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tulak hord server


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It is all servers to deploy a small patch. The GUI fix is in that patch.




Might be my bad english, by why does ya first post today sound like you are going to emergency maintenance tulak hord first, just to admit that its primely a downtime for the UI fix an hour later?!

Stop playing games and fix that ****in server. If you gotta take it donw for a whole day....fine, damage is done already, you can only make it better by reacting NOW.

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And 60% Loading screen this time on odessen FRICKING AGAIN.

Your team might wanna start taking a look again so the servers can recover.

In the meantime i'm gonna cancel my subscription because i am done recovering.


Okay, so I am not the only one suffering this problem... :(


Every single other planet is accessible without problems except for the one where the majority of my characters are parked.

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Dear all,


let`s try to help BW / EA fix the server since they clearly are not able to. And let`s not forget, about the only thing still working that we get from our subscriber status is the ability to post on the forums. So let`s use the remaining time of our cancelled subscriptions to help fix the server situation and collect useful tips. For starters, BW could


+ hire a plumber, for he might be better qualified than the current server janitor

+ politely ask Blizzard Entertainment for assistance?


P.S. I cancelled my sub, since BW ignores any calls for compensation and is not able to provide the proper service

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Eric? Are you alive?



tulak hord is struggling since the release of onslaught



the majority of players got tired of laggs and tulak hord crashes totally.

the server was restarted, with no effect at all.

another restart didn't solved the problem, too.



still the game is not running nearly acceptable.

we got another restart with the same issues, again.



another restart was forced, because server crashed again.

the maintenance was already done, to solve the issues.

a hardware failure was causing the problems, you said.

still there were issues.



still the same problems and still some information from you.

still the server crashes a lot.



same **** different day

and another hardware replacement

and another restart



same **** different day



after some days fine for some players,

others still with heavy lags and game breaking bugs,

another restart with maintenance stuff.



the only day i could play swtor with no issues, yeah,



and here we go again.

hopes that some stuff behind the scenes did work,

but unfortunately it didn't.



i think the team is as frustrated as we are.

but again the hope that the issues are resolved.

did you turned it on and off? let's try it again.


11/18/19 -11/19/19:

yeah. another 2 days to play. so in total 3 for me, since the release.



here we go again.



let's see, if the patch helps.



so here is another summary for tulak hord.

i don't think we are done yet, so still not the right

time to ask for a compensation. so at least we

should get 1 month subscription back, if the maintenance

today really solves the problems.

any bets, how long it would take?

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I got disconnected, while i was crafting in my stronghold. While i was crafting on fleet. While i was doing a flashpoint, While i was doing operations.


So i went into my think tank and i found the solution for the problem.


So...the problem is, that all the players are everywhere in the game. They are on fleet, in operations, in flashpoints, and on a lot of different planets. And the game just can't handle, that they are this wide spread out.


We relieve the pressure of all this players as we tunnel them into certain areas of the game.


So....the solution is, to turn off parts off the game. Bad that's a bad word. We can call it different. We rework the whole game to work „event-based“. You know, like the events we have in the game right now. Bounty Contract Week and so on.


Basically, the first week of the month, players can do starter-planets up to Ilum. The second week of the month, we allow players to engage in group-content: operations and flashpoints. The third week is PvP/GSF. After that players are allowed to go to the newer planets. Makeb, Odessen, Ossus.


I think that will solve the problems we have. If it's not enough, we can turn to drastic measures. One month you are allowed to only log in on republic toons, the other month only imperial.


This way we will free up a lot of resources. The game should work smoothly.


I know, i know, i'm a genius. You can implement my idea for free. I don't charge you. Get the game going, folks.


***... please tell me that is a joke....

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I got disconnected, while i was crafting in my stronghold. While i was crafting on fleet. While i was doing a flashpoint, While i was doing operations.


So i went into my think tank and i found the solution for the problem.


So...the problem is, that all the players are everywhere in the game. They are on fleet, in operations, in flashpoints, and on a lot of different planets. And the game just can't handle, that they are this wide spread out.


We relieve the pressure of all this players as we tunnel them into certain areas of the game.


So....the solution is, to turn off parts off the game. Bad that's a bad word. We can call it different. We rework the whole game to work „event-based“. You know, like the events we have in the game right now. Bounty Contract Week and so on.


Basically, the first week of the month, players can do starter-planets up to Ilum. The second week of the month, we allow players to engage in group-content: operations and flashpoints. The third week is PvP/GSF. After that players are allowed to go to the newer planets. Makeb, Odessen, Ossus.


I think that will solve the problems we have. If it's not enough, we can turn to drastic measures. One month you are allowed to only log in on republic toons, the other month only imperial.


This way we will free up a lot of resources. The game should work smoothly.


I know, i know, i'm a genius. You can implement my idea for free. I don't charge you. Get the game going, folks.


nice one.


i'm starting to think that the problems are caused by attacks, not hardware or game failures. they would never admit that ofc, since it would be an invitation for every troll out there. but they cant be that bad at fixing hardware that it would take weeks to solve the problems. on the other hand, its hard to believe that a company like BW/EA cant defend against basic DOS attacks either.......

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nice one.


i'm starting to think that the problems are caused by attacks, not hardware or game failures. they would never admit that ofc, since it would be an invitation for every troll out there. but they cant be that bad at fixing hardware that it would take weeks to solve the problems. on the other hand, its hard to believe that a company like BW/EA cant defend against basic DOS attacks either.......

Believe me if these issues would be caused by attacks bioware would have said so the millisecond they found out.

I mean seriously outside attacks? Thats the easiest scapegoat they could wish for at this point to direct the blame at.

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Infinite loading screens seems to be a BIG problem at BioWare... *cough*Anthem*cough*


But seriously: I am back for less than 24 hours after many years and all i see is a never ending loading screen and you expect to pay for something like that?

And since this problem is not new why arent you prioritise it on the top?


I am there since early beta. Experienced the whole mess from the beginning. Ups and downs.

But this consistent silence from you, BIOWARE and unability to do something about those huge issues leaves me no other choice.

I really hoped to experience a good time with SWTOR again after such a long time. But staring at a F++++ loading screen makes me GREEN....

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thanks for this. You put some efford in this!


@eric: ?? Nothing as compensation ?? Really ?? You are really going to sh.it on people on german server like this ??

Whiskey Foxtrott Tango !



tulak hord is struggling since the release of onslaught



the majority of players got tired of laggs and tulak hord crashes totally.

the server was restarted, with no effect at all.

another restart didn't solved the problem, too.



still the game is not running nearly acceptable.

we got another restart with the same issues, again.



another restart was forced, because server crashed again.

the maintenance was already done, to solve the issues.

a hardware failure was causing the problems, you said.

still there were issues.



still the same problems and still some information from you.

still the server crashes a lot.



same **** different day

and another hardware replacement

and another restart



same **** different day



after some days fine for some players,

others still with heavy lags and game breaking bugs,

another restart with maintenance stuff.



the only day i could play swtor with no issues, yeah,



and here we go again.

hopes that some stuff behind the scenes did work,

but unfortunately it didn't.



i think the team is as frustrated as we are.

but again the hope that the issues are resolved.

did you turned it on and off? let's try it again.


11/18/19 -11/19/19:

yeah. another 2 days to play. so in total 3 for me, since the release.



here we go again.



let's see, if the patch helps.



so here is another summary for tulak hord.

i don't think we are done yet, so still not the right

time to ask for a compensation. so at least we

should get 1 month subscription back, if the maintenance

today really solves the problems.

any bets, how long it would take?

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