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What will happen to Zakuul in the story?


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Sounds like they're having their own problems with the Exchange at the moment.


That said if the choice was mine, I would be strip mining the planet for the resources Arcann took and conscripting the locals and skytrooper factories into the Imperial army, our brave droids deserve meat shields!

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who know ?


So far its still in the ''Need HALP! Cose we are little entitled brats , used to be catered to by our Emprore! HALP! HALP!'' ..


I don't know why we couldn't just enroll Zaakul as a LS option into the Alliance. And you know, do a help-them vs we get stuff and able bodies and ships and stuff like that from them ?


A DS rule them. And we should be able to enslave-used them as target practise whenever we want to.


(don't click spoiler if you don't wanna be spoiled)



But in Onslaught, all I saw about Zaakul (beside the above from Koth asking for more help for those useless peoples), is that the exchange is making a move on Zaakul and koth mention as much if you let him live. And he claim, ''Give me ressource..again...so I can stop that'' . All your character can say is ''I got someone (koth) working on removing them from there'' . Which is odd, since it was a LS character.....and I got nothing on a DS who supposedly ruled them.


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Since it killed millions of Imperial and Republic ppl, and now it doesn't have the military forces anymore, I guess they will be taken down or forced to side with one faction?


Nothing. Bioware decided totally abandon any Zakuul stuff in favor of faction war. Do not expect it to have any bearing on the story. Hell in Hearts and Minds Koth is the only one who mentions it EVEN IF Senya and Arcann still around.

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this is confirmed


Because of the crimes Zuukul has committed against the galaxy each year a male and a female from each district will be picked to take part in a fight to the death that will be broadcast across the entire galaxy.




In all seriousness theres not much they could really do with it it's the same with the eternal alliance. I mean its just one of those things where it's just there

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It’s over.




You removed the power base, claimed the eternal fleet and lost it on iokath. What more do you want?

Well I for one want to invade it, find the guy who told me they will go independent and Force Choke him to death. I'have been nothing but kind to them through the entire KOTFE and KOTET, and they decide to drop me anyway? F that!

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Well I for one want to invade it, find the guy who told me they will go independent and Force Choke him to death. I'have been nothing but kind to them through the entire KOTFE and KOTET, and they decide to drop me anyway? F that!


Lol that's what you get for your 'Kindness'' Muahahahahaha


But I'm right with you! You choke, I zap! :D

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Since it killed millions of Imperial and Republic ppl, and now it doesn't have the military forces anymore, I guess they will be taken down or forced to side with one faction?


The Hutts are taking it over and renaming it New Nar Shadaa, which will mean more eateries, red-light districts, and the Endless Swamp becomes a spice plantation.

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Nothing. Bioware decided totally abandon any Zakuul stuff in favor of faction war. Do not expect it to have any bearing on the story. Hell in Hearts and Minds Koth is the only one who mentions it EVEN IF Senya and Arcann still around.


Sadly ^^this.


Whatever reason they have for it, we're basically back on where we left after the class stories: on Corellia. We're kinda going back in time. Seems like the majority of players likes that. I'd have preferred a continuation of the previous story. Iokath still has secrets to be recovered, for example.


The Empire and Republic have apparently learned nothing. Complete standstill regarding moving forward. Petty little fights about the same things they fought about in 2011 Earth time. Pity. :(

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I think we'll hear from Zakuul in the future, our companions from Zakuul are still in the "main" category and I think there will be things that tie what's going on today and what happened in Zakuul together in the future, especially with how Onslaught's current episode ended. I don't think we will ever spend a lot of time going BACK to Zakuul for anything, but I don't think they will be totally and completely abandoned in the story forever.
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I think we'll hear from Zakuul in the future, our companions from Zakuul are still in the "main" category

Because Bioware can't be bothered to sort that thing out and just sticks everyone who is not Alliance Alert (or your class companion who wasnt involved with main plot) there. Besides, have you seen Vette or Torian in the main story lately? And I do not mean the case when you intentionally bring Torian to Meksha for new dialog, I mean him apprearing while not being active companion.

Edited by Gelious
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Sounds like they're having their own problems with the Exchange at the moment.


That said if the choice was mine, I would be strip mining the planet for the resources Arcann took and conscripting the locals and skytrooper factories into the Imperial army, our brave droids deserve meat shields!


Remember Profit and Plunder?


You stole all his looted resources to fund the Alliance!



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Wait, the eternal fleet was all gone in the fight VS Izax?


Nope it wasn't all the eternal fleet just the majority of it. I'm guessing it was just the ships that were piloted remotely or by droids. The eternal alliance still has a fleet ( if you can call it that) but it's that small that they don't really stand a chance by themselves considering the grave stone and the fleet were what made the alliance big shots in the universe

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