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What happens when you reach the weekly max for reputation now?


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Yeah it kinda sucks when you are still going for the legend status. After that it's actually a good thing I suppose. It does stop me from doing more Onderon dailies as soon as the cap hits. It just feels like a waste. Luckily I'll hit the cap next week so then it won't bother me so much anymore.


I will say that luckily I only have 2 more reputations to go, both of which are pretty high up already but if you have more to go it can be frustrating. It's kind of a double edged thing cause I do like not having the rep tokens after I complete a reputation.

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Not really sure what the point of BW doing this was, even less so for bounty hunt contracts going now as a currency. I mean the amount of credits you got from rep tokens was not that much. Not been able to sell the BH contracts surly must have a negative impact on BH week. So the point of doing this was? BW? care to answer? Well not expecting them to but....you never know.
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I don't know if it is true or not, but I seem to get more renown when I run dailies on planets I have legendary status on. So, maybe the rep gets converted into renown? I really don't know how to test this, it just seems renown increases a little faster.
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I don't know if it is true or not, but I seem to get more renown when I run dailies on planets I have legendary status on. So, maybe the rep gets converted into renown? I really don't know how to test this, it just seems renown increases a little faster.


Even if this is only speculation and not actually working as you describe, but this is a fantastic idea! Would make doing dailies and weeklies on maxed out reputation planets worthwhile again and offset the nerfed renown gain compared to command before 6.0.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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I don't know if it is true or not, but I seem to get more renown when I run dailies on planets I have legendary status on. So, maybe the rep gets converted into renown? I really don't know how to test this, it just seems renown increases a little faster.


I thought I noticed this while running CZ-198 on a 75. Wasn't really paying attention, so it may or may not be the case.

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