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Bioware Should Charge us Atleast 20 Dollars per Expansion


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20$ MINUMUM + A SUBSCRIPTION so that they gain enough revenue to keep the game online and keep producing content. 6.0 is great and honestly has changed the direction of this game, the key now are consistent updates and way less content droughts. Hopefully we will see another expansion next year.:cool:
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Considering the Witcher 3 released 2 expacs, Hearts of Stone (around 10 hours in length) for $9.99 and Blood and Wine (around 20 hours in length) for $19.99 and the content from each of those was close to a full price game in it's own right so I feel asking for $20 for an expac for two hours of swtor content is a little insulting when topped off with a sub. :rolleyes:


They simply do not add enough to justify that price tag.


And I say that as someone who enjoys this game and has done since it was released.

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20$ MINUMUM + A SUBSCRIPTION so that they gain enough revenue to keep the game online and keep producing content. 6.0 is great and honestly has changed the direction of this game, the key now are consistent updates and way less content droughts. Hopefully we will see another expansion next year.:cool:


The problem is that the money the game makes doesn't go right back into the game. The money SWTOR makes goes back to EA who then spends it on making other games like Jedi Fallen Order, FIFA, Madden, etc. EA gives Bioware (Austin) a budget to work with regardless of how much the game is making. It's been that way for years now.


Charging more doesn't mean they'll suddenly have more money to work with, it just means EA will make more money off SWTOR than they already were.

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The problem is that the money the game makes doesn't go right back into the game. The money SWTOR makes goes back to EA who then spends it on making other games like Jedi Fallen Order, FIFA, Madden, etc. EA gives Bioware (Austin) a budget to work with regardless of how much the game is making. It's been that way for years now.


Charging more doesn't mean they'll suddenly have more money to work with, it just means EA will make more money off SWTOR than they already were.

Or the money that stays/go back to BW are spent for other games, too... Like Andromeda? Or Anthem? :rolleyes:

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Or the money that stays/go back to BW are spent for other games, too... Like Andromeda? Or Anthem? :rolleyes:


hey them Armors that are from Mass effect and gotta be made for Anthem, have to be paid from somewhere lol


Spoiler alert!!!



Saresh is working for EA!!!



Remember 'Only TOGETHER you can make Anthem great again! Together!' :D:D:D

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20$ MINUMUM + A SUBSCRIPTION so that they gain enough revenue to keep the game online and keep producing content. 6.0 is great and honestly has changed the direction of this game, the key now are consistent updates and way less content droughts. Hopefully we will see another expansion next year.:cool:


20 plus a sub? Where you getting the extra 20 from? It just a one month sub that's it. Not plus 20 dollers

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Yeah but they are charging $20+ on the CM for an old chapter and 15 mins content ;)

HK-55 Chapter would cost for me $49.00 CAD. (Exchange/taxes etc) It seems rather pricey for only a chapter not withstanding the story. There are whole games to be bought for that price. Places have reported that the game has brought in 1 billion USD since it opened. So its not what Blizzard used to get, but still its a nice chunk of money.

So no they shouldn't charge 20$ per expansion esp when 6.0 is not the size a 'real' expansion in most other games.

Edited by LeMage
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20$ MINUMUM + A SUBSCRIPTION so that they gain enough revenue to keep the game online and keep producing content. 6.0 is great and honestly has changed the direction of this game, the key now are consistent updates and way less content droughts. Hopefully we will see another expansion next year.:cool:


Nope I don't think its worth. Yes the story was engaging although the fixed dailies are still not, plus the other things they broke. The game made 1 billion USD so far it has been reported. If they didn't spend that all on Anthem and the shareholders it could have gone back into the game, at least some. And NO I do NOT need another Astromech droid pet. How long is it going to take before I find out if what Scourge, Kira, and I have to do? They don't need extra revenue, they made/make enough - they just have to allocate resources to us, or give back what they 'plundered' to make Anthem.

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Nope I don't think its worth. Yes the story was engaging although the fixed dailies are still not, plus the other things they broke. The game made 1 billion USD so far it has been reported. If they didn't spend that all on Anthem and the shareholders it could have gone back into the game, at least some. And NO I do NOT need another Astromech droid pet. How long is it going to take before I find out if what Scourge, Kira, and I have to do? They don't need extra revenue, they made/make enough - they just have to allocate resources to us, or give back what they 'plundered' to make Anthem.


Doesn't work like that, mate. We don't know how much ea allocated, but we do now, that EA invested 400$ mil in Anthem, which turned out to be a giant flop. If anything, i'm wondering how EA plans to get back it's investment.

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Doesn't work like that, mate. We don't know how much ea allocated, but we do now, that EA invested 400$ mil in Anthem, which turned out to be a giant flop. If anything, i'm wondering how EA plans to get back it's investment.


*whistle* seriously ? lol


well we all know how! By bringing their old games on Steam, smack some 'Enhanced' Tag on them and sell them a 2nd time..with 'Special deals'' and stuff lol

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This update provided a lot more than 2 hours of content unless you only care about story. This has been the best update since shadow of revan in my opinion and I hope they stay on this track. I do agree that most of the proceeds most likely are allocated to other games but that may be changing due to Disney’s new focus on introducing the old republic themes in their new Star Wars projects. But by charging us more for expansions, the budget that they get from EA would increase, resulting in a better game for us. Imagine if KOTET And KOTFE focused on what onslaught introduced instead of a 10 hour story. Where would swtor be now?
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This update provided a lot more than 2 hours of content unless you only care about story. This has been the best update since shadow of revan in my opinion and I hope they stay on this track. I do agree that most of the proceeds most likely are allocated to other games but that may be changing due to Disney’s new focus on introducing the old republic themes in their new Star Wars projects. But by charging us more for expansions, the budget that they get from EA would increase, resulting in a better game for us. Imagine if KOTET And KOTFE focused on what onslaught introduced instead of a 10 hour story. Where would swtor be now?


No arguments there, however after 5 years of next to no actual content, players wouldn't just give away their money. They would have to make super long expansion, filled with story, pvp and pve activity.

Edited by Spoloma
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You think barely 2 hours of content is worth $20+Sub?


I have some moon rocks, and a Unicorn's tooth I can sell you.


All The Best


Start thinking pls. Definitely if they will start charging money for new expansion this expansion must be much bigger with everything (including quality): new warzone, new fp, new operation, new big planet, bigger plot, less bugs. What we have now is free content with 20 min. content and nearly nothing new...this can't continue for long tbh due to cool new mmo coming out every few years (lost ark for example) and old mmo getting huge contents (ESO, wow, gw 2, ff etc). Swtor will soon be left with zero customers if nothing will change

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20$ MINUMUM + A SUBSCRIPTION so that they gain enough revenue to keep the game online and keep producing content. 6.0 is great and honestly has changed the direction of this game, the key now are consistent updates and way less content droughts. Hopefully we will see another expansion next year.:cool:


Lol 20 dollars for this crap work? Mate the only reason they have a job is simple, this is the only star wars the game out there that is a mmo.


Here are a few things thta makes onslaught stupid if:


a) your choices have no impact in the other faction, since if you play a rep character it will undo all that you ve done with an imp character


b) story was to short and really average, not that great;


c) they realised that killing Vitiate was a stupid thing and are bringing him again, in some way or another he will be back down the line


d) new planets have no planetary story, just random and generic missions to kill X trash units


e) they offered 1 flashpoint and one raid with 6.0. They charged 15 euros for revan expansion and it gave players 2 new flashpoints and 2 raids. So yeah, just cause you like to throw money to the street and to bad companies other ppl don't see it like that


f) the new crafting system is expensive as hell and crafting is a waste of resources if you want to gear that way, since farming hammer station and Red reaper gives you faste rgear in a few hours


g) they haven't released any content for space pve since the game was launched. Space pvp has not seen any new maps since iokath, and barely anyone plays it becase it will consist of ne team with full sniper ships, which pretty much tells you to sod off cause you can't reach them


h) no new personal class missions since 3.0, and even then only a few were interesting, but had no connection to whatever happened after ziost....


i) overall onslaught was a bad expansion with the only good point being going back to its roots. And now we have to wait till december to see the where the imp faction has gone, since near the enrance to the meridian complex is already the new entrance for the next flashpoint.


So yeah, more reasons could be added why charging for an expansion is a stupid reason. Besides they already charged for the expansion telling ppl needed to be subbed for it.


When Bioware announces new music as relevant stuff for the expansion you see just how bad their work has been since 5.0. This game has received less content now than 4.0 and 5.0 released .....

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Yeah but they are charging $20+ on the CM for an old chapter and 15 mins content ;)


Meanwhile over in WOW.

1 Month's sub has just unlocked who knows how much content.

I'm three hours in and have barely completed the Introduction of BfA.

The story is, while clearly very differently themed, at least as good as Onslaught so far.

My Paladin (Holy) doesn't seem to be nerfed through the floor.

Quest Rewards are Class / Specialty specific, but still offer choices.

Haven't touched Crafting yet, but it simply can't be as broken as crafting here is.


If you can look past the cartoony graphics it is clearly far better VfM than SWTOR.


All The Best

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