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tulak hord server


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Well, this server problem (and round and round wie go) has at least brought one knowlage: You can finish the Cademimu FP on Veteran with no problems on a 306 geared sniper with a lvl 50 Shae Visla as Heal


But have been much better to not get this knowlage - because in that case it would mean that we don't have Problems again :rolleyes:

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Guildes are reporting that they are stuck in loading screen to imperial fleet.

They had to quit the game via Alt+F4 and now they can't even log into these chars, that where stuck

Oh, and log-in-server seems to have problems too


EDIT: Now we are five people, sitting together in TS, all stuck at 60% in the loading screen to fleet ...

EDIT 2: After an Alt+F4, our Chars were back to were they where, before we wanted to port to fleet.

Trying GF now. Let's see if it works


Jep, seems to be working. But we are a premade group

Edited by Gamemaron
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As for now, i'm able to log in republic side.

All of my characters on imperial side are on the flagship / imperial fleet. Everytime, i try to log onto these characters, i'm stuck in the loadingscreen with ~ 60 %.


Pathping to the european servers ( result in a 100 % loss @ 4 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% ae-0-4.bar1.Dublin1.Level3.net []

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The Server is Buggy Bioware.............:rolleyes:


Loading Screen of Death when you join a Flashpoint.

Coruscant for some Players Buggy



This is a bad Joke Bioware. For what i am paying?


What are your Chief Executive Officer from Bioware doing with our Money? The whole night dancing with hot Chics?

Edited by Manjaca
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No message what so ever over an hour after the server died. It's just an EU Server on a Saturday evening anyway. Who cares, right?


If it was a one time thing, no big problem, if the server is on average down every second day for two weeks it gets pretty infuriating.


EDIT: Ah, finally a post. Time to wait for the "the server seems to stabilize itself again" message.

Edited by RadioFM
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just a short summary of SOME your investigation....ridiculous


Hey folks,


The team is aware and investigating the issues on Tulak Hord. I will pass on details as I have them.





Hey folks,


Looks like we also saw a similar drop as we have previously. We are seeing everything recover from our side so you should be able to log back in soon, the team is investigating what happened and are keeping an eye on everything. Keep any specifics coming.










Hey all,


The team is still investigating the drops that are happening on Tulak Hord. I am also passing on the specific areas mentioned that appear to be in a bad state. I will pass on more information as I get it.






Hey folks,


The team is seeing recovery on the server but overall investigations are still on-going as to what is causing these issues to persist. I will pass on more updates as I have them. May not be something more concrete to share today as long as things stay stable.


More details to come, thanks all.






The team is aware and investigating. Hold tight!






Short version is a hardware failure. We believe we have resolved the issue and don't expect further downtime but we will continue to monitor.




Correct, the quick downtime this morning replaced the planned downtime for today.






Tulak Hord is once again available. Thanks everyone.





Hey all,


Apologies for the continued issues on Tulak Hord, the team is taking a look.



Edited by ultimarb
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Hey folks,


The team is aware and investigating the issues on Tulak Hord. I will pass on details as I have them.




Is your Investigation skill already at level 700? Might be worth using a level 50 companion next time you investigate something :tran_cool:

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