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5 Hour Slicing Results


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Slicing was nerfed because of clueless morons complaining about it being OP. I find it hilarious that you can earn same money from almost every other mission tradeskill. Only difference is that you actually have to place goods on the market.

Now is slicing useless, there is no point sending companion for 30 minutes mission which costs 2000 cr when he brings back case with 1500.

My trainer is selling me one skill for 36k cr. Numbers from slicing before nerf are now much more appropriate when you actually reaching level cap.

If it is OP when I have 8 max lvl chars just sending all companions on missions? Ok, then lets limit slicing for 1 character / account / server. Or please tune numbers a bit so I won't feel as total moron paying 2000cr for 1500cr worth box

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(no i did not read all the pages)


Having a skill when you make money by spending money makes no since to me. ( even tho i

still use it)


Everyone keeps talking about how it doesn't make a lot of money is quite funny to me. I

balance between Slicing and UWT with 2 companions and make enough money off slicing to

make all my mods from cybertech. If your looking for an easy way to make creds go buy it

from some site I'm sure they would be happy to help you. The thought of quitting because of

a single component of the game changed literately made me "roll on the ground and laugh".

Also i saw something about them not responding to the posts of people complaining that they

cant make a billion creds by not doing anything is understandable if you wait they will change

something. Now i know your going to say something like "we are working on it", but that

would lead to the the masses wanting more then you have 3000 more topic asking what there

working on and how are they going to "fix" a ridiculous thing like waiting 30 minutes and

getting free creds. Again i don't like the whole idea of the way slicing is that's why i made this

post a few days ago.










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I made a point to track my Slicing missions for the last 3 days. My 25 Trooper is 400 Slicing. I parked him in a cantina and sent all 3 comps on Slicing missions. Then I went to play alts. I "kind of" kept my eye on the clock and jumped back on the Trooper every 40 min. or so, although sometimes it was an hour. Plus there were meals, and a nap or two (sorry if my nonchalant data gathering methods offend some of you, but I was busy having fun).


On Jan. 1, I made 34,410 credits. On Jan. 2, I made 23,306 credits. On Jan. 3, I made 11,699 (I was less vigilant about time today, and took a longer nap). In addition to this free money, I also got over a dozen (sorry, din't write it down) purple Missions, which I sold on the AH for prices between 2000 and 11,000 credits (honest to God, I sold 3 for 11k each!!). There is no doubt in my mind that Slicing missions have been severely nerfed, but I am old enough to know not to rage about things I cannot change, so I am continuing to make money on Slicing, albeit at a significantly lower rate. I really believe that they will ease the nerf a bit at some point...I have seen the ebb and flow of the "nerf bat" for over 10 yrs now in MMOs...

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or you can be smart and drop slicing and pick up a different crew skill. if enough people do that (and a lot of them already are), BioWare will buff slicing. unsubscribing does not bring any attention to a particular nerf. pouty forum posts aren't what lead to buffs/nerfs. it's what's happens in the game itself that affects changes, so when everyone drops slicing because it sucks now, you'll see the change you want. so you're just being a drama queen, and you probably won't even really quit, and that just makes this all the more sad. Edited by moonlemon
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you all say its nerfed i cannot see this sorry i get more out then i put in so its okay and if i find a resource node for this craft i also get credits so I do not see an disadvantage what so ever

its only meant for secondary not as primarily skill so i say if it is not reduced more it is okay sure better results would not hurt

But if all resource nodes would work it would also be not a bad idea wonder what today maintenance will bring well in 5 hours we know what comes our way

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I suggest quitting and never looking back. If you're going to ragequit and write about issues as small as this, at the beginning of the MMO, you're in for a world of hurt.


well if people quit its there loss because some aspects are not yet worked out i recall WOW and co had also launch problembs so why should it here be any different

To those I say the following do a mmo of this proportion and lets see if you can do better if not accept the difficulties and stop this 15$ are not much in my opinion if you cant afford it you are not meant to be here anyway

All in all i see more advantages then disadvantages

and no i do not back up bioware i only speak of personal expirence i seen so many mmo in the last 3 years and none realy none had no problem's and as for guild wars 2 it will be as guild wars 1 some nice features but nothing compared to The Old Republic

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Cancelling your subscription because a Company ignores your post is a little over the top don't you think, regardless off the number off complaints expecting an instant reply is a little naive,a little patience and i think you will find BW will respond and explain the why's and wherefore's of the decision.


Expecting BW to care about losing your subscription ( the one your not paying for at the moment) is frankly pointless. The only point in your post i found had a solid base was that you did not like their product, now that is a reason for leaving, but leaving because off a nerf is i think a little ott.


I don't have a slicer myself (yet) so the nerf hasn't affected me, but i can see how such a massive hit too a skill would be upsetting, but surely you realized it was coming, and if so aren't you as guilty of a knee jerk reaction as BW.


There are so many posts associated with this thread that miss the point entirely, and that is Slicing as in all the crew trade's is an added extra to your adventuring not the main part, you send out your ships companion while you get your hand's dirty in the world, they come back window pops open u except and send them off again, and so it goes on, they are not meant to be a cash cow.


A question i ask myself quite often when playing an MMO is, what is the point of any crafting skill, you spend a massive amount of time maxing them out and then, well nothing, yes you can make the odd exceptional piece, but then what ? (and yet i still do it :)


Like that other MMO there will be constant nerfs and buffs, and constant QQ-ing because of those changes, you except them and move on, it's the way of MMO's, a never ending cycle.


And now for the sarcastic bit......

For those poster's who are not aware of it, there is a spell checker available within the thread poster, please, please, try to learn how to use it.


I couldn't resist it.


May the force be with you.


that includes all you slicers out there.

Edited by Banelore
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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.


So basically you are unhappy that something that was seriously OP has been nerfed and your crying about? You are entitled to put your money where your mouth is but whining about OP things been nerfed is pure stupid. You really think having 200k+ credits at lvl 30 is balanced? Yea they may have nerfed it a little to hard but it did need a serious nerf. I've been crafting since lvl 10 and i'm using my equipment or crystal, I've made just about sod all profit because I reverse engineer stuff to get some of my mats back.


Anyway buh bye and I hope whatever game you choose to play in the future fufills you.


You missed the point entirely.


They made a rash decision in response to a public relations mess with players complaining about a skill a week after release. These players weren't even 50 yet, the economy was nowhere near stable, but the first thing they did was nerf it.


Then, you have threads with 200k+ views, but not one response to the issue. Not one. They even did an AMA on Reddit, where the question was asked REPEATEDLY, and still it was ignored.


I dislike being treated like that. What exactly do you think will happen everytime a group of people start complaining? Oh no, snipers are doing too much damage in bg's *nerf*. UWT is making too much money *nerf*. Instead of actually FIXING issues, the response will be to knee-jerk react and nerf it.


Until I see that changed, I cancelled also. I will re-sub once their reactions have been addressed.


The nerf itself is not the issue. How they are handling the situation is the issue.


I would hope Snipers would be nerfed if they were one shotting everything, tanks, healers, dps with Snipe. Which is basically the equivalent of earning 200k+ before you've got to Act 2!


Balance isn't something that just happens it needs to be tweaked and changed. Slicing needed a serious nerf so nerfed it to fu*k. Was it needed? Yes. Did they go a touch overboard? Yes.


Also the fact that people can come on here and say they are still making money proves that its not all bad.


Balance is an ongoing thing.

Edited by CptBrit
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I think some people are forgetting that this game is still only a week and half old (since official launch.) Rage quitting because they nerfed something made me lol.


Slicing was clearly getting explointed. Someone said they made 4m credits off it. Leaving it would have wrecked the economy.


Ok so they may have over nerfed it in some peoples opinion. If choosing this skill was meant to be a money maker then yes they may have gone too far in the other direction but lets not forget you can level slicing and get coins while out on your travels doing missions too.


I don't expect SWTOR to be perfect from launch. There will be bugs, there will be exploits and there will be mistakes made along the way. I think Bioware have made an awesome game and a superb start from launch and I am sure they are taking everything into account when trying to iron out teething problems. I don't see the need why anyone would want to rage quit after less than 2 weeks after launch. We all need to have our big boy pants on and ride it out until the patches and the fixes start coming.

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If you do a Tier6 Slicing mission for 1500 Credits u can get:

- Rarely: A green case with 2000-2400 credits.

- Normal: A white case with 1200-1800 credits

- Nothing.


If you do a Tier6 other-gathering-crew-skill mission for 1500 Credits u can get:

- Rarely: Cool mats, worth 10k credits

- Normal: Mats, worth 7k-8k credits.

- Nothing.



Also, farming nodes will provide free credits for Slicing but... it DOES also provide 'free credits' in MATS for other gathering skills.



Problem here is that you only see the 'RAW' amount. When Slicers were getting 500-2000 credits of BENEFITS per mission the other gatherers where ONLY getting a couple of mats. Fact is those MATS were more valuable that the 500-2000 creds earned with Slicing, but they were only MATS, not MONEY you can count.


Guess what? Yes, BW screwd it.

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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.


my slicing is under 100, i made more then you in 1 hour then you made in 5 hours, i didnt send companions out, i hand opened those new electronic safes they put all over the place, free money inside.

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If you do a Tier6 Slicing mission for 1500 Credits u can get:

- Rarely: A green case with 2000-2400 credits.

- Normal: A white case with 1200-1800 credits

- Nothing.


If you do a Tier6 other-gathering-crew-skill mission for 1500 Credits u can get:

- Rarely: Cool mats, worth 10k credits

- Normal: Mats, worth 7k-8k credits.

- Nothing.



Also, farming nodes will provide free credits for Slicing but... it DOES also provide 'free credits' in MATS for other gathering skills.



Problem here is that you only see the 'RAW' amount. When Slicers were getting 500-2000 credits of BENEFITS per mission the other gatherers where ONLY getting a couple of mats. Fact is those MATS were more valuable that the 500-2000 creds earned with Slicing, but they were only MATS, not MONEY you can count.


Guess what? Yes, BW screwd it.


Damn it must be a serious jump in profitability from Tier 5 to 6 because I'm seeing NOWHERE near 7k-8k (Yes i'm in Tier 5).


For other gathering professions we've got to find someone to buy them or we won't make much Slicers get. Free Money. Yes they can lose money but so can we. Seeing a 35min mission that cost a few K come back with nothing is a *****.


I'm not saying it doesn't need a slight buff but let the numbers flow back to Bioware first from the test realm etc.

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Damn it must be a serious jump in profitability from Tier 5 to 6 because I'm seeing NOWHERE near 7k-8k (Yes i'm in Tier 5).


For other gathering professions we've got to find someone to buy them or we won't make much Slicers get. Free Money. Yes they can lose money but so can we. Seeing a 35min mission that cost a few K come back with nothing is a *****.


I'm not saying it doesn't need a slight buff but let the numbers flow back to Bioware first from the test realm etc.


Actually the jump is pretty high stacks of Zal alloy (99) are selling for close to 100k on my server and Durasteel is around 60k for a stack of 99. And i can get anywhere from 3-6 of anything at Tier 6. It adds up quickly. People seem to not understand that having 100k credits is NOT ALOT OF MONEY....


10k Credits = 1g in wow terms (Sorry) But people are so used to having small gold numbers in WoW that they think 100k credits is a miracle.


Honestly anything level 50 should sell for no less than 100k. and that is just 10g


They set the cap at 2 Billion for a reason here people. 2,000,000,000 credits = 200,000 Gold remember wow cap back in the day 214,000 or something like that.

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Your assumption is wrong tho because people with mats gathering skill can send out companion and sell those rank 6 mats at a very high price. The profit compare to slicing is far too much and the process are, THE SAME! Slicing provide you steady income but minimal credit return (yes! those who make 100k per day 24/7 at lv 28 will be making the same amount of money at lv 50 and lv 50 can get credit way faster than slicing all *********** day).


completely wrong. you're assuming that resources are a 100% demand item. while slicing will give you credits always. (possibly same failure rate as other gathering professions) not to mention that slicing is direct money, while you have to spend the time to gather the right resources then spend more time crafting the item, and spend even more time hawking it on GTN. it's hardly even comparable.


slicing deserves nerf, regardless of whatever level the complainers that supposedly caused it were at. and we still have to pay you to get us gathering missions. slicing deserves every bit of this nerf, and rightly so, in the way it has been nerf in 1 week from release, from people who aren't 50, who OP automatically assumes don't understand the game. i question why it wasn't nerfed while in beta.

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The amount of nodes ive found while leveling (and running all around zones im questing in) and the amount of credits in said boxes makes it a complete waste of time.


Taris empire side gives class 3 (sometimes 4) boxes for about 500-800 credits each. I would rather be running missions for better credit/time reward.


ah, so apparently all your slicing nodes are so far out of the way that you can't even imagine doing missions while finding a node and say, bonus creds!


of course it's supposed to be the only tradeskill in game that should allow you full freedom from doing anything else while making as much money as the main way to level(which, if not clear, is to fight mobs and do quests). and you're crying about it because they made it less worth it? cry to my synthweaver and see if i give a damn.

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Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


Edit 2: I cancelled my sub because if I don't like their product or what they do with it, as a consumer I'm putting my money where my mouth is. That's when consumers are heard. Welcome to the free market. And if in the 22 days I have left of my initial game time they make a statement and some sort of correction to slicing, I may resubscribe. The point is, it's my decision what I do with my money. If BioWare wants it, then I hope they start treating their customers with more respect. Not responding to even one of these threads is insulting.


I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.


Cannot help to wonder if the OP realize that slicing is a GATHERING skill and not a mission skill and that it makes perfect sense that he shouldn't hoard a massive stack of credits by doing nothing (anyone claiming it is an effort to press a button and wait on cash is wrong!).


Slicing give a massive amount of credits directly without need to sell materials or sell crafted products, and you get it by being out in the world. I.E. just like the other gathering skills.

Edited by Erliandur
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Cannot help to wonder if the OP realize that slicing is a GATHERING skill and not a mission skill and that it makes perfect sense that he shouldn't hoard a massive stack of credits by doing nothing (anyone claiming it is an effort to press a button and wait on cash is wrong!).


Slicing give a massive amount of credits directly without need to sell materials or sell crafted products, and you get it by being out in the world. I.E. just like the other gathering skills.



yep, except you can't sell credits on the GTN for 15k one as mandalorian iron...


get the glitch?


So IF I make the same amount as OP (which I doubt, cause he was lucky) I will have enough to buy 1 Mandalorian Iron in a little more than 5 hours of grind.



How much does it take to loot 1 mandalorian iron from UWT missions?

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