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satele shan's dualsaber


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I have deidced to come back to SWTOR after a number of years break.


I've noticed that I have Satele Shan's Dualsaber in my inventory. The going rate on my server is aprrox 80,000,000.


I'm in two minds whether to sell or equip it.


But my main question is this item no longer available in SWTOR.

Edited by SethMorganaa
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If you like it, use it. I waste so much money playing dress up it's insane but that's what is fun to me. Making my characters look cool to me. Yeah I could use that money to actually help gear up, but that's no fun. Lol. But with that said, 80mil could get me a lot of outfits. I'd probably sell it. :p
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Go into Collections - Weapons - Dualsabers. See if you like any of those better than the Satele saber. If you do I'd recommend selling it so that you can afford to get one or multiple of those. If you think the Satele saber looks/seems better/cooler than all the other sabers in the game stick with it.
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Thank you for taking your time out to answer my question.


Good suggestions


I also want to look cool, lol, and I want my character to look and feel right for me, the saber fits my character lovely-but at 80 million credits , you can buy a lot with that.. However, it never crossed my mind to look through all the collections decisions ....decisions :)


I will make my mind tonight after work. I will be thinking about it all day, ha.



Edited by SethMorganaa
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