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5 Hour Slicing Results


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yep, except you can't sell credits on the GTN for 15k one as mandalorian iron...


get the glitch?


So IF I make the same amount as OP (which I doubt, cause he was lucky) I will have enough to buy 1 Mandalorian Iron in a little more than 5 hours of grind.


How much does it take to loot 1 mandalorian iron from UWT missions?

LOL... OP was doing missions, not gathering! Gather on your slicing noods. :D

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I suggest quitting and never looking back. If you're going to ragequit and write about issues as small as this, at the beginning of the MMO, you're in for a world of hurt.




back in the real world, i ragebought this game from a 3rd party digital reseller because BW deemed us Asians not worthy of playing this game. i sure showed them.... wait... what?


Aussies aren't worthy until March 1st.


maybe i'll /getdown while fighting some mobs.



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i might be wong but isn't sliceing a gathering skill not a misson skill?

Indeed, but the slicers making complaints have never seen a slicing node and believe it to be a pure mission skill... All others who see it as a secondary support skill have plenty of nodes to pick up and use that cash to pay for slicing mission with purpose of gaining augments (and some GTM shopping).

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A lot of people also consider mission discoveries to be worth 0.


They're not. Especially as more and more people drop slicing.


The fact is I at worst break-even on my slicing missions, then every mission discovery is pure profits. Every single node in the game (and there's a LOT of them), is pure profit.


You guys think that other gathering skills have high demand? With all the posts about how 400 crafting skills are useless, I'm surprised to see people thinking mandalorian iron has high demand. I see people selling a stack of 99 bondite for 5000 credits, and 99 fibermesh for 7500 credits. Assuming you get 3 bondite/fibermesh per node, that's 33 nodes -> 12500/33 = 379 credits per node (assuming someone buys their stuff). Alderaan slicing nodes give between 500-800 credits.


Seems like slicing at least in line with the other professions.

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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.



Wait. You cancelled your sub because you can't get insanely high amounts of in game money for no effort?


Can I have you stuff?

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From those 10k credits (and strange because at this time i get way more with slicing in 5hours)

U can buy the mats other people have to farm in 5 hours so u can craft your stuff, slicing is gathering remember. You also can craft while having slicing, slicing is ment as a gathering skill.


This has not been my experience, i farmed mats for 2 hours 2 days ago and sold them on the AH for 43k and still have about 10-20k left of stuff to sell. This is at level 40 and 300-350 in my gathering skills.


I think the OP has a point. Slicing should provide a reasonable cash return instead of 2k per hour with 3 crew running missions and 400 skill.


If sending your crew out stealing stuff doesn't make reasonable money what is the point?


"Sorry Mako slicing just doesn't pay the rent anymore, now put on these hot pants and get working that street corner!".


The only think i can think is developers either listen to whining too early or because slicing in a minimal mouse click activety they decided to make it cash neutral at the last minute to prevent gold farmers using it to make cash. Either way its killed the skill, probably best just to remove it. poor show guys

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What annoys me the most is how they let slicing go live as is and once we all got it to 400 they decide to nerf it and make it useless so we have to level a new skill. The slicing skill never should have gone live on release day if they were just going to nerf it.
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They could easily fix slicing...




1st is overall crew skill redesign that you can only get to 200 until you are lvl 30 and to 300 until lvl 40... then after 40 you can be up to 400.


2nd thing.


Scale down money income but not overall but based on affection.... let 10k affection with someone bring in roughly the same as pre-nerf (or slightly less... maybe 10-20% nerf) so average mission of rich yield costs 2000 and brings on average 3500 back +/- 500+ *crits* that double it.


3rd thing.




then slicing would be fine... but no the easiest thing is to reduce some numbers and **** it up... gg BW!

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They could easily fix slicing...




1st is overall crew skill redesign that you can only get to 200 until you are lvl 30 and to 300 until lvl 40... then after 40 you can be up to 400.


2nd thing.


Scale down money income but not overall but based on affection.... let 10k affection with someone bring in roughly the same as pre-nerf (or slightly less... maybe 10-20% nerf) so average mission of rich yield costs 2000 and brings on average 3500 back +/- 500+ *crits* that double it.


3rd thing.




then slicing would be fine... but no the easiest thing is to reduce some numbers and **** it up... gg BW!


There will always be ways to overcome the lack of things, but the "fix" you describe just wouldent do anything more than making most of the players pick up Slicing after they grind the affection of companions to 10.000/10.000, its not like it costs you loads of credits or anything else to give companion gifts.


All you would need to get a decent fast way to exploit the suggestion you made, is to get 10000 and thats it.

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There will always be ways to overcome the lack of things, but the "fix" you describe just wouldent do anything more than making most of the players pick up Slicing after they grind the affection of companions to 10.000/10.000, its not like it costs you loads of credits or anything else to give companion gifts.


All you would need to get a decent fast way to exploit the suggestion you made, is to get 10000 and thats it.


But skills on lvl 42 cost me over 25000 credits per 1...


Repairs cost over 7000


Ship upgrades cost over 13000


Now i did not even bother(because i am half broke) to start gearing my companions, use top slot mods for my lvl, or buy anything from GTM


The point of my idea is to keep slicing viable for lvl 50s since they yelled for the last couple of years how companions will do the grinding for you(yes unprofitable mostly) and remove that abillity for low lvls and gold sellers.


We dont want to make it profitable with a ridiculous margin of few percents(yes everything below 15000 credits per hour with 3 companions out is LOW for lvl 50)

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I'm not sure why they decided to put cash Lockboxes in Slicing anyway, it seems like a dumb thing to me, sort of deviates from the potentials for hacking. And money is hardly a problem in the game - there's nothing to spend it on - everything binds on equip, so there's no used market, and craftables aren't unique or special enough, and even then they're not exactly expensive.


When I first started playing, and read the codex entry for Slicing, I say "you can find missions!" and thought it meant I could literally find missions, i.e. quests, not NPC gathering. I was so disappointed.


Now that would have been much cooler - and would have been a nice way to quietly add new things to do (versus the graft of actual, you know, content).


Shame. I'm at 300 slicing and I was going to dump it for CyberTech, but now I hear CyberTech's pretty much useless for L50's (I'm 43). As is ArmorTech & ArmsTech (I'm a tank).


All that's left is BioChem. At least that'll actually prove useful in raids, huh.

Edited by Pigeye
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What annoys me the most is how they let slicing go live as is and once we all got it to 400 they decide to nerf it and make it useless so we have to level a new skill. The slicing skill never should have gone live on release day if they were just going to nerf it.



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To the OP, let me see if I understand this correctly...


You're leaving this game not because of content, not because of gameplay... but because BW chose to alter a single crew skill that that in practice proved to be overpowered and more or less corralled people into taking that crew skill for free, easy credits? You may need to forgive my being blunt, but that's a bit messed up - but hey, your subscription, your decision.


Furthermore, BW disincentivizing people from flooding one trade skill in an attempt to balance it out with other crew skills is now a bad thing? I swear, people complain over anything and everything...


What I want to know at this point is this... what has prompted the impression that Slicing is only about credit-farming? Apparently, end-game augments and mission discoveries mean nothing.

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To the OP, let me see if I understand this correctly...


You're leaving this game not because of content, not because of gameplay... but because BW chose to alter a single crew skill that that in practice proved to be overpowered and more or less corralled people into taking that crew skill for free, easy credits? You may need to forgive my being blunt, but that's a bit messed up - but hey, your subscription, your decision.


Furthermore, BW disincentivizing people from flooding one trade skill in an attempt to balance it out with other crew skills is now a bad thing? I swear, people complain over anything and everything...


What I want to know at this point is this... what has prompted the impression that Slicing is only about credit-farming? Apparently, end-game augments and mission discoveries mean nothing.


The thing is they left the skill as it was and was pointed out as op during whole beta.......


Then once hardcore actually lvled it they nerfed it...


What they couldnt do for 1 year in beta did in 1 week after launch...


2nd thing is why always nerf... why not buff other skills instead... funny thing always people call for nerfs instead for buffs...


Rather make freaking every other skill useful (besides biochem since it already is)


There were 2 useful skills at launch Slicing and Biochem now its only 1... What will they do when half of realm will be biochem ???


Nerf that also... ridiculous.


Numbers were adjusted for lvl 40-49 players but dumb bioware decided to let everyone lvl skill as far as it goes on lvl 10...


thats dumb not skill itself...


But easiest fix is changing numbers downside.

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It's your account and your money but I think this was a pretty petty thing to cancel over.


1. It's not like you lost money leveling slicing, so nothing really was lost if you want to pick up something else.

2. Slicing is still viable, just not as great anymore.

3. If you seriously think it was not broken and overpowered previously, you are lying to yourself.

4. There are a lot of great features in this game -- slicing itself is probably low on the list, if this is never fixed it really would not make that big a difference, however...

5. ... chances are they will fix this and buff it back to a reasonable level. You are not really giving them much time to analyze it.


My two cents. Saying "I quit because of X" rarely means anything to anyone. Voice your opinion and if you want to make idle threats that's your prerogative, but I don't recommend it as it tends to take much more away from your argument than it helps it.


Frankly they should have never made slicing function in the way it does in the first place... are they going to buff and nerf slicing as the economy shifts? Not a well-thought out profession.

Edited by TheRealBowser
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I don't have slicing and I have no issues with making 50k in a few hours.


My crew skills (Synth/Underworld/Archealogy) are all 320+.


I never go below 50k after buying everything I need.


Lately I have been sitting around 100k and I am only lvl35.


Credits are easy to obtain.


And no I don't sell or buy from the GTN.

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2nd thing is why always nerf... why not buff other skills instead... funny thing always people call for nerfs instead for buffs...

But easiest fix is changing numbers downside.


It is not only easier but also more sensible if you intend to keep the system alive. Telling banks to print more money is not the answer to poverty...



To the OP:


1) "I don't wanna craft items so I was told to pick slicing". Slicing is not a crafting skill. I still don't understand why you insist so much on this (other than to have something to blame BW for) You could have gone with Scavenging, Underworld Market and Treasure Hunting among many other combinations, right?


2) "I am only making XXXXX credits per hour". I invite you to do 5 hours of Archaeology (or any other random gathering skill) and try to sell all the mats you get. Tell me how that goes, lol.



The ugly truth is

that many, many players who are not really into crafting picked slicing cause everyone knew it was flawed and yielding RIDICULOUS amounts of credits without the hassle of having to Auction things for a profit.


Now you are all pissed off they fixed it in order to create a more balanced environment for those who actually enjoy crafting...


I am still to see a reason on ANY thread along these lines that says something that is actually not an excuse to "I am upset cause I am making less money. I still make more than anyone else, but..."

Edited by Urkanan
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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.


And how much effort did you have to put in to make that 10k? Slicing is a gathering profession, not a mission profession, and other gathering professions tend to get a much lower rate of return on their missions. While your companions are out farming those credits, you're still collecting the numerous lockboxes that are all over the world for 500-1500 credits each.

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You missed the point entirely.


They made a rash decision in response to a public relations mess with players complaining about a skill a week after release. These players weren't even 50 yet, the economy was nowhere near stable, but the first thing they did was nerf it.


Then, you have threads with 200k+ views, but not one response to the issue. Not one. They even did an AMA on Reddit, where the question was asked REPEATEDLY, and still it was ignored.


I dislike being treated like that. What exactly do you think will happen everytime a group of people start complaining? Oh no, snipers are doing too much damage in bg's *nerf*. UWT is making too much money *nerf*. Instead of actually FIXING issues, the response will be to knee-jerk react and nerf it.


Until I see that changed, I cancelled also. I will re-sub once their reactions have been addressed.


The nerf itself is not the issue. How they are handling the situation is the issue.



You assume they made the adjustment because of player complaints.


That is not, and has never been through all of SWTOR, how BioWare operates. They have an insane level of detailed metrics that they analyze constantly. These metrics told them that Slicing was doing something different than what they wanted. So they changed it.


Player input plays a role in BioWare decisions, but more along the lines of the role of telling them which metrics they might consider analyzing.


They did not adjust slicing because of player complaints.

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2) "I am only making XXXXX credits per hour". I invite you to do 5 hours of Archaeology (or any other random gathering skill) and try to sell all the mats you get. Tell me how that goes, lol.



Make it 5 hours of Underworld Trading focusing on metals and you'll be amazed at the money it generates.

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