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What should we expect in 2023 when its time for the license renewal.


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ALL games eventually die -- some quicker then others -- some should have died quicker ...

10 + years is a long time for a game to survive --- and more ? ok, let's say more than 10 yrs, but eventually ....

WoW, Everquest ( or is it already 20 yrs old ?), Everquest II -- still going; into their second decade in a few yrs ..

your guess is as good as mine -- just saying though, 10 yrs is a long time for a game to survive ... most don't last that long ( anyone remember Hero's Song ? --- dead in a few months ... one never knows )


This is the only SW MMO, and as long as that remains, chances are it'll keep going. Hopefully...lol

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Every game dies at some point. Will SWTOR see its end in (or around) 2023? Don't know, don't care.


Instead of worrying about what may or may not happen three years from now, I'm going to expend my energy enjoying the game while it's here.


silly heretic, be gone with thy logic before certain old folk get the brooms out /shoo

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Pesonally, I hope Disney drops EA. They have proven time and time again to not care about quality and only care about money.


News alert for all that havent been paying attention, Disney Star Wars has went down the toilet because they put money over quality. If Disney was smart, they would do everything they can the next 10 years to completely repair the quality aspect of their most profitable IP.


That includes dumping companies like EA who have caused a myriad of controversy with the star wars license since day 1. Not to mention being the worst consumer friendly company in gaming.


How Disney even made this partnership boggles my mind. Disney, as a whole, typically runs the opposite of EA. Their brand revolves around being consumer friendly (at least it used to be).


All in all, its best for both Disney and the Star Wars IP to drop EA. Personally I hate licenses for IPs. It lowers quality and creativity through lack of compeition. The consumer loses each every time. Just like NFL fans lost when EA gained the rights. Look at Madden football. Its a disgrace. And there Star Wars games havent been any different.


If anyone here hopes for this renewal, you are hurting yourself as a consumer.


Nonsense...Disney and EA are perfectly happy with SWTOR, they have a MMO that is already complete with a engine that can be easily upgraded, even the major events have become Canon.


The games expansions have also become much cheaper to produce due to the sheer amount of voice over work that has already been done. I personally see the game continuing at least another decade.


And like I have said before the day the servers sunset a emulator will take it's place and there is no way EA will lose that potential capitol.


Lmao, oh yes this engine is so amazing it cant figure out how to allow for Twileks to wear hoods. Give me a break, this engine and game was outdated the minute it came out. Its a cookie cutter, copy and paste from a pre existing game that literally does nothing to stand out from itself then story elements.

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Every game dies at some point. Will SWTOR see its end in (or around) 2023? Don't know, don't care.


Instead of worrying about what may or may not happen three years from now, I'm going to expend my energy enjoying the game while it's here.






silly heretic, be gone with thy logic before certain old folk get the brooms out /shoo


Nah !!!


WE love playing the game as much as the rest of you !! But there is something to be said about the future of this sort of game. Due to the SW influence .. it really is unique and SEVERL features that are here are equally unique. From that stand point of view (for me at least) ... this is why we discuss the possibilities and hope for a better future.


The bottom line for all of this (again ... for me at least) ... It is not a matter of IF BW / EA can do the job. It a simple matter of they are willing and WILL get the job done as so many have asked / begged or otherwise pleaded for !


There are always possibilities ! ALWAYS !

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Ideally, I think that Disney should drop the exclusive license with EA, but allow them and others to produce games. More games and competition with studios will hopefully give us better SW products as well as a wider range of options.


That way SWTOR can continue to exist and other games can be brought forward by other studios and get away from EA's short sightedness with the license

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Ideally, I think that Disney should drop the exclusive license with EA, but allow them and others to produce games. More games and competition with studios will hopefully give us better SW products as well as a wider range of options.


That way SWTOR can continue to exist and other games can be brought forward by other studios and get away from EA's short sightedness with the license


Despite the loot boxes in Battlefront 2 they've done a good job with Fallen Order and Squadrons imo. But I do wish more games were out there.

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EA will likely loose the "exclusive" licence. But will be permitted to further develop the titles they have. (including remakes)


Disney is a corporation that knows to not put all it eggs in one basket. We'll see what happens between now and then. EA is certainly acting at several levels like it is expecting to loose the licence exclusivity. Remember they've been hot and heavy with games as a service and were for the longest time saying single player game NO. Yet we have some single player games. Hard to make a call there. Disney however does recognize the while multi player games do make copious money in the short term they also cost money to maintain and the devil is always in the details. I think EA will get preferential treatment as far as licensing specific products based on past performance, but Disney I expect to reserve the right to shop out the IP to other game development studio's and publishers ending the exclusive deal. As for EA should this happen they're not going to be able to successfully broker continuing exclusivity without surrendering something. The most obvious something would be a much bigger share of the profits to Disney and ya know, it's EA.. I don't see them willing to do that. Not really. They might, but that could put them in a financial bind if a title fails in the marketplace..


For now it's most of 3 years away so I'm not going to be worried about it. Just always remember.. All things end. I think EA should likely have SWTOR as a legacy game for a long time to come.

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