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5 Hour Slicing Results


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This is just false. I leveled Biochem completely from sending my companions out on missions to get the mats. Looking on the GTN, I would have to pay a lot more money to do so. The stuff I make with Biochem is actually useful too... unlike my Slicing skill at the moment.


It is well known that Biochem is the only crafting skill that is usefull now. Try the same with armstech or amortech. I'm level 19 my armortech skill is about 100 my gathering skills are about 120. Eventhough my gathering skills are higher them my crafting skills I still do not get the mats I need to make my craftable. When I send my crew on a mission it costs me about 500 credits. They return with about 100 credits worth of items that I cannot even use since they are the wrong items. My gathering skills are scavenging and information.


So each time I want to level my crafting or gathering skills it just costs my credits. Now that would be ok if I could make anything usefull. But the green gear that I get from quests or the blue gear that drops from mobs is a lot better then anything I can craft now or will ever be able to craft.

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It's better than losing 50k credits, which is what almost every other crew crafting skill results in after 3 hours of work at level 400.


I hope you know that other crafts allow you to create items that you will be able to sell for much more than 10k right? Unless you never played a MMORPG and doesn't know what rules for making money.

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I salute you.




about as dumb as having a crafting skill where you send your companion on a mission, and what he brings back you can't even sell to recover half the cost of the mission.


...you know...like all the other gathering skills do.


peeps really got to get off this "I'm losing money nao" bandwagon. Its not a valid excuse, not when the other gathering skills are losing MORE on their yields of mats then slicing is.


Its amazing that there are still people who bring up the gathering skills argument.


Simply amazing. Take a second and look what you do with the materials from the other gathering profs, than look at what slicing is, than think several hours. Than think some more.


I am really getting tired of those people who can not read the posts that have answered on this "oh so great argument" several hundred times.

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.. Slicing doesn't make anything, and the only thing unique (augments) can't be used on anything, not even raid gear.




This is just a false statement. I am a 360 Armortech and every time i make an exceptional piece it comes with an augment slot. I have crafted 10 blue & purple pieces that need augments and i can never find them. So maybe do like they do in wow and spend some time @ the imp fleet and say "augments for sale - i have +(whatever) x3 & +(whatever) X4. I for one would buy them in heartbeat for myself and now my blue/purple gear to sell on GTN are now more valuable.


Doing this would save me from making a slicing alt.


Also im not sure if things changed, but in beta (i did for 9 months) it was well known you did not send out companions on missions because it was a money loss. Except for UT, Dip things like that.

Edited by Yprexia
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This is just a false statement. I am a 360 Armortech and every time i make an exceptional piece it comes with an augment slot. I have crafted 10 blue & purple pieces that need augments and i can never find them. So maybe do like they do in wow and spend some time @ the imp fleet and say "augments for sale - i have +(whatever) x3 & +(whatever) X4. I for one would buy them in heartbeat for myself and now my blue/purple gear to sell on GTN are now more valuable.


Doing this would save me from making a slicing alt.


Also im not sure if things changed, but in beta (i did for 9 months) it was well known you did not send out companions on missions because it was a money loss. Except for UT, Dip things like that.

Ok and how much are you willing to pay for the augment ? It cost 1k-2k and 20-40 minutes to send companion on a mission to get a random augment for lvl 33-40 char. Not to mention top gear does not have augment slots ...

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Ok and how much are you willing to pay for the augment ? It cost 1k-2k and 20-40 minutes to send companion on a mission to get a random augment for lvl 33-40 char. Not to mention top gear does not have augment slots ...


I am certainly no expert on SWTOR economy but that said i would have no issues spending 3-5k per aug right now, maybe even higher. The argument about your companions "time" is useless as they sit in the ship if they are not questing with you.

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I am certainly no expert on SWTOR economy but that said i would have no issues spending 3-5k per aug right now, maybe even higher. The argument about your companions "time" is useless as they sit in the ship if they are not questing with you.


Or they do other missions ... even the crappy slicing can get you 300-600 credits in the 20-40 minutes. That's opportunity cost you have to add to the price. Plus the randomness factor, plus having to sell the items. 5k is bare minimum to sell it for and even then you are likely better just killing 10 mobs in the time it takes to sell the augment and earn more credits that way.

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Slicing is a gathering skill but not sure what it gathers?


But plain and simple it should not give you more creds then any other gathering skills. It's not bank robbing, it's hacking computers. You should be getting tons of data (schematics, info and such) that you could turn into creds like any other gathering skill.


Now maybe everyone will start seeing the issue most of us have with crafting.

Yes you can level any craft just doing your basic schematics, but thats just junk crafting. To make any of the good stuff or better stuff you have to run missions. That means shelling out tons of creds. I still can't afford to train most of my crafting schematics and I still can't afford to train my class skills cause I just dumped 40K into speeder training. If you are a serious crafter Bioware penalizes you.


And whose the genius who came up with, the factions give us starships to fly and require zero training but a simple speeder costs 40K in training? That just boggles the mind.

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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. .




If you quit because you are no longer able to create credits at will, then you have bigger issues than this correction in a broken mechanic.


Bye .. and thank you for posting this .. we wouldn't have survived without it.



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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.


To be honest you have not played the game fully, you may be angry they nerfed gathering for pets directly but open world slicing is crazy good while questing.

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This rage quit is pretty funny.


Everyone knew slicing was way over powered. It needed a nerf.


Did it go too far in the wrong direction? Maybe. But I would rather them tone it down too far right now and then slowly improve it to where it should be than them not hit it hard enough and let the slicers built up millions and millions of credits while they try to get it to the right spot.

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Or they do other missions ... even the crappy slicing can get you 300-600 credits in the 20-40 minutes. That's opportunity cost you have to add to the price. Plus the randomness factor, plus having to sell the items. 5k is bare minimum to sell it for and even then you are likely better just killing 10 mobs in the time it takes to sell the augment and earn more credits that way.


Or they sit on the ship. Anyways you have the math all figured out for augments and since you are the seller you should be setting the starting price, we can haggle from there. That said 5k being the bare minimum as you say, then 10k should be fine and dandy for you.

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i agree the nerf was too drastic. i have been tracking slicing as well and just for example a lvl 6 lockbox mission cost 1415 and yeilded 1469 for a 40min mission. and ive probably marketed 150 augements in the past week to sell maybe 5.
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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.


wow !?!?!


News Flash for ya....you are not supposed to make money running gathering missions. The money is made from farming in the open world.

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Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


Poor Bioware; they'll lose players if they keep the nerf, and they'll lose players if they pander to the spoiled ones. What's a developer to do?


To think that all these "customers" who would have "stayed" would never have thought twice about it if slicing was never broken in the first place. Funny, huh?

Edited by BabelMatrix
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Missions are a credit sink, period. If you only farm slicing nodes in the open world, you do not risk losing money on missions. It's the same for every other gathering skill. If I farm arch nodes on Taris it only costs me time. Otherwise, I can send my companions out to do it and lose some money.


Even on abundant/bountiful/rich arch missions I rarely get more than say 8-12 crystals... which is 3 nodes worth more or less.

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