines when I shoot the unarmed girl, he complains when I hit on women, he moans when I sell out the Republic. Blah blah blah. You can just sit on the ship and make my gun parts, buddy.



spot on, my friend

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Thanks ! :)


I have to say, if there's one gripe I have about the companion system atm, it's that you can't choose to not display their helm. Corso has this trooper helmet, and it's quite good, but I can never see his face during cutscenes/combat. I suppose I could just take it off every time I'm not fighting, but that would be so much trouble :#


I made a thread about that. :)



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LOL Same w/ my boyfriend! He narrows his eyes every time Corso talks. I'm in an all-girls guild on my server, and we were all talking about romancing our companions today...I didn't chime in, and my boyfriend says: "You know you'd be part of that conversation if I wasn't sitting here".


Hehehe of course I would! But what makes our men so jealous of a game character?!?!


My husband mainly can't stand him cause of the Harpoon gun lol...

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Oh yeah, I love Corso.


I was dreading it at first, having heard his shouts from outside, and way too much, when they were buggy in beta.


But up close and personal, he's the man. :)


As a Sawbones/Scrapper Scoundrel, our fighting styles match up very well. He absolutely doesn't break my CC (Bowdaar does all the time and it drives me crazy so I quit using him except for cybertech).


The romance is sweet. A little too sweet for my taste, but heck, how could Bioware possibly write an interactive romance story that pleases everyone? His commentary about the places we go is fun and entertaining.

Edited by Sendra
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ya BW fix CORSO. what a pain in the but to tell him not to use a crappy ability in the first place. GET RID OF HARPOON it sucks


No way! I love the harpoon thing and rely on it heavily. If you don't want the harpoon thing, use a different companion (when you get different ones). You might like Bowdaar better. I don't like Bowdaar. He breaks my CC all the time and drives me crazy. And I can't pull a target away from a crowd. I hate that too.

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Haha Silver good to see your still creating huge threads where-ever you go. Long time since solozone at Starlight :p


And for what its worth, I love Corso too :D



I do have that habit :p


And yea, DAoC was foreeeeeever ago lol, was playing WoW waiting for this. Now I'm... playing this :p On Ajunta Pall RP/PvP server also :D

Edited by silvershadows
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Corso reminds me of this stalker creep I refused in high school with "nice guy" syndrome. He's so hellbent on being "chivalrous" that when I treat an evil female NPC in any way less than sweet, he disapproves. It doesn't matter how evil the female character is. If she's killed multiple people and double crossed me he doesn't like it if I kill her right back. Then the idiot turns around and wants to kill a male character in cold blood.


Not to mention he's gotten my ship stolen. TWICE. Friggin hick moron.

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Just wanted to toss in my Corso love. <3 He's certainly taking his time with the romancing though. My boyfriend and I are leveling together as a Scoundrel & Jedi Knight (forget which spec), and he got laid by Kira a heckuva lot earlier than Corso made any sort of move. I feel like Bioware lets men be as promiscuous as they want, but gals aren't afforded the same luxury.


Seems wrong to me a Jedi got laid on his home world within the first 10 levels, and the first guy I get a chance to flirt with is an old gambler past his prime on Coruscant... Really, Bioware? Jedi aren't even supposed to get into relationships, let alone have one night stands!


Also, for whoever asked - I had my affection up to about 6500, with nothing proccing a conversation/quest after around 4500, when I hit the end of Chapter 1. I'm pretty sure unless you max out your affection with him or get well past where I was, he shouldn't spoiler you on the end of the chapter. As soon as I finished Chapter 1, I was BOMBARDED with quests from him!

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