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Latest Cartel Market Additions - November 14


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Hello everyone!


With today's update a few new items have been added to the Cartel Market. A full breakdown of them can be found here!


Some of those items look pretty neat but....Daniel, how many 'cartel coins' would it take to get this addressed....


... for us longtime loyal subscribers ?


(And i ask that with 95% seriousness and only 5% trollness)

Edited by Nee-Elder
a morsel of being "on topic"
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*sight* I would have absolutely loved the Onderon Guardian set, if not for that annoying, useless and freaking ugly hood who turns every character who's not a Togruta, Twi'lek or Nautolan bald.

That's trully annoying and even a character who doesn't have hair to begin with looks silly with that kind of hood :mad:


Seriously when you want to create a set with a cape and/or hood like that one, either make a second torso part without said cape/hood or just add a new toggle so that we can make them disapear, instead of making our hair disapear...

Edited by Goreshaga
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*sight* I would have absolutely loved the Onderon Guardian set, if not for that annoying, useless and freaking ugly hood who turns every characters who's not a Togruta, Twi'lek or Nautolan bald.

That's trully annoying and even a character who doesn't have hair to begin with looks silly with that kind of hood :mad:


Seriously when you want to create a set with a cape and/or hood like that one, either make a second torso part without said cape/hood or just add a new toggle so that we can make them disapear, instead of making our hair disapear...



They need to look at gear sets without the helmet. If it doesn't look just as good as with the helmet, they need to provide a hoodless version since they haven't given us a hood-removing toggle :(

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They need to look at gear sets without the helmet. If it doesn't look just as good as with the helmet, they need to provide a hoodless version since they haven't given us a hood-removing toggle :(

Yeah, the set looks pretty good with the helmet, but i don't spend so much time creating my characters to hide their face behind masks, otherwise, i'd just use the random appearance they have before actually creating them.

I want to see their face in cutscenes without them looking silly, especially in romance scenes where they can't wear helmets anyways.


Well, at least that's a set i won't buy, i can save my money for later i guess.

Edited by Goreshaga
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*sight* I would have absolutely loved the Onderon Guardian set, if not for that annoying, useless and freaking ugly hood who turns every character who's not a Togruta, Twi'lek or Nautolan bald.

That's trully annoying and even a character who doesn't have hair to begin with looks silly with that kind of hood :mad:


Seriously when you want to create a set with a cape and/or hood like that one, either make a second torso part without said cape/hood or just add a new toggle so that we can make them disapear, instead of making our hair disapear...




Also, did anyone else notice how horribly that set dyes? I was actually considering buying it for my Sith Togruta, but applying any dye to it sorta just...stains it? You can still clearly see the brown throughout the entire outfit. Trying to turn it black just gives you this weird mish-mash of varying shades of brown. It looks horrendous! At least I can save my coins I guess...


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Hello everyone!



Hi Dan, it’s great to hear from you about new CM stuff.


But do you think you could get your Boss to look at the in game set bonus problem some players are having with the wrong sets dropping for the wrong specs.


Having two sets of tank gear for dps and not one dps drop is infuriating because I don’t tank.

Having healing sets drop for dps is just as bad because I don’t heal.

Having tanks sets drop for classes that have no tank spec is mind boggling


You can refer to this bug report that also has all the links to the other threads about this on going problem.



Please Dan, speak to Eric and get us some answers. Even if it’s bad news (ie working as intended) I’m sure we’d all rather know the hard true than be kept int he dark.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Thank You for new armor sets, really like the Ruthless Oppressor armor :) - wished it had Malgus Reborn full helmet robotic voice changer, make your character soon more ruthless, scary etc


A bug/graphic problem when using Malgus Reborn Torso and Ruthless Oppressor mask - all my characters who used this combo make my character lose their hair - bald (happen to all my characters) - please fix

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Out of everything, I'm loving the new pike the most! Just sad that polesabers are only limited to Shadows and Assassins. Would be great if we could use them on all Force classes. I get the reasons why, but it still makes me sad. :(


Edited by BlastBoomArt
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is it just me..or that Vulptilla pet head look way too big for its body? kinda weird lol


the only thing I like..is them boots on reconstructed Apprentice's Armor!


*Gush* Boooots ! Booots!

I loved the boots on the picture, then tried them on my JK, and they didn't suit her :'(

I'll just stick with Satele's boots i guess

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*Go cry in the corner, she has satele boots..more cry cry cry *




Well, i have the whole outfit, but ended up using only the gloves and boots.

Flirting with Theron while being dressed like his mom, was... hem disturbing :eek:

Which is sad because that outfit looked really good on my JK.

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