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With 6.0, what boosts are there to performance (if any)?


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I would say it's NOT PvP. From what I have been able to deduce you get a RNG "pvp" crate if your team wins (is that noted in an official post anywhere? - I didn't see it). I have not had a single set bonus piece from one yet. I get gear, but it's mostly that horizontal progression, into exactly the pieces I already have, or into pieces that are even worse stat distribution and I don't want. So I can deconstruct them for a whopping 3 tech frags! And that's only if you win that you get that crate.


[As a side note, I think it's actually good that you only get the crate if you win - I just wish it was better gear. ESO does that, but when you win the first match every day you get a lot of XP, and good level gear. ]


And then the reward for playing is apparently 10 tech frags if you lose, and 15 if you win. At 3K frags per set piece, let me get my calculator... yeah, I think that's about 4 years worth of warzones. I computed it. :p


So you are left with getting lucky with renown crates. I've gotten one set bonus piece from crates. Not one that I want, of course.


Not to mention that you also need 1 million creds per direct buy, so at the money that PvP pays... PvP puts the "grind" in gear grind I think.


Of course, "but bolster!" I hear you cry. So we don't need gear for PvP! But if you noticed K'rea's little reveal of how deception sins will be fine, even super powerful!... it's all about the set bonus and tactical. Maybe that's true for other classes too, I don't know, but for my little shadow... ugh.

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I would say it's NOT PvP. From what I have been able to deduce you get a RNG "pvp" crate if your team wins (is that noted in an official post anywhere? - I didn't see it). I have not had a single set bonus piece from one yet. I get gear, but it's mostly that horizontal progression, into exactly the pieces I already have, or into pieces that are even worse stat distribution and I don't want. So I can deconstruct them for a whopping 3 tech frags! And that's only if you win that you get that crate.


[As a side note, I think it's actually good that you only get the crate if you win - I just wish it was better gear. ESO does that, but when you win the first match every day you get a lot of XP, and good level gear. ]


And then the reward for playing is apparently 10 tech frags if you lose, and 15 if you win. At 3K frags per set piece, let me get my calculator... yeah, I think that's about 4 years worth of warzones. I computed it. :p


So you are left with getting lucky with renown crates. I've gotten one set bonus piece from crates. Not one that I want, of course.


Not to mention that you also need 1 million creds per direct buy, so at the money that PvP pays... PvP puts the "grind" in gear grind I think.


Of course, "but bolster!" I hear you cry. So we don't need gear for PvP! But if you noticed K'rea's little reveal of how deception sins will be fine, even super powerful!... it's all about the set bonus and tactical. Maybe that's true for other classes too, I don't know, but for my little shadow... ugh.


So how do you get the different types of tacticals, are they purely RNG from renown crates and loot drops from FP/OPs? Also, are all types of gear sets available on fleet or are some sets attained other ways?

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So how do you get the different types of tacticals, are they purely RNG from renown crates and loot drops from FP/OPs? Also, are all types of gear sets available on fleet or are some sets attained other ways?


You can buy tacticals directly on the fleet, from one of the vendors, and the same with set bonus sets. They are in the "first set of vendors" in the supply area. I don't know if all sets and tacticals are available that way or not. Those are the ones that are 3000 tech frags + 1 million credits each. They seem to come empty of any mods/armorings/hilts/enhancements though. So somehow you have to get those too.


There is also a list in the patch notes where they give the content "mostly likely to drop" each of the set bonuses. The one I want is dropped most by conquest. Lol on me for that.


[Edit: HOWEVER - I did just get some "lucky" rng. I checked the rotating stock vendor guy, Kai Zykken, and he actually had the Death Knell robe! His prices are 1/2 the tech frags, still 1 mill credits though. I also found that even though the armor/mod/enhance is listed as "unknown" in the vendor, once I bought it, it filled those in with the next level - I'm at ilvl 271, so it gave me 272 versions of all those.]

Edited by Banderal
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So how do you get the different types of tacticals, are they purely RNG from renown crates and loot drops from FP/OPs? Also, are all types of gear sets available on fleet or are some sets attained other ways?


I just went and bought the tactical I wanted for $1M credits and 3000 tech fragments when I maxed out at 5000 tech fragments. Much better than doing dailies and weeklies and hoping RNG would eventually give me the one I wanted.


However, other discussion in game chat suggested that there were more set bonuses out there than just the ones sold at the vendors, so now I'm wondering if that is in fact true.

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Guys, if you only want to do PvP then yes this update is going to suck. I highly recommend that you take a month or two doing PvE and finding the correct gear.


Read this thread by some randon ;):


You can reach 306 in a week doing vet FPs - faster if you run MM RR in stealth. You will most likely find plenty of gear and with tech frags you can buy the armor shells. Once you have 1 character setup, you send the gear to a different class and start out with 306 to get gear drops and tech frags to buy correct shells. I fully expect to be BiS with 8 characters within a month or two and having the correct tacticals and set bonus for most characters. Again, it sucks if you only want to do PvP, but this gearing system is the best we have had in ages. It is literally faster than 3.3 - 4.7 if you can convince yourself to do PvE.


PM me for a protip that I am not discussing here...

Edited by Lundorff
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I am really bummed to see this pvp crates only rewarded if you win... but if it give incentives to peeps try harder, then I am game also. If not then, meh... rng...


Read this thread by some randon ;):


Hmm, this guide says you get the crates for PvP based on how many medals. So that might also explain why sometimes I didn't get one. I don't dps-farm much, and spend my time trying to do that useless "get an objective" thing. So for losses sometimes I won't make the 8 medals. I'm just guessing 8 medals because that was the old "max reward" cap for a long time. No idea if it is now or not.


Also, that guide says that you get gear "at or one step above" your current level. But that's not what I'm seeing. I'm currently at iLvl 272, and the crate I just got from a PvP match dropped 270 gear as this pic shows. Maybe it's because for the specific piece of gear (package) I have one of them at 268 still (the other at 272), but that's not the way I've heard it described. I thought it was supposed to be based on entire iLvl. I'm going to put it in as a bug I guess.

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Yeah I'm not doing warzones. It's a real shame that the best rewards seem to be running flashpoints, but it is what it is. If you can get into a group and farm MM flashpoints, farm your way to 306, that's the quickest path. I don't have a bunch of friends to group with, so I'm just doing Vet Hammer station by myself over and over as a Deception Sin. Doing it with a stealth class is the fastest, by far. Skip all the mobs you can, get right to the bosses that drop the tech frags and gear. The downside is that they increased the difficulty and decreased companion healing effectiveness pretty significantly. I was going all the way through HS on the PTS with ease, with only a level 32 companion. Now my level 50 companion always dies on the last boss (standing in a circle and can't heal through it like on the PTS). So I don't ever complete the flashpoint. Just do the first two bosses, exit, reset phase, and start over again.


I think if any of us were so inclined, grouping up with stealth toons and farming flashpoints is by far the best route. Look on reddit r/swtor and you'll find Kreia made a post talking about it. He got to 306 in about two days by farming MM flashpoints with friends.

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Yeah I'm not doing warzones. It's a real shame that the best rewards seem to be running flashpoints, but it is what it is.


Agree about it being a shame. After grinding Ossus for gear I just can't grind pve again. The mere thought of it makes me want to uninstall the game. So I'll just slog my way through pvp matches. Yes, the fact that we *can* get geared in other ways, just slower, means this is technically still a "play your way" kind of solution. I guess. It would be nice though if we could gear at the same rate no matter how we played.

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Agree about it being a shame. After grinding Ossus for gear I just can't grind pve again. The mere thought of it makes me want to uninstall the game. So I'll just slog my way through pvp matches. Yes, the fact that we *can* get geared in other ways, just slower, means this is technically still a "play your way" kind of solution. I guess. It would be nice though if we could gear at the same rate no matter how we played.


As a pvper, the way gearing was with ossus was the worst kind of gearing they possibly have ever done for me, If you didnt do weekly ossus or daily ossus and rep until locked for the week means you couldnt gear past 248 ever. you were just stuck at 248 forever like how I was. Pvped for over half a year only and not a single gear gain. Now I can just grind a fp for 4 days and be done basically until whenever they release something else. its literally 10x better. if you can pvp 3-4 hrs a day for a week, you can do FPs for the same and be fully geared by the end of it. But then again even pvping for half a year or more is much better gearing than ossus for me so i'd rather do it the way you guys are, i just have a better option to get it done over with and just go back to pvping all day again

Edited by tharlainmar
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